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Dinnshenchas Érenn ‘The dinnshenchas of Ireland’

  • Middle Irish
  • prose, verse
  • Dinnshenchas Érenn, Medieval Irish literature
The Dinnshenchas Érenn is a compilation of literary compositions, in prose or verse, on lore surrounding the prominent places of Ireland. These texts usually offer origin legends which purport to explain how a well-known place in Ireland, such as a certain hill, plain or lake, received its present or former name. The genesis of this collection is usually dated to the late Middle Irish period (11th and 12th centuries).


Scholars have taken a range of different views on the complex relationships that exist between the various manuscript attestations of the prose and verse texts of the collection. [[E. J. Gwynn |Edward Gwynn]], the editor of The metrical dindsenchas, has argued that versions [[Dinnshenchas Érenn A |A (verse)]] and [[Dinnshenchas Érenn B |B (prose)]] constitute the earliest recension (Recension I), with the prose being little more than “abstracts of the corresponding poems”. He regards the [[Dinnshenchas Érenn C |mixed version C]] as the work of a later reviser (Recension II), who brought the prose and verse texts together and sometimes took the liberty to add a verse or prose counterpart if it was not present in his exemplar. Thurneysen (Rudolf) treats B as a distinct recension, but is otherwise in agreement that C is dependent on A and B.

A different and more recent view is that of Ó Concheanainn (Tomás), who takes the mixed version of C to be the earliest recension. It is suggested that version A is a collection of metrical extracts from a text ancestral to C, while B represents an abbreviated prose version of C.
L =
pp. 151–158, 161–164, 211–214, 215–216, 191–210, 208–214 (facsimile)
Bd. =
ff. 11ra (line 1)–15vb (line 24)
Parts of the prose and Temair V.
B2 =
pp. 462–590
Copy of BB.
R =
ff. 90–113, 116–125
Y =
pp. 438–455 (facsimile) cols 401–436
Smaller groups of poems:
H3 =
pp. 97–end
part 2
Copy of TCD 1436
  • Middle Irish
  • Middle Irish

prose, verse (primary)
Textual relationships
Related: Irish glossary from TCD 1337, pp. 623-628Irish glossary from TCD 1337, pp. 623-628Medieval Irish glossary in TCD 1337, pp. 623-628. Many of the entries are known from other works and learned compilations, such as Sanas Cormaic.O’Clery’s glossary (Foclóir na Sanasán Nua)O’Clery’s glossary (Foclóir na Sanasán Nua)

An Irish glossary compiled by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh. who dedicated it to Baothghalach Mac Aodhagáin.

Associated items
Dinnshenchas of ConnachtDinnshenchas of ConnachtPoem which offers a mythological account for the origin of the name Connacht, formerly Cóiced Ol nÉcmacht. 15 stanzas.


Dinnshenchas Érenn
Dinnshenchas Érenn
id. 6712

The Dinnshenchas Érenn is a compilation of literary compositions, in prose or verse, on lore surrounding the prominent places of Ireland. These texts usually offer origin legends which purport to explain how a well-known place in Ireland, such as a certain hill, plain or lake, received its present or former name. The genesis of this collection is usually dated to the late Middle Irish period (11th and 12th centuries).

Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature

Work in progress

Achall prose verse ‘Achall ar aicce Temair’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin) A C
Ailech (prose) prose C
Ailech I verse ‘Decid Ailech n-Imchill n-úaib’ A
Ailech II verse ‘Cía triallaid nech aisneis senchais Ailig eltaig’ (ascr. to Id:Flann Mainistrech) C
Ailech III verse ‘Ailech Frigrenn, faithche na ríg rígda in domain’ B C
Ailén Cobthaig prose verse ‘A Fedelm, a fholt-buide’
Alend prose verse ‘Alend óenach diar n-ócaib’ A C
Almu (prose) prose B C
Almu II verse ‘Almu robo cháem dia cois’ C
Áne Chlíach prose
Ard Fothaid prose verse ‘Ard Fothaid, in fetabair’ B C
Ard Lemnacht prose verse ‘Senchas Arda Lemnacht láin’ A C
Ard Macha prose verse ‘In mag imríadat ar n-eich’ B C
Ard na Riag prose verse ‘Ard na Riag, raid a fhoros’ C
Ard Ruide verse ‘Trí tuili / bít i n-dún Ardda Ruidi’ (ascr. to Id:Finn • Id:Caílte) A
Áth Clíath Cúalann prose verse ‘Ath Clíath fégaid lib colléic’ A C
Áth Clíath Medraige prose verse ‘Diambad mé nochinged ind’ (ascr. to Id:Flann mac Lónáin) A B C
Áth Crocha prose verse ‘Atorchair leo na h-inis’
Áth Fadat I prose verse ‘Monúar ní-for-táthaig’ (ascr. to Id:Etan) A C
Áth Fadat II prose verse ‘Líath Lurgan lúam gaiscid géir’ A C
Áth nGabla prose verse ‘Áth nGrencha, coímchlóifid ainm’ C
Áth Líac Find (prose) prose C
Áth Líac Find I verse ‘Áth Liac Find, cid dia tá?’ (ascr. to Id:Máel Muru Othna) A C
Áth Líac Find II prose verse ‘Ath Líac Find, cía lía diatá’ C
Áth Lúain prose verse ‘A fhir théit im-mag Medba’ A C
Athais Mide prose
Bairend Chermain prose verse ‘Bairend Chermain cid diatá’ A C
Belach Conglais prose verse ‘Rochúala seilgg, srethaib gal’ A C
Belach nDúirgein prose verse ‘Durgen fúair ingir cech aird’ A C
Belach Gabráin prose verse ‘Inmain dam in Gabrán glan’ (ascr. to Id:Find Fili mac Rossa Rúaid) A C
Benn Bóguine prose verse ‘Fil dam aichne áige’ A B C
Benn Boirche I prose verse ‘Boirche búadach, ba búaid fir’ B C
Benn Boirche II prose verse ‘In eól duíb in senchas sen’ C
Benn Codail prose verse ‘Senchas Codail cuimnig dam’ B C
Benn Étair (prose) prose C
Benn Étair I verse ‘Étar étan ri dílind’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin) A
Benn Étair II verse ‘Cid dorcha dam im lepaid’ A C
Benn Foibne prose verse ‘Eól dam co soirbi sercaig’ B C
Berba prose verse ‘In Berba búan a bailbe’ A B C
Bile Tortan prose verse ‘Bile Tortan dorochair’ C
Boand (prose) prose B C
Boand I verse ‘Síd Nechtain sund forsin t-shléib’ (ascr. to Id:Cuán ua Lothcháin) A C
Boand II verse ‘A Máilshechlainn mic Domnaill’ C
Bréchmag prose verse A C
Bréifne prose verse ‘Bréfne, cá h-adbar dia fail?’ (ascr. to Id:Fintan mac Bóchra) C
Brí Graide prose
Brí Léith prose verse ‘Mebuir lemm aní dia fail’ B C
Brug na Bóinne (prose) prose C
Carman prose verse ‘Eistid, a Laigniu nal-lecht’ (ascr. to Id:Fulartach • Id:Flann ... unidentified) A C
Carn Amalgaid prose verse ‘Seanchos chairnd Amalgaid fheil’ C
Carn Conaill prose verse ‘Findaid in senchas diatá’ (ascr. to Id:Mac Líacc ... Muirchertach) A C
Carn Feradaig prose verse ‘In carn-sa atchíu co ndechair’ A C
Carn Fraích prose verse ‘Carnd Fraich, ca hadbar dia fuil’ C
Carn Furbaide prose verse ‘Atá sund Carn uí Chathbath’ (ascr. to Id:Cuán ua Lothcháin) A B C
Carn Máil prose verse ‘Óebind a tarla ar m' aire’ A B C
Carn Uí Néit prose verse ‘Lecht Bressi co mbúada’ A B C
Carraic Lethdeirg prose verse ‘Lethderg, taidbritis ar tuir’ C
Ceilbe prose verse ‘Mithid dam comma Ceilbe’ (ascr. to Id:Ó Maoil Chonaire (Muirgheas mac Pháidín)) A C
Céis Chorainn prose verse ‘Sunda robói Corand cáin’ A C
Cell Chorbbáin verse ‘Cell Chorbbain, clár cen chreidim’ A
Cenn Cuirrig prose verse ‘Currech Life cona Lí’ A C
Cenn Febrat prose verse ‘Cend Febrat, álaind slíab sen’ (ascr. to Id:Mac Raith Úa Paain) A C
Cenn Finichair prose verse ‘Inmain in fáid Finichair’ (ascr. to Id:Finn mac Cumaill) A
Cerna prose verse ‘Cía bem sund nar suidi sel’ B C
Cleitech prose verse ‘Cleitech in druí díles daith’ B C
Clóenloch prose verse ‘Sund dodechaid Clóen ar chel’ B C
Cnocc Rafann prose verse ‘Inráith morsa (ł hisa) forsna mfil’ (ascr. to Id:Mac Dá Cherda) A
Cnogba prose verse ‘Búa, ingen Rúadrach Rúaid’ (ascr. to Id:Flann Mainistrech • Id:Flann mac Lonáin • Id:Flann file) B C
Cnucha I prose verse ‘Coic mna tucsadar ille’ C
Cnucha II prose verse ‘Cnucha, cnoc ós lind Life’ C
Codal prose verse ‘Tug mac an Dagdha dhimoír’
Coire mBreccáin prose verse ‘Coire Breccáin, bail i fail’ B C
Conachail prose verse ‘Corann, robo ben co céill’
Crechmáel prose verse ‘A drem-sa, nach duairc ic dáil’ A B C
Crotta Clíach prose verse ‘Sunda sefain fer síde’ B C
Crúachán Aigle prose verse ‘Oighle mac Deirg, derg a dhrech’
Descert verse ‘Athair Cailte, comul ngle’ A
Dindgnai Temrach prose C
Druim nAssail verse ‘Druim n-Assail, iarfaigther dam’ A
Druim Clíab prose verse ‘Sunda roboí Caurnán cass’ A B C
Druim Criaich prose verse ‘Druim Criaich, céte cét cuan’ (ascr. to Id:Cuán ua Lothcháin) A C
Druim nDairbrech prose verse ‘Cid diatá in druim, Druim nDairbrech?’ (ascr. to Id:Fulartach) A C
Druim Fíngin I verse ‘A éicse Banba co m-blaid’ A
Druim Fíngin II verse ‘Rop h-é-seo Druim n-Elgga n-oll’ A
Druim Súamaig (prose) prose B C
Druim Súamaig I verse ‘Druim Súamaig, dara saigid’ C
Druim Súamaig II verse ‘Feart Suamaigh sund ara leirg’ C
Druim Tairléime prose
Dubad prose
Dubthír prose verse ‘Dubthir Gúaire, gním dia fail’ A B C
Duiblinn prose verse ‘Ingen Roduib chaiss chalma’ A B C
Duma Oena, Duma Ilia, Áth Egone verse ‘Egone, Oena, Ilia’ A
Duma Selga prose verse ‘Duma Selga sund 'sin maig’ C
Dún Clúana Ithair prose verse ‘Bás Dubthaigh duind icá thaigh’
Dún Crimthainn prose verse ‘Madochód in echtra n-áin’ C
Dún Cuirc verse ‘Dún Cuirc, cia lín uaib dan eol’ (ascr. to Id:Cormac mac Cuilennáin) A
Dún nGabail prose verse ‘Tochmarc ingine Guill glais’ A C
Dún mac Nechtain Scéne prose verse ‘Necht Inbir Scéne ro scaíl’ B C
Dún Másc prose verse ‘Iarfaigid dím, comul ngle’ A B
Dún Ruissárach prose
Eithne prose B
Emain Macha prose
Eó Mugna verse ‘Eó Mugna, mór in crann cain’ C
Eó Rossa and other trees prose verse ‘Cia dorochair Cráeb Dá Thí’ A C
Ess Rúaid I prose verse ‘A fhir dodechaid atúaid’ A B C
Ess Rúaid II prose verse ‘Oclach thainic co hÆd ruad’ C
Faffand prose verse ‘Broccaid brogmar co n-gním gíall’ (ascr. to Id:Fulartach) A B C
Fert Medba verse ‘Fegaid fert, forum nglinni’ A
Fích mBúana prose verse ‘Dorat Búan, in ben nár bán’ B C
Fid nGaibli prose verse ‘Inmain dam in Gabol glan’ (ascr. to Id:Finn mac Cumaill • Id:Find ... unidentified) A B C
Findloch Cera prose verse ‘Atbér frib co húain iar n-an’ A B C
Finnglais prose verse ‘Roort Bláthnat ingen Mind’ B C
Fornocht prose verse ‘Fornocht do dún, a Druim nDen’ (ascr. to Id:Finn mac Cumaill • Id:Find) A C
Gáirech prose verse ‘Baile h-ir-ralsat gáir cen góe’ B C
Glaise Bulga prose verse ‘Glais-ben, ingen Deadhadh Deirg’
Glenn mBreogain prose
Grellach Dolluid prose
Inber nAilbine prose verse ‘A fhiru Muirid, miad ngle’ C
Inber mBicne prose verse ‘Aided Bicni, báid dia fail’ B C
Inber mBuada prose verse ‘Inber mBuada sloindter sin’ C
Inber Cíchmaine prose verse ‘Inber Cíchmaine, cid cress’ B C
Inis Samer prose
Introduction to the Dinnshenchas Érenn prose B C
Irarus prose verse ‘In eól duíb fri derbthas’ B C
Laigin (prose) prose A B C
Laigin I verse ‘Rohort in rígrad 'moa ríg’ A C
Laigin II verse ‘Labraid Loingsech, lór a lín’ A B C
Lecc Thollchinn prose verse ‘Lecc Thollchind, túachail in t-ainm’ B C
Lecht hÉile prose verse ‘Is eol dam-sa in dluig diatá’ A C
Lechtán Óenfhir Aífe prose verse ‘Lechtán sund óen-fhir Aífe’ C
Lége prose verse ‘Senchas Lége, láthar sain’ A C
Lía Lindgadain prose verse ‘Is eól dam aní dia fil’ B C
Lía Nothain prose verse ‘Atá sund fo choirthe chrúaid’ A B C
Liamuin prose verse ‘Dindgnai Lagen, líth ngaile’ (ascr. to Id:Fulartach) A C
Lind Féic prose
Loch nAindind prose verse ‘Loch n-Aindind ós Mide múad’ B C
Loch mBlonac prose verse ‘Turloch Silinde seo indé’ A C
Loch Cé prose verse ‘Loch Cé, cid imar' mebaid’ B C
Loch Cenn prose verse ‘Loch Cenn, cid na cinn diatá?’ C
Loch Con prose verse ‘Loch Con, cía ná fitir’ B C
Loch dá Cháech prose verse ‘Tancatar sund / óigid do chéin’ B C
Loch dá Gabar prose verse ‘Loch Dá Gabar, gním dia fail’ C
Loch nDechet prose verse ‘Adfethet laech, línib slúag’ A B C
Loch Dergderc prose verse ‘In lind-se lúadim cech lá’ A C
Loch nÉrne prose verse ‘Loch nÉrne, ard a oscur’ A B C
Loch Garman prose verse ‘Rí na loch in loch-sa thess’ (ascr. to Id:Eochaid ua Céirín) A B C
Loch Gile I verse ‘Ingen Romra, Gili glan’ C
Loch Gile II verse ‘Teid Gili, dia fothrugud i snighi’ C
Loch Gile (prose) prose C
Loch Laiglinde prose verse ‘Loch Laiglinde, loch na tonn’ C
Loch Léin prose verse ‘Dlegair do lind Locha Léin’ A B C
Loch Lugborta prose
Loch Néill prose verse ‘Lúadim Loch Néil, násad nglé’ A B C
Loch nOirbsen prose B
Loch Rí prose verse ‘In lind-se lúadit ethair’ A C
Loch Ríach prose verse ‘Loch Ríach, cá Ríach asa loch?’ A B C
Loch Semtide prose
Loch Séta prose verse ‘Sund robáided in sét sen’ B C
Luibnech prose verse ‘Sund rocoscrad in cétach’ B C
Luimnech prose verse ‘A fir fadlas sós na sen’ A B C
Lumman Tige Srafáin prose verse ‘Dubgilla dub-airm n-aisse’ (ascr. to Id:Dallán Forgaill) A
Lusmag prose verse ‘In eól duíb aní dia fail’ B C
Mag nAí prose verse ‘A fir, dia téis i mag n-Ái’ C
Mag nAidne prose verse ‘Mag nAidni, co muriur mag’ A B C
Mag mBreg prose verse ‘Secht maic Breogain, bríg cen brón’ B C
Mag Coba prose verse ‘Amra in mag imríadat fir’ B C
Mag Corainn prose B
Mag Dá Gési prose verse ‘In lia notheilginn do grés’ (ascr. to Id:Finn mac Cumaill) A C
Mag nDumach prose verse ‘Tír Úa Failge, fót na fían’ B C
Mag nEtrige prose verse ‘Líag is Lecmagh cona lí’
Mag Femin I prose verse ‘Femen ocus Fera find’ A B C
Mag Femin II prose verse A C
Mag Findabrach prose verse ‘Diambad mé nothecmad tair’ B C
Mag nÍtha verse ‘In mag itám sund 'nar socht’ B C
Mag Léna prose verse ‘Inmain in fert, fichtib slúag’ C
Mag Life prose verse ‘Life luchair, leór do blaid’ A C
Mag Luirg prose verse ‘Is eól dam im threbthas tó’ A B C
Mag Mandachta prose
Mag Methluachra prose verse ‘Leathluachair mór-óglach Finn’
Mag Mucrama prose verse ‘Mag Mucrime molas cách’ A C
Mag Mugna prose verse ‘Mugna, mo gnia feda féil’ B C
Mag Muirisce II verse ‘Muiriasc foccard in mhuir’ B C
Mag Muirisce prose verse ‘A fhir a Muirisc na marc’ A B C
Mag Muirthemne prose
Mag Raigne prose verse ‘Atchúala daig-fher ndámach’ A B C
Mag Slecht prose verse ‘Sund nobíd / idal ard, co n-immud fhích’ A C
Mag Tarbga and Findloch prose verse ‘Mag Tarbga can ro raded?’ B
Mag Tibra prose verse ‘Mag Tibra, treab co caime’ C
Mag nÚra prose
Maistiu I prose verse ‘Robái brón for bantrocht ban’ A C
Maistiu II verse ‘Dare derg, roderg frossa’ A
Medraige prose verse ‘Medraige mac Dorcain Maill’ C
Mide prose verse ‘Mide magen na marc mer’ (ascr. to Id:Áed úa Carthaig) A B C
Móenmag prose verse ‘Móenmag, cá Móen ótá in mag’ B C
Móin Gai Glais prose verse ‘Culdub mac Déin dia Samna’ A C
Móin Tíre Náir prose verse ‘Mebul lemm inní dia fail’ B C
Nás prose verse ‘Rúadri mac Aitte na n-ell’ (ascr. to Id:Mac Nía mac Óengusso • Id:Mac Nía) A C
Nemthenn prose verse ‘Dreco ingen Chalcmaíl chrúaid’ A B C
Ochan prose verse ‘Déiccid ferta níthaig Néill’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin) A C
Odba prose verse ‘Sund rohadnacht Odba úais’ B C
Odras prose verse ‘Odras, úais ind ingen’ B C
Óenach Uchbad verse ‘A caithir naem, comall ngle’ C
Oin Aub prose
Port Láirge prose verse ‘Fil sund áige do churp ríg’ A B C
Ráith Chnámrossa prose verse ‘Fail lim do Laignib cach ló’ A C
Ráith Chrinna prose verse ‘Crinna mac Cuinn, crúaidh a gaí’
Ráith Crúachain prose verse ‘Estid a churu im Chrúachain’ A B C
Ráith Ésa prose verse ‘Sund dessid domunemar’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin • Id:Mac Nía mac Óengusso) A C
Ráith Mór Maige Line prose verse ‘Ráth Rogein a h-ainm riasin’ B C
Róiriu in Uí Failge verse ‘Nímutanic ó thír thend’ (ascr. to Id:Finn mac Cumaill • Id:Find ... unidentified) A
Róiriu in Uí Muiredaig prose verse ‘Fail folach ós grían cen gái’ A C
Séig Mossad prose B C
Síd Duma prose
Sinann (prose) prose B C
Sinann I verse ‘Sáerainm Sinna saigid dún’ (ascr. to Id:Cúán úa Lothcháin) A C
Sinann II verse ‘Sinann, cá hadbar diatá’ C
Sláine prose verse ‘Adbath sund Sláine na slogh’
Slemain Mide prose
Slíab Badbgna prose
Slíab Betha prose verse ‘Atchíu lecht deóraid do chéin’ B C
Slíab Bladma prose verse ‘Blod mac Con maic Caiss clothaig’ (ascr. to Id:Fulartach) A B C
Slíab Callann prose verse ‘Is eól dam aní dia fail’ B C
Slíab Cúa prose verse ‘Tanic tam, truag ind airle’ A B
Slíab Echtge I prose verse ‘Senchas Echtga áine’ A B C
Slíab Fúait I verse ‘Foderc dam fri sellad suairc’ A
Slíab Fúait II prose verse ‘Finnaid úaim, co ségda suairc’ (ascr. to Id:Úa Duinn (Gilla na Náem)) B C
Slíab nGam prose verse ‘Gam, gilla Eireamanon oirrdric’ C
Slíab Mairge I verse ‘Ba garg in gein im gním nhgá’ A
Slíab Mairge II prose verse ‘Margg mac Giúsca co ngné glain’ A B C
Slíab Mis prose verse ‘Míss, ingen Maireda múaid’ A B C
Slíab Slanga prose verse ‘Slanga, mac Pártholáin grínd’
Slige Dála prose verse ‘Senchas cía lín noniarfaig’ A C
Snám Dá Én prose verse ‘Snám Da Én, na éoin diatá’ A
Srúb Bó prose B
Srúb Brain prose verse ‘Matan do Choin na Cerdda’ A C
Sruthar Matha prose verse ‘Sruthar Matha, maídid lib’ B C
Tailtiu prose verse ‘A chóemu críche Cuind chain’ (ascr. to Id:Cuán ua Lothcháin) A B C
Tech nDuinn prose
Temair I verse ‘Temair Breg, cid ní diatá’ (ascr. to Id:Fintan mac Bóchra) C
Temair II verse ‘Ní cheil maissi dona mnáib’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin) A C
Temair III verse ‘Temair, toga na tulach’ (ascr. to Id:Cúán úa Lothcháin • Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin) C
Temair IV verse ‘Domun duthain (a lainde)’ (ascr. to Id:Cináed úa hArtacáin • Id:Cormac fili) C
Temair V verse ‘Temair, Tailtiu, tír n-óenaig’ B C
Temair Lúachra prose verse ‘In Lúachair dano, in Lúachair’ C
Tethba prose verse ‘Dorat Tethba don tír thúaid’ B C
Tipra Brothlaige prose verse ‘Tucsad cend Dornmáir dhaltaidh’
Tipra Sengarmna prose verse ‘Tipra Sen-Garmna fo a snas’ (ascr. to Id:Fergus Fínbél) A C
Tlachtga prose verse ‘Tlachtga, tulach ordain úais’ B C
Tonn Chlidna I verse ‘Clidna Cheindfhind, búan in bét’ C
Tonn Chlidna II verse ‘Genann mac Triúin, torum ndil’ C
Tonn Chlidna (prose) prose B C
Tráig Eba prose
Tráig Thuirbe prose verse ‘Tráig Thuirbe, turcbaid a h-ainm’ B C
Túag Inbir and Loch nEchach prose verse ‘Túag Inber álaind, gáeth glass’ (ascr. to Id:Bard Maile) A B C
Túaim Dá Gualann verse ‘Tuaim Da Gualaind, cred da buil’ C
Tulach Eógain prose verse ‘Tathum domna bróin ar beirt’ A C
Úaig Búana prose
Umall prose verse ‘Umall gilla Fíntain fhél’


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J. [ed. and tr.], The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, Todd Lecture Series, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1903–1935.
CELT – vol. 1 (edition): <link> CELT – vol. 1 (translation): <link> CELT – vol. 2 (edition): <link> CELT – vol. 2 (translation): <link> CELT – vol. 3 (edition): <link> CELT – vol. 3 (translation): <link> CELT – vol. 4 (edition): <link> CELT – vol. 4 (translation): <link> Internet Archive – vols 1-3: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 2: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 3: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 4: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 5: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 1, Todd Lecture Series, 8, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1903.  
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – vols. 1-3: <link>  : View in Mirador
[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 2, Todd Lecture Series, 9, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1906.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 2: <link> Internet Archive – vols. 1-3: <link>  : View in Mirador
[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 3, Todd Lecture Series, 10, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1913.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 3: <link> Internet Archive – vols. 1-3: <link>  : View in Mirador
[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 4, Todd Lecture Series, 11, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1924.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 4: <link>  : View in Mirador
[ed.] [tr.] Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 5, Todd Lecture Series, 12, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1935.
Internet Archive – vol. 5: <link>  : View in Mirador
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, “The Edinburgh dinnshenchas”, Folk-Lore 4 (1893): 471–497.
TLH – edition: <link> TLH – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, “The Bodleian dinnshenchas”, Folk-Lore 3 (1892): 467–516.
TLH – edition: <link> TLH – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, “The prose tales in the Rennes dindshenchas”, Revue Celtique 15 (1894): 272–336, 418–484.  

An edition and translation of the prose texts in the Dinnshenchas Érenn as they occur in Rennes, Bibliothèque de Rennes Métropole, MS 598. Missing texts are supplied from the Book of Lecan version.

TLH – edition (I, pp. 277-336): <link> TLH – translation (I): <link> TLH – edition (II, pp. 418-484): <link> TLH – translation (II): <link> Celtic Digital Initiative: <link> Internet Archive – 272–336: <link> Internet Archive – 272–336: <link> Internet Archive – 418–484: <link> Internet Archive – 418–484: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, “The prose tales in the Rennes dindshenchas”, Revue Celtique 16 (1895): 31–83, 135–167, 269–312, 468.
TLH – edition (III, 31-83): <link> TLH – translation (III): <link> TLH – edition (IV, pp. 135-167): <link> TLH – translation (IV): <link> Celtic Digital Initiative – PDF: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Crowe, John O'Beirne [ed. and tr.], “The dind-senchus of Eriu”, The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 4th series, 2:1 — 1872 (1874): 139–190.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
Edition and translation of the texts concerning Tara from the Book of Ballymote.

Secondary sources (select)

Theuerkauf, Marie-Luise, Dindshenchas Érenn, Cork Studies in Celtic Literatures, 7, Cork: CSCL, 2023.  

The purpose of the present volume is to provide an accessible overview and entry into the complex literary creation known as Dindshenchas Érenn ‘History of the Notable Places of Ireland’. The five chapters in the book consider different aspects of the Dindshenchas corpus, ranging from the manuscript sources; the format and structure of the various texts so labelled; an overview of the scholarship published to date; the dating of the corpus; the Dindshenchas as a branch of aetiological literature; and an analysis of the literary connections between the Dindshenchas and medieval Irish literature generally.

Hellmuth, Petra S., “The Dindshenchas and Irish literary tradition”, in: John Carey, Máire Herbert, and Kevin Murray (eds), Cín Chille Cúile: texts, saints and places. Essays in honour of Pádraig Ó Riain, 9, Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications, 2004. 116–126.
Ó Concheanainn, Tomás, “The three forms of Dinnshenchas Érenn [part 1]”, Journal of Celtic Studies 3 (1981–1983): 88–101.
Ó Concheanainn, Tomás, “The three forms of Dinnshenchas Érenn [part 2]”, Journal of Celtic Studies 3 (1981–1983): 102–131.
Ó Concheanainn, Tomás, “A pious redactor of Dinnshenchas Érenn”, Ériu 33 (1982): 85–98.
Ó Concheanainn, Tomás, “An dinnsheanchas próis”, Ph.D. thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway, 1977.
Bowen, Charles, “A historical inventory of the Dindshenchas”, Studia Celtica 10–11 (1975–1976): 113–137.
Gwynn, E. J., The metrical dindsenchas, 5 vols, vol. 5, Todd Lecture Series, 12, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1935.
Internet Archive – vol. 5: <link>  : View in Mirador
Gwynn, E. J., “The Dindshenchas in the Book of Uí Maine”, Ériu 10 (1926–1928): 68–91.
Internet Archive – 10 part 1: <link> Internet Archive – 10 part 2: <link> Internet Archive – Table of contents: <link>
Thurneysen, Rudolf, Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert, Halle: Niemeyer, 1921.  

Contents: Part 1 (chapters 1-23): Allgemeines; Part 2 (chapters 1-85): Die Ulter Sage.

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36–46 direct link
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
September 2011, last updated: January 2024