Dindgnai Temrach ‘The remarkable places of Tara’

  • Middle Irish
  • prose
  • Dinnshenchas Érenn, dinnshenchas
Prose dinnshenchas tract giving a survey of the remarkable places (dindgnai) in Tara and their background.
First words (prose)
  • Nemnach .i. ...
Context(s)The (textual) context(s) to which the present text belongs or in which it is cited in part or in whole.
Separate version, i.e. independent from the Dinnshenchas Érenn:
Version in Dinnshenchas Érenn C (mixed recension):
ff. 90va–91ra
rubric: ‘Dindgnai Temrach inso sís’
col. 401
Beginning at § 26 of Stokes’ edition in RC 15: 282. The previous leaf appears to have been lost.
  • Middle Irish
  • Middle Irish

prose (primary)
Textual relationships
Related: Scéla Cormaic ⁊ CiarnaiteScéla Cormaic ⁊ CiarnaiteBrief account of the affair between Cormac mac Airt and Cíarnat, a Pictish princess who was taken captive.Dinnshenchas of Temair (prose)Dinnshenchas of Temair (prose)Dinnshenchas of Temair IDinnshenchas of Temair IPoem on the former names and legendary associations of the Hill of Tara. Versions are extant in recensions of LGÉ as well as the Dinnshenchas Érenn.Temair IITemair II

Dinnshenchas of Temair.

Dinnshenchas of Temair IIIDinnshenchas of Temair IIIDinnshenchas of TemairTurim tigi TemrachTurim tigi Temrach

Dinnshenchas of Temair.

Dinnshenchas of Temair VDinnshenchas of Temair VPoem on the dinnshenchas of Temair (Tara), consisting mostly of a long list of placenames.


Dinnshenchas Érenn
Dinnshenchas Érenn
id. 6712
dinnshenchasIrish narrative literature, onomastic lore and learning, topographical literature
id. 32607


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Tech MairisenTech Mairisen
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Ráith Loeguire maic NeillRáith Loeguire maic Neill
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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

LL text
[dipl. ed.] Best, Richard Irvine, Osborn Bergin, M. A. OʼBrien, and Anne OʼSullivan [eds.], The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, 6 vols, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1954–1983.
CELT – 1-260: <link> CELT – 400-470 (excl. Táin bó Cúailnge): <link> CELT – 471-638 and 663 (excl. Dinnshenchas Érenn): <link> CELT – 761-781 and 785-841 (excl. Dinnshenchas Érenn and Togail Troí): <link> CELT – 1119-1192 and 1202-1325 (excl. Esnada tige Buchet and Fingal Rónáin ): <link>
Vol. 1: 120–123. Diplomatic edition of the LL text. direct link
Dinnshenchas Érenn C text
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, “The prose tales in the Rennes dindshenchas”, Revue Celtique 15 (1894): 272–336, 418–484.  

An edition and translation of the prose texts in the Dinnshenchas Érenn as they occur in Rennes, Bibliothèque de Rennes Métropole, MS 598. Missing texts are supplied from the Book of Lecan version.

TLH – edition (I, pp. 277-336): <link> TLH – translation (I): <link> TLH – edition (II, pp. 418-484): <link> TLH – translation (II): <link> Celtic Digital Initiative: <link> Internet Archive – 272–336: <link> Internet Archive – 272–336: <link> Internet Archive – 418–484: <link> Internet Archive – 418–484: <link>
280–289 §§ 5-42
[ed.] [tr.] Crowe, John O'Beirne [ed. and tr.], “The dind-senchus of Eriu”, The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 4th series, 2:1 — 1872 (1874): 139–190.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
[ed.] [tr.] Petrie, George, and John OʼDonovan [collaborator], “On the history and antiquities of Tara Hill”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 18 (1839): 25–232.
Internet Archive: <link>
136–142 direct link

Secondary sources (select)

Downey, Clodagh, “Dindṡenchas and the tech midchúarta”, Ériu 60 (2010): 1–35.  
The banqueting hall (tech midchúarta) of Tara is vividly described in a variety of medieval Irish sources. This paper examines descriptions of the physical layout and social regulation of the banqueting hall in some of these sources with a view to retrieving how their authors understood its form and function, and assesses evidence associating the banqueting hall with the cursus monument in Tara known today as Tech Midchúarta.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
August 2011, last updated: January 2024