Medieval Irish tale lists

  • Middle Irish
  • prose, list
  • Medieval Irish literature, lists (document genres)
  • Middle Irish
Lists A and B are thought to go back to a list of unknown length which was compiled in the 10th century.
prose, list (primary)
Textual relationships
A poem attributed to Flannacán mac Cellaig (d. 896), king of Brega, beginnning ‘Innid scél scaílter n-airich’ refers to several of the titles in list B. It is assumed that the author had access to a parent version of List B, or something similar.(1)n. 1 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 109–110.
Related: Irish note on Conaire Mór and the Ulster CycleIrish note on Conaire Mór and the Ulster CycleAn Irish note found in BL Harley MS 5280 on the chronological relationship between Conaire Mór and certain tales of the Ulster Cycle.
Associated items
Medieval Irish tale lists/gnáthscélaMedieval Irish tale lists/gnáthscélaThe opening section in version B of the medieval Irish tale lists and not found in version A. It offers a list of gnáthscéla (miscellaneous tales), many of which refer to individual episodes in Táin bó Cúailnge.Medieval Irish tale lists/ToglaMedieval Irish tale lists/ToglaMedieval Irish tale lists/TochmarcaMedieval Irish tale lists/TochmarcaMedieval Irish tale lists/CathaMedieval Irish tale lists/CathaMedieval Irish tale lists/ÚathaMedieval Irish tale lists/ÚathaMedieval Irish tale lists/ImmramaMedieval Irish tale lists/ImmramaThe section of titles referring to tales about voyages and exiles (tale list A only)Medieval Irish tale lists/FessaMedieval Irish tale lists/FessaMedieval Irish tale lists/EchtraiMedieval Irish tale lists/EchtraiMedieval Irish tale lists/CompertaMedieval Irish tale lists/CompertaMedieval Irish tale lists/AithedaMedieval Irish tale lists/AithedaMedieval Irish tale lists/OirgneMedieval Irish tale lists/OirgneMedieval Irish tale lists/TomadmaMedieval Irish tale lists/TomadmaMedieval Irish tale lists/Físi and BailiMedieval Irish tale lists/Físi and BailiMedieval Irish tale lists/SercaMedieval Irish tale lists/SercaMedieval Irish tale lists/TochomladaMedieval Irish tale lists/Tochomlada


Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature

lists⟨varieties of text by form⟩
id. 28851

lists, catalogues of people, enumerations of things, etc.


early Irish literaturevernacular Irish literature
early Irish literature
id. 26377
The following table offers a simplified overview of the titles included in the medieval Irish tale-lists A and B. For a semi-diplomatic edition of these lists and a full discussion, see Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980). Detailed notes will be provided elsewhere.
Normalised title List A List B Corresponding texts
LL TCD 1336 23 N 10 Rawlinson B 512 Harleian 5280 Gaelic MS 7 Harleian 432


Miscellaneous opening section not found in tale-list A. Many of the titles are derived from episodes of the Táin Bó Cúailnge.
Aided Con Culaind x 1 1 Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemne, also known as Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemne
Serglige Con Culainn 1 x 2 Serglige Con Culainn
Tromdam Echach Aireman 2 2 3 An episode of Tochmarc Étaíne, corresponding to ‘Tesbaid Etaine’ in the LU version (p. 99).(2)n. 2 Marie-Henri D'Arbois de Jubainville, Essai d'un catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande: précédé d'une étude sur les manuscripts en langue irlandaise conservés dans les Iles Britanniques et sur le continent (1883): 252–253.
Scél Uath hEcailsi 3 3 4
Gabail in tSidhe 4 4 5 De gabáil in t-shída
Aislingi in Maic Oig 5 5 6 Aislinge Óenguso
Tain Bo Cuailnge 6 6 7 Táin bó Cúailnge
Cupar in da Mucadha 7 7 8 De chophur in dá muccida
Longus nUlad 8 8 9 Either Fochonn loingse Fergusa meic Roich or Longes mac nUislenn.(3)n. 3 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 67 note 4.
Congala Conaild Cernaigh 9 9 10
Cathbuadha Con Roi 10 10 11
Caladhgleo Cethirn 11 11 12 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Mellgleo Iliach 12 12 13 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Fiacalgleo Finntain 13 13 14 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Airecar nArad 14 14 15 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Brislech Moighi Murtheimne 15 15 16 either Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemne or an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge of the same title
Imsligi Glendamnach 16 16 17 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
In Cath for Gairich ⁊ Irgairich 17 17 18 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Ús in Duiu Chuailngne dia Thir 18 18 19
Damghal ina Tarbh a Tarbda 19 19 20
Tochustal nUlad 20 20 21 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Fercuitred Medhba 21 21 22 Ferchuitred Medba
Mesca Ulad 22 22 23 Mesca Ulad
Boithreim Ulad 23 23 24
Forbuis bFer bFalgae 24 24 25 Forfess Fer Fálgae
Toicheim ina Buidhen 25 25 26 an episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Airne Finghin 26 26 27 Airne Fíngein
Scéla Alaxandair maic Pilip ac gabail righi ⁊ imperichta in domain 27 27 28


togail ‘destruction, attack’ (pl. togla). List B in 23 N 10 and Harleian 5280 devotes two sections to them, which are here distinguished as a and b. Cf. orcain.
Trechuairt/Treochair Tigi Lir 1 1 b1 x b1
Tunide Tige Burig/Buired 2 2 b2 x b2 1(4)n. 4 ‘Trecuairt Tighe Buradaig’
Smutgal Tige Duma 3 3 b3 x b3 2 (5)n. 5 ‘Smutgal Tigi Dumach’ 2
Deochair Tige Cathbadh 4 4 b4 x b4
Togail Tige Nechtain 5 5 x x x 1 3
Togail Tige hEchada x x b5 x b5
Togail Bruidne Uí/Da Derga 6 (6)n. 6 Togail Bruidne Uí Dergga 6 (7)n. 7 Togail Bruidne Da Derga a7 7 a7 3 4 Togail bruidne Da Derga
Togail Bruidne Broin [Briain] meic Briuin 7 8 b6 x b6
Togail Bruidne hUí Duile 8 7 b7 x b7
Togail Bruidne Da Choca/Choga 9 9 a8 8 a8 4 5 Bruiden Da Choca
Togail Trai x x a1 1 a1
Togail Dio x x a2 2 a2
Togail in Tuir x x a3 3 a3
Togail Larisa x x a4 4 a4
Togail Elcluaidi x x a5 5 a5
Togail Duine Óenguso x x a6 6 a6
Togail Bruidne Bélcon Breifne x x a9 9 a9 Aided Cheit maic Mágach
Togail Dá Thi x x a10 10 a10


táin ‘driving off, (cattle-)raid’ (pl. tána); section ii. in tale list A (LL)
Táin Bó Cuailnge 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Táin bó Cúailnge
Táin teora n-erc Echdach 2 2 x x x possibly Aided Chon Roí?(8)n. 8 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 93.
Táin Bó Rois/Ruis 3 3 x x x 3 probably a version of Aided Chonchobair.(9)n. 9 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
Táin Bó Regamain 4 4 3 5 3 Táin bó Regamain
Táin Bó Regamna x x 4 6 5 1 2 Táin bó Regamna
Táin Bó Flidais(i) 5 5 x x x 5 3 Táin bó Flidais
Táin Bó Fraích 6 6 2 2 2 4 5 Táin bó Fraích
Táin Bó Fithir 7 7 x x x
Táin Bó Faílín 8 8 x x x
Táin Bó Gé/Gae 9 9 x x x
Táin Bó Dartada 10 10 x 5 4 4 Táin bó Dartada
Táin Bó Darti/Darta (?) x x x 3 x 6
Táin Bó Crebain 11 x x x x
Táin Bó Aidne x x x x x 7 may be Táin Be Aingen, i.e. Echtra Nerai.(10)n. 10 Rudolf Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert (1921): 311.


tochmarc ‘wooing, courtship’ (pl. tochmarca); section iii in tale list A (LL)
Tochmarc Meidbe 1 1 x x x 1 1
Tochmarc nEmire/Eimiri <la Coin Culaind> 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 Tochmarc Emire
Tochmarc Ailbe <ingine Cormaic le Find (úa Báiscne)> 3 3 2 3 2 4 5 Tochmarc Ailbe
Tochmarc Étaíne 4 4 x 1 x 3 2 Tochmarc Étaíne
Tochmarc Feafe/Fea 5 5 x x x
Tochmarc Feirbe 6 6 x x x Tochmarc Ferbe
Tochmarc Finnine/Fininde 7 7 x x x
Tochmarc Greine Finne/Finde 8 8 x x x
Tochmarc Greine Duinne/Duinde 9 9 x x x
Tochmarc Saidbe Sescind/Seiscind 10 10 x x x 4
Tochmarc Fithirne ⁊ Darine da ingen Tuathail 11 11 x x x 5 6
Tochmarc mna Cruinn/Cruind (maic Agnomain) 12 12 x x x 6 Noínden Ulad
Tochmarc Eithne Uathaige ingine Crimthaind 13 13 x x x ‘Loinges Eithne Uathaige’ (A) below; ‘Tomchomlud na nDési ó Themraig’ (A and B), or a part of it.(11)n. 11 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.


cath ‘battle’ (pl. catha)
Cath Maige Tuired 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 Cath Maige Tuired
Cath Talten/Taillten 2 2 x x x 3(12)n. 12 ‘Cath Taillten re clandaib Miled’
Cath Maige Mucrama 3 3 4 4 4 Cath Maige Mucrama
Cath Dromma Dólach dara díta Cruthnig / Daloch dar dithaig Cruithnig 4 4 x x x
Cath Maige Rath 5 5 x x x Cath Maige Rath
Cath Coraind 6 6 x x x Cath Corainn
Cath Cláire 7 7 x x x
Cath Tóiden / Cath Boinde 8 C. Tóiden 8 C. Boinde x x x Ferchuitred Medba
Cath Temrach 9 9 x x x
Cath Cind Fabrat / Abrat x x 2 2 2
Cath Maige hIthe x x 3 3 3 1(13)n. 13 ‘Cath Muige hItha a Parrtalon’ 1(14)n. 14 ‘Cath Muighe Itha ria Partholon’
Cath Cilli Osnaide/Osnada x x 5 5 5
Cath Aichli x x 6 6 6 Cath Aichli
Cath Dubchomair x x 7 7 7
Cath Frémand x x 8 8 8
Cath Nemed la Fomorchaib x x x x x 2 2
Cath tanaisde Tuath De Danann x x x x x 4


úath ‘terror’ (pl. úatha), unique to list A
Uath Angeda 1 1
Uath Ecalsa Imchummair / Egailsi in Comair 2 2
Uath Belaig Con Glais 3 3
Uath Licce Blada/Blatha 4 4
Uath Maige Uatha 5 5
Uath Maige Imbolg / Bolg 6 6
Uath Beinne Etair 7 7 Úath Beinne Étair
Uath Locha Lurgan 8 8
Uath Dercce Ferna 9 9 a tale of the Finn Cycle, possibly the same text as ‘Echtra Fhind i nDerc Ferna’, presumed lost.(15)n. 15 Kuno Meyer, Fianaigecht (1910): xxiv.
Uath Úama Crúachan 10 10


immram / imram ‘sea-voyage’ (pl. im(m)rama)
longes, loinges ‘exile, banishment; naval expedition’
Imram (curaig) Maele Duin 1 1
Imram hua Corra 2 x
Imram Luinge Murchertaig maic Erca 3 2
Longes Breg Léith 4 3
Longes Brecain/Bracain 5 4
Longes Eithne Uathaige x 5 ‘Tochmarc Eithne Uathaige ingine Crimthand’ (A); ‘Tomchomlud na nDési ó Themraig’ (A and B), or a part of it.(16)n. 16 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
Longes Labrada 6 6
Longes Ḟothaid 7 7


aided ‘violent death’ (pl. aideda, or with syncope, oitte); unique to tale list A
Aided Con Ruí 1 1 Aided Chon Roí
Aided Con Culaind 2 2 Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemne
Aided Fir Dead/Diag 3 10 An episode of Táin bó Cúailnge
Aided Conaill 4 4 Goire Conaill Chernaig ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig?
Aided Celtchair 5 5 Aided Cheltchair maic Uthechair
Aided Blaí Briugaid 6 6 Part of Aided Cheltchair maic Uthechair
Aided Loegaire 7 7 Aided Lóegairi Búadaig?
Aided Fergusa 8 8 Aided Fergusa meic Roich or Aidedh Ferghusa meic Léide?
Aided Chonchobair 9 9 Aided Chonchobair
Aided Ḟiamain/Fiadmain 10 3
Aided Mael Ḟathartaig maic Ronain 11 11 Fingal Rónáin
Aided Taidc maic Cein 12 13
Aided maic Ṡamain 13 x
Aided Find x 12


fess / feis ‘feast’ (pl. fessa). Cf. fled.
Feis Tige Fir Blaí 1 1 x x x
Feis Tige Bichair 2 2 x x x
Feis Tige Tulchinne / Tulcainde 3 3 x x x
Feis Tige Trichim / Treithim 4 4 x x x
Feis Tige Li 5 5 x x x
Feis Tige Linne 6 6 x x x
Feis Tige Guit/Guid 7 7 x x x
Feis Tige Gnaar/Gnair 8 8 x x x
Feis Tige trí mac Demonchatha 9 9 x x x
Feis Tige Auscle / Uichtcle 10 10 x x x
Feis Tige Mell Dolaig 11 11 x x x
Feis (Tige) Cruachan 12 12 x x x
Feis (Tige) Emna / Amna 13 13 x x x
Feis (Tige) Alend 14 14 (17)n. 17 The text has ‘Feis Tige Taillith’, regarded by Mac Cana as a corruption. x x x
Feis (Tige) Temra 15 15 x x x
Feis (Tige) Dúin Bolg 16 16 x x x
Feis Dúin Buchet 17 x x x x
Feis Tige Bricrend x x 1 1 1
Feis Tige Monduirnd x x 2 2 2
Feis Tige (h)Ichtair x x 3 3 3
Feis Tige Caire x x 4 4 4
Feis Tige Gnen (?) x x x 5 x
Feis Tige Gnoain x x 5 6 5
Feis Tige Nuclin x x 6 7 6
Feis Tige Melladain x x 7 8 7


forbais / forfess ‘beleaguering, siege, night-watch’ (pl. forbossa / forfessa); unique to tale list A
Forbais Fer Fálga 1 1 Forfess Fer Fálgae
Forbais Etair 2 2 Talland Étair
Forbais Aichli / Oichli 3 3
Forbais Dúin Bárc 4 4
Forbais Dúin Binne 5 5
Forbais Fer Fidga 6 6
Forbais Life 7 7
Forbais Ladrann / Ladrand 8 8
Forbais Dromma Damgaire 9 9 Forbuis Droma Damhghaire


echtra / echtrae ‘adventure, expedition’, lit. ‘outing’ (pl. echtrai), typically a journey to the Otherworld.
Echtra Brain maic Febail x x 1 1 1 Immram Brain
Echtra Fergusa maic Léiti x x 2 2 2 Echtra Fergusa maic Léti
Echtra Nera <maic Niadain (maic Tacaim)> 1 1 3 3 3 Echtra Nerai
Echtra Fiamain 2 2 x x x
Echtra Con Ruí 3 3 x x x
Echtra Óenguso maic Fergusa Find x x 4 4 4
Echtra Con Culaind 4 4 5 5 5
Echtra Conaill 5 5 x x x
Echtra Conchobair 6 6 x x x
Echra Crimthaind Nia Náir 7 7 6 6 6 Lost, but see Echtrae Chrimthainn Nia Náir‎
Echra Macha ingine Aeda Ruaid 8 8 x x x Dinnshenchas of Emain Macha
Echtra Nechtain maic Alfroinn 9 9 x x x
Echtra Ailchind maic Amalgaid / Eilcind maic Amalgada 10 10 x x x
Echtra Fhind i nDerc Ferna 11 11 x x x See ‘Uath Dercce Ferna’
Echtra Aedain maic Gabráin 12 12 x x x
Echtra Mael Uma maic Baitain/Baedain 13 13 x x x
Echtra Mongain maic Fiachna 14 14 x x x
Echtra Chuinn Cétchathaig x x 7 7 7
Echtra Airt maic Cuind x x 8 8 8 Echtra Airt meic Cuind ⁊ tochmarc Delbchaíme ingine Morgáin
Echtra Muirchertach maic Erca x x 9 10 10
Echtra Cormaic uí Chuinn / maic Airt x x 10 9 9


compert ‘conception (and birth)’ (pl. comperta); unique to list B
Coimpert Conchobair x x 1 1 2 Compert Conchobuir
Coimpert Con Culainn x x 2 2 1 Compert Con Culainn
Coimpert Conaill Chernaig x x 3 3 3 Compert Conaill Chernaig
Coimpert Cheltchair maic Uithechair x x 4 4 4
Coimpert Chormaic hui Cuind x x 5 5 5 Geneamuin Chormaic ua Chuind


aithed ‘elopement’ (pl. aitheda). Cf. tochmarc.(18)n. 18 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 74–75.
Aithed Mugaine re Fiamain /Mugaine re Fiadaine 1 1 x x x
Aithed Deirdrinne re macaib Uisnech 2 2 x x x Longes mac nUislenn
Aithed Aefe ingine Eogain re Mes Dead / Deagad 3 3 x x x
Aithed Naise ingine Fergusa re Nertach mac ui Léith / mac Cuilein 4 4 x x x
Aithed mna Gaieir maic Deirg re Glass mac Cimbaetha 5 5 x x x
Aithed Bláthnaite ingine Puill/Paill maic Ḟidaig(19)n. 19 See note for Harleian MS below. re Coin Culaind.(20)n. 20 See note for TCD 1336 below. 6 6 (21)n. 21 TCD 1336 has Bláthnait elope with Conchobar rather than Cú Chulainn, presumably in error. 1 1 1 (22)n. 22 Harleian 5280 names Bláthnat's father Mind mac Fidaig. Aided Chon Roí?
Aithed Grainne <ingine Cormaic> re Diarmait <ua nDuibne> 7 7 2 2 2 Tóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne
Aithed Muire re Dub Ruis 8 8 3 3 3
Aithed Ruithcherni(23)n. 23 al. ‘Suithcherne’ in Harleian 5280 re Cuanu mac Cailchin 9 9 4 4 4 (24)n. 24 ‘Suithcherne’ in Harleian 5280
Aithed Eirce ingine Loorin/Logairnn re Muiredach mac Eogain 10 10 5 5 5
Aithed Díge / Creide re Laidcnén 11 Díge 11 Creide 6 6 6
Aithed mná Ailella maic Eógain re Fothud Canann 12 12 7 7 7


orcain, orgain ‘ravaging, slaughter’ (pl. oirgne)
Orgain Maige Cé Gala mac Febail / A. Muigi Ce Dala 1 1 1 1 1
Orgain Átha hÍ 2 x 2 2 2 Bruiden Átha Í?
Orgain Dune Dubglaisse 3 x 3 3 3
Orgain Dinn Ríg / Dindaraig (25)n. 25 probably for ‘Denda Ríg’ 4 2 4 4 4 Orgain Denna Ríg
Orgain Atha Cliath 5 3 5 5 5
Orgain Duine Delga <or Delgon> 6 4 6 6 6
Orgain Tuir Chonaind 7 5 13 13 13
Orgain Ailig for Néitt mac Indui / A. Neid maic Indaig a nAileach 8 6 14 14 14
Orgain Belcon Breifne 9 7 15 15 15
Orgain Cairpri Cind Caitt for saerchlannaib hErend 10 8 16 16 16
Orgain Echach for a maccaib 11 9 17 17 17
Orgain Chaille Chonaill 12 10 18 18 18
Orgain Donnán Ego 13 x 7 7 7
Orgain Maic Da Thó 14 11 8 8 8
Orgain mac Mágach 15 12 9 9 9
Orgain Side Nenta 16 13 10 10 10
Orgain Sratha Cluada <or: Slúaga> 17 14 11 11 11
Orgain Sleibe Soilgech 18 15 12 12 12
Orgain Ratha Rigbaird 19 16 19 19 19
Orgain Ratha Ruis Guill 20 17 20 20 20
Orgain Ratha Túaige 21 18 21 21 21
Orgain Ratha Tuaisle 22 19 22 22 22
Orgain Ratha Tobachta 23 20 23 23 23
Orgain Ratha Timchill 24 21 24 26 24
Orgain Ratha Cuinge 25 22 25 27 25
Orgain Ratha Cuillend 26 23 26 24 26
Orgain Cróchan / A. Ratha Cruachan 27 24 27 25 27
Orgain Cathrach Boirche 28 25 28 28 28
Orgain Ratha Blai 29 26 29 29 29
Orgain Ratha Gaila / Guanlai <or: Guale> 30 27 30 30 30
Orgain Ratha Uillne 31 28 31 31 31
Orgain Ratha Náis 32 29 32 32 32
Orgain Benne/Beinde Cé 33 30 33 33 33
Orgain Ratha Grainaird 34 31 34 34 34
Orgain Ratha Búirig / Buirich 35 32 35 35 35
Braflang Scóine 36 33 x x x
Aigidecht Artúir / Aigse Airduus 37 34 x x x
Secht Orcain Lindais: x x 36 36 36
Orgain Duin Sobairce x x 37 37 37
Orgain Duin Cermna x x 38 38 38
Orgain Duin Bolg x x 39 39 39
Orgain Duin Bice x x 40 40 40
Orgain Duin Binne/Binde x x 41 41 41
Orgain Duin Catrach Con Roi x x 42 42 42 Its equivalent may be Aided Chon Roí.(26)n. 26 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 93.
Orgain Duin Catrach Mail Milscothaig x x 43 43 43


tomaidm ‘bursting forth, i.e. of a lake or river’ (pl. tomadma), added to the list in the 10th century
Tomaidm Locha Echach 1 1 1 1 1
Tomaidm Locha Éirne 2 2 2 2 2
Tomaidm Brí x x 3 3 3


fís ‘vision’ (pl. físa); cf. baile
Fís mná Nemid 1 1 1 1 1
Fís Conchobair 2 2 2 2 2 Tochmarc Ferbe
Fís Cuind <Cétchathaig> .i. Báile in Scáil 3 3 3 3 3 Baile in Scáil/Baile Chuind Chétchathaig
Fís Fursa 4 4 4 4 4


baile / buile ‘vision, frenzy’ (pl. baili/buili): "its extended use to denote a category of tales may well be a late development".(27)n. 27 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 75. Cf. físa
Baile in Scáil x - see Físa x - see Físa 1 1 1 Baile in Scáil
Baile Bricíne x x 2 2 2
Baile Bic maic Dé x x 3 3 3
Baile Cimba(o)ith Ḟátha x x 4 4 4
Baile Mochuda/Mochuta x x 5 5 5


serc ‘love’. Its use as a category is thought to be a late addition
Serc Caillige Berre do Ḟothud Chanand / Caille Berra do Fothad Canand 1 1 1 1 1
Serc Crede do Canann mac Gartnáin x x 2 2 2
Serc Duib Lacha do Mongan 2 2 3 3 3 Compert Mongáin ocus Serc Duibe Lacha do Mongán
Serc Gormlaithe do Niall 3 3 4 4 4


slúagad / slógad ‘hosting, (military) expedition’ (pl. slúagid)
Sluagad Augaire/Ugaine Móir co hÉtail 1 2 1 1 1
Sluagad Da Thí co Sliab nElpa 2 1 2 2 2
Sluagad Neill maic Echach co Muir nIcht 3 3 3 3 3
Sluagad Fiachna maic Baítáin co Dún nGuaire i Saxanaib ⁊ prímsluagid hÉrend archena 4 4 4 4 4


tochomlud ‘advancing, setting forth’ (pl. tochomlada), used to explain the distribution of certain peoples in Ireland. Although such origin-legends are old, the use of the term for this category of tales is thought to be a learned development of the tenth-century compiler(s).(28)n. 28 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 80.
Tochomlod Partholoin dochum nErend 1 1 1 1 1
Tochomlod Nemid co hErind 2 2 2 2 2
Tochomlod Fer mBolg 3 3 3 3 3
Tochomlod Tuaithe De Danand 4 4 4 4 4
Tochomlod Míl maic Bile co Espáin 5 5 5 5 5
Tochomlod mac Miled a hEspain in hErind 6 6 6 6 6
Tochomlod Cruithnech a Tracia (co Breatnaib) co hErind 7 7 7 7 7
<Ath>tochomlod (ó) hErind co Albain 8 8 8 8 8
Tochomlod Longsi/Loingse Fergusa a hUltaib 9 9 9 9 9 Fochonn loingse Fergusa meic Roich
Tochomlod Muscraigi de Maig Bregoin/Breg 10 10 10 10 10
Tochomlod na nDési ó Themraig 11 11 11 11 11 equivalent with or including ‘Tochmarc Eithne Uathaige ingine Crimthand’ (A) and ‘Longes Eithne Uathaigeg’ (A, TCD).(29)n. 29 Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
Tochomlod Clainne Echach Mugmedoin a Mide 12 12 12 12 12
Tochomlod Céin a Caisil 13 13 13 13 13
Tochomlod Dáil Riatai i nAlbain 14 14 14 14 14



Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 109–110.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 67 note 4.
‘Trecuairt Tighe Buradaig’
‘Smutgal Tigi Dumach’
Togail Bruidne Uí Dergga
Togail Bruidne Da Derga
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 93.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
‘Cath Taillten re clandaib Miled’
‘Cath Muige hItha a Parrtalon’
‘Cath Muighe Itha ria Partholon’
Kuno Meyer, Fianaigecht (1910): xxiv.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.
The text has ‘Feis Tige Taillith’, regarded by Mac Cana as a corruption.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 74–75.
See note for Harleian MS below.
See note for TCD 1336 below.
TCD 1336 has Bláthnait elope with Conchobar rather than Cú Chulainn, presumably in error.
Harleian 5280 names Bláthnat's father Mind mac Fidaig.
al. ‘Suithcherne’ in Harleian 5280
‘Suithcherne’ in Harleian 5280
probably for ‘Denda Ríg’
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 93.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 75.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 80.
Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92.

Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Mac Cana, Proinsias, The learned tales of medieval Ireland, Dublin: DIAS, 1980.
Editions of all versions (A, B and X)
[dipl. ed.] Best, Richard Irvine, and M. A. OʼBrien, The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 4, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1965. xxvii + pp. 761-1117.
CELT – pp. 761-781 and 785-841: <link>
835–837 List A in LL direct link
[ed.] Byrne, Mary E., “Airec menman Uraird maic Coisse”, in: Osborn Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Anecdota from Irish manuscripts, vol. 2, Halle and Dublin, 1908. 42–76.  
comments: An edition of Airec menman Uraird maic Coisse
Celtic Digital Initiative: <link> Scéla – transcribed by Štĕpán Kosík: <link>
List B

Secondary sources (select)

d'Arbois de Jubainville, Marie-Henri, Essai d'un catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande: précédé d'une étude sur les manuscripts en langue irlandaise conservés dans les Iles Britanniques et sur le continent, Paris: Thorin, 1883.  
comments: Addenda are to be found in Kuno Meyer, ‘Anecdota from the Stowe MS. n° 992’, Revue Celtique 6 (1883–1885): 187–191. Reprinted: Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1969.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Dobbs, Margaret E., “Notes on the lists of Irish historic tales”, Journal of Celtic Studies 2 (1953–1958): 45–58.
Mac Cana, Proinsias, The learned tales of medieval Ireland, Dublin: DIAS, 1980.
OʼCurry, Eugene, Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history, delivered at the Catholic University of Ireland during the sessions of 1855 and 1856, Dublin, 1861.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link> Internet Archive – Originally from Google Books: <link>, <link>, <link> Internet Archive – multiple copies: <link>
584ff (Appendix LXXXIX)
Toner, Gregory, “Reconstructing the earliest Irish tale lists”, Éigse 32 (2000): 88–120.
Thurneysen, Rudolf, Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert, Halle: Niemeyer, 1921.  

Contents: Part 1 (chapters 1-23): Allgemeines; Part 2 (chapters 1-85): Die Ulter Sage.

Internet Archive: <link>
Dennis Groenewegen, Patrick Brown
Page created
May 2011, last updated: January 2024