
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

Medieval Irish tale lists/Immrama

  • list
  • Medieval Irish literature
The section of titles referring to tales about voyages and exiles (tale list A only)
Context(s)The (textual) context(s) to which the present text belongs or in which it is cited in part or in whole.
LL =
Seven titles, which do not include ‘Longes Eithne Uathaige’
TCD 1336 =
Seven titles, which do not include ‘Imram hua Corra’
list (primary)


Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature


The titles in the tale-list are given below, with a note on the texts to which these titles appear to refer. For the complete list, see Medieval Irish tale lists.

[1] Imram (curaig) Maele Duin

Title referring to the tale of Imram curraig Maíle Dúin
» Textual sources: Immram curaig Mail Dúin

[2] Imram hua Corra

Title referring to the tale of Immram curaig Ua Corra.
» Manuscript details: LL only, not in TCD 1336 » Textual sources: Immram curaig Ua Corra

[3] Imram Luinge Murchertaig maic Erca

[4] Longes Breg Léith

[5] Longes Brecain/Bracain

[6] Longes Eithne Uathaige

Title referring to a tale known as Longes Eithne Uathaige. It may be identical with ‘Tochmarc Eithne Uathaige ingine Crimthand’ mentioned in list A, or with ‘Tomchomlud na nDési ó Themraig’ mentioned in lists A and B, or a part of the latter tale.
» Manuscript details: TCD 1336 only, not in LL. » References: Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 92

[7] Longes Labrada

Title referring to a version of the story about the exile of Labraid Loingsech
» Comments: For attested versions of the tale, see Orgain Denna Ríg and Longes Labrada. » Textual sources: Longes Labrada (unattested version)

[8] Longes Fhothaid


Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
January 2013, last updated: March 2024