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Medieval Irish tale lists/Oirgne

  • list
  • Medieval Irish literature
Context(s)The (textual) context(s) to which the present text belongs or in which it is cited in part or in whole.
list (primary)
Textual relationships
Related: Scél ar Chairbre Cinn CaitScél ar Chairbre Cinn CaitThe second of two Middle Irish recensions, the other being Bruiden Meic Da Réo, which recount how in early Ireland, the vassal peoples (aithech-thúatha) rebelled and decimated the leading noble families. This is Thurneysen's ‘Recension I’, except for the modernised text in the Edinburgh MS, which he describes as ‘Recension III’.


Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature


The titles in the tale-list are given below, with a note on the texts to which these titles appear to refer. For the complete list, see Medieval Irish tale lists.

[1] Orgain Maige Cé Gala mac Febail / A. Muigi Ce Dala (lists A and B)

Orgain Átha hÍ

Orgain Dune Dubglaisse

Orgain Dinn Ríg / Dindaraig

Orgain Atha Cliath

Orgain Duine Delga <or Delgon>

» Places: Dún Delga

Orgain Tuir Chonaind

Orgain Ailig for Néitt mac Indui / A. Neid maic Indaig a nAileach

Orgain Belcon Breifne

Orgain Cairpri Cind Caitt for saerchlannaib hErend

Orgain Echach for a maccaib

Orgain Chaille Chonaill

Orgain Donnán Ego

Orgain Maic Da Thó

Orgain mac Mágach

Orgain Side Nenta

» Textual sources: Orgain Síde Nennta

Orgain Sratha Cluada <or: Slúaga>

Orgain Sleibe Soilgech

Orgain Ratha Rigbaird

Orgain Ratha Ruis Guill

Orgain Ratha Túaige

Orgain Ratha Tuaisle

Orgain Ratha Tobachta

Orgain Ratha Timchill

Orgain Ratha Cuinge

Orgain Ratha Cuillend

Orgain Cróchan / A. Ratha Cruachan

Orgain Cathrach Boirche

Orgain Ratha Blai

Orgain Ratha Gaila / Guanlai <or: Guale>

Orgain Ratha Uillne

Orgain Ratha Náis

Orgain Benne/Beinde Cé

Orgain Ratha Grainaird

Orgain Ratha Búirig / Buirich

Braflang Scóine

Aigidecht Artúir / Aigse Airduus

» Textual sources: Aígidecht Artúir

Secht Orcain Lindais

Seven oirgne - see below
Orgain Duin Sobairce
Orgain Duin Cermna
Orgain Duin Bolg
Orgain Duin Bice
Orgain Duin Binne/Binde
Orgain Cathrach Con Roi
Title referring to a tale known as Orgain cathrach Con Roi, perhaps an equivalent title for Aided Con Roí.
» References: Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980): 93 » Textual sources: Aided Chon Roí
Orgain Cathrach Mail Milscothaig
The tale told by Urard mac Coise in Airec menman to obtain reparation from the king of Tara.


Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
January 2013, last updated: March 2024