
b. 1901–d. 1959

108 publications between 1931 and 1970 indexed
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Works authored

Murphy, Gerard, Early Irish metrics, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1961.
Murphy, Gerard [ed. and tr.], Early Irish lyrics: eighth to twelfth century, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956.
CELT – Early Irish poetry to c. 1200 (many of the editions are available online here): <link>
Murphy, Gerard, Fianaíocht agus rómánsaíocht: The Ossianic lore and romantic tales of medieval Ireland, Irish Life and Culture, 11, Dublin: O Lochlainn, 1955.
MacNeill, Eoin, and Gerard Murphy [eds.], Duanaire Finn: The book of the lays of Fionn, 3 vols, Irish Texts Society, 7, 28, 43, London: Irish Texts Society, 1908–1953.  
comments: Edition of the poem-boek Duanaire Finn, with translation and notes. Three volumes were published between 1908 and 1953:
  • vol. 1 (1908): ed. Eoin MacNeill
  • vol. 2 (1933): ed. Gerard Murphy
  • vol. 3 (1953): introduction, notes, appendices, glossary and indexes by Gerard Murphy, with Anne O’Sullivan, Idris L. Forster and Brendan Jennings
Internet Archive – vol. 1: <link>, <link> CELT – edition of vol. 2: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 2: <link> Internet Archive – vol. 3: <link>
comments: Edition of the poem-boek Duanaire Finn, with translation and notes. Three volumes were published between 1908 and 1953:
  • vol. 1 (1908): ed. Eoin MacNeill
  • vol. 2 (1933): ed. Gerard Murphy
  • vol. 3 (1953): introduction, notes, appendices, glossary and indexes by Gerard Murphy, with Anne O’Sullivan, Idris L. Forster and Brendan Jennings
Murphy, Gerard, Duanaire Finn: The book of the lays of Fionn, 3 vols, vol. 3: Introduction, notes, appendices and glossary, Irish Texts Society, 43, London: Irish Texts Society, 1953.
Internet Archive: <link>

Contributions to journals

Murphy, Gerard, “Notes on Cath Maige Tuired”, Éigse 7 (1953–1955): 191–198.
Murphy, Gerard [ed. and tr.], “Finn's poem on May-day”, Ériu 17 (1955): 86–99.
Murphy, Gerard [ed.], “The lament of the old Woman of Beare”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 55 C 4 (1953): 83–109.
Murphy, Gerard, “On the dates of two sources used in Thurneysen’s Heldensage”, Ériu 16 (1952): 145–156.
Murphy, Gerard, “Poems of exile by Uilliam Nuinseann mac Barúin Dealbhna”, Éigse 6:1 (1948–1952): 8–15.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist, freagra, eólas agus aighneas: 63. ‘Spend me and defend me’; 64. fleasg ‘tress’”, Éigse 5:1 (1945-1947, 1948): 68.
Murphy, Gerard [ed.], “Recent losses to Irish studies”, Éigse 5:2 (Samhradh 1946, 1948): 140–142.
Murphy, Gerard, “Is Dia an t-Athair”, Éigse 5:2 (Samhradh 1946, 1948): 92–94.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist, freagra, eólas agus aighneas: 66. paircin beag, luichin bhan”, Éigse 5:3 (geimhreadh 1946, 1948): 221.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist, freagra, eólas agus aighneas: 67. faoisg ‘ripe’; 68. síansa ‘passion, etc.’”, Éigse 5:4 (geimhreadh 1947, 1948): 294.
Ó Murchadha, Gearóid, “Rann Fáin”, Éigse 1 (1939–1940): 118, 129.
Murphy, Gerard, “A riddle”, Éigse 1:3 (foghmhair 1939, 1939–1940): 209.
Murphy, Gerard, “An extempore satire”, Éigse 1:1 (earrach 1939, 1939–1940): 1.
Murphy, Gerard, “Súd faoí do thuairim”, Éigse 2:1 (earrach, 1940): 69.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist agus freagra”, Éigse 1:1 (earrach 1939, 1939–1940): 62.
Murphy, Gerard, “Calen o custure me”, Éigse 1 (1939–1940): 125–129.
Murphy, Gerard, “‘A ughdar so Gearóid’”, Éigse 2:1 (earrach, 1940): 64.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist agus freagra 1: Caoine Airt Í Laogjaire (Éigse 1 62); 5. do rogha bean”, Éigse 1:2 (samhradh 1939, 1939–1940): 143, 148.
Murphy, Gerard, “Notes on aisling poetry”, Éigse 1 (1939–1940): 40–50.
Murphy, Gerard, “Bards and filidh”, Éigse 2:3 (fómhar, 1940): 200–207.
Ó Néill, Éamonn, and Gerard Murphy, “Ceist agus freagra 8: Muire and Máire”, Éigse 1:3 (foghmhair 1939, 1939–1940): 224–225.
Ó Loingsigh, Amhlaoibh [storyteller], Gearóid Ó Murchadha, and Caitlín Ní Bhuachalla [eds.], “Caoine Dhiarmad' 'ic Eóghain”, Éigse 1 (1939–1940): 22–28.
Murphy, Gerard, “Three gifts”, Éigse 2:4 (geimhreadh, 1940): 235.
Murphy, Gerard, “Ceist agus freagra 2: díol dhá laé (Éigse 1, 62, 143)”, Éigse 1:3 (foghmhair 1939, 1939–1940): 223.
Murphy, Gerard, “Vergilian influence upon the vernacular literature of medieval Ireland”, Studi Medievali, Nuova serie 5 (1932): 372–381.
 : <link>
Murphy, Gerard, “The origin of Irish nature poetry”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 20:77 (1931): 87–102.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Gerard Murphy, Kathleen Mulchrone, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, “Vol. 3 (fasc. 11-15)”, in: Thomas F. O'Rahilly • Kathleen Mulchrone • A. I. Pearson • Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy (1926–1970): 1295–1938.
Gerard Murphy, Kathleen Mulchrone, Lilian Duncan, Winifred Wulff, “Vol. 4 (fasc. 16-20)”, in: Thomas F. O'Rahilly • Kathleen Mulchrone • A. I. Pearson • Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy (1926–1970): 1939–2578.
Gerard Murphy, Kathleen Mulchrone, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, “Vol. 5 (fasc. 21-25)”, in: Thomas F. O'Rahilly • Kathleen Mulchrone • A. I. Pearson • Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy (1926–1970): 2579–3220.
Murphy, Gerard, “Eleventh or twelfth century Irish doctrine concerning the Real Presence”, in: J. A. Watt, J. B. Morrall, and F. X. Martin (eds), Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S. J., Dublin: The Three Candles, 1961. 19–28.
Murphy, Gerard, “Acallam na Senórach”, in: Myles Dillon (ed.), Irish sagas, Dublin, 1959. 122–137.
Anne O'Sullivan, Gerard Murphy, “Indexes”, in: Gerard Murphy, Duanaire Finn: The book of the lays of Fionn: Introduction, notes, appendices and glossary, vol. 3 (1953).
Ó Murchadha, Gearóid, “Buairt chroidhe chailín agus bhuachalla”, in: Séamus Pender (ed.), Féilscríbhinn Torna: essays and studies presented to professor Tadhg Ua Donnchadha (Torna) on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, September 4th, 1944, Cork: Cork University Press, 1947. 7–10.
Murphy, Gerard, “A poem in praise of Aodh Úa Foirréidh, Bishop of Armagh (1032–1056)”, in: Sylvester OʼBrien [ed.], Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh .i. Miscellany of historical and linguistic studies in honour of Brother Michael Ó Cléirigh, O.F.M., Chief of the Four Masters, 1643-1943, Dublin, 1944. 140–164.
Murphy, Gerard, “Notes on analogy in Middle-Irish conjugation”, in: John Ryan (ed.), Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill: Essays and studies presented to professor Eoin MacNeill on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, May 15th 1938, Dublin: Three Candles, 1940. 72–81.

About the author

Breatnach, Pádraig A., “Ómós”, Éigse 32 (2000): 3–6..
Mac Gearailt, Gearóid, “Aitheasc”, Éigse 32 (2000): 1–2..

Secondary sources