Additamenta in the Book of Armagh

A collection of charter-like records in Latin and Old Irish relating the activities of St Patrick in Ireland and the lands that were granted to him and his church. The collection can be divided into three parts: (1) a text about the foundation of Trim (Co. Meath), including an account of the conversion of Feidlimid son of Lóegaire mac Néill, king of Leinster; (2) a group of six records concerning churches in northern Connacht; and (3) a group of four records concerning churches in Leinster.

The adventures of Mac Dá Cherda
Early Irish tale about (Comgán) Mac Dá Cherda, son of Máel Ochtraig (king of the Déisi of Mag Femen)
Amra Senáin
beg. Senán soer síd-athair
Dallán Forgaill
Dallán Forgaill
(fl. 597)
early Irish poet, known as the author of Amra Choluim Chille

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Eulogy on Senán mac Geirrcinn, saint of Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island, Co. Clare), with gloss.
Baile Bricín
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Early Irish tale in which an angel visits St Bricín(e), abbot of Túaim Dreccon (Tomregan, Co. Cavan), and reveals to him the names of many future churchmen in Ireland.
Beatha Mhairghréad

An Irish Life of St Margaret of Antioch.

Betha Abáin
Vernacular Irish recension of the Life of St Abbán of Mag Arnaide (Moyarney, now Adamstown in Co. Wexford) and Cell Abbáin (Killabban, Co. Laois)
Betha Adamnáin
Early Middle Irish Life of Adomnán, abbot of Iona (d. 704), written about the middle of the tenth century.
Betha Beineoin deiscipuil Pátraic

Life of St Benén, companion of St Patrick, in Irish and Latin.

Betha Beraig
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Irish Life of the Connacht saint Berach (mac Amairgin) of Clúain Coirpthe
Betha Brénainn Clúana Ferta I

So-called first Irish Life of Brénainn of Clúain Fertae (Clonfert, Co. Galway), also known as the Lismore Life. While the first and second Lives represent much the same version during the first part of the narration, they diverge at the point where the second Life becomes conflated with the Navigatio sancti Brendani. The first Life, moreover, concludes with a fragment of Fis Adomnáin.

Betha Caoimhgin I
Prose Life of St Cóemgen (Cáemgen, Kevin)
Betha Caoimhgin II
beg. Do sir Caoimhgin móran d' Eirinn
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Verse Life of St Cóemgen (Cáemgen, Kevin).

Betha Caoimhgin III
Prosimetric Life of St Cóemgen (Cáemgen, Kevin)
Betha Chiaráin Clúana meic Nois
Late vernacular Life of St Ciarán of Clonmacnoise
Betha Cholmáin Ela
Irish account of Colmán Elo, patron saint of Lann Elo (Lynally, Co. Offaly)
Betha Choluim Chille
form undefined
Betha Ciaráin Saigre II
Second Irish Life of St Ciarán of Saigir (Seirkieran, Co. Offaly). According to Plummer (1925), it is based on a Latin Life now lost, which also served as an exemplar for a shorter text, Capgrave’s Life of Pieran.
Betha Cuimín Fota
Middle Irish tale about the life of Cummíne Fota.
Betha Decclain
Vernacular Irish translation of the Latin Life of St Declán of Ardmore (Vita sancti Declani).
Betha Farannáin

Vernacular Irish Life of St Farannán (or Forannán), a local saint associated with Alt Fharannáin (townland of Alternan Park, Co. Sligo). In the opening passage, he is claimed to be fifth in descent from Éogan son of Níall Noígíallach.

Betha Féchín Fabair
Nicól ÓgNicól Óg
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Irish Life of St Féchín of Fore. According to a note in the manuscript (NLI MS G 5), it is based on a Latin work and was translated into Irish by Nicól Óg, abbot of Cong.