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Betha Cuimín Fota ‘The life of Cuimíne Fota’

  • Middle Irish
  • prose
  • Irish hagiography
Middle Irish tale about the life of Cummíne Fota.
pp. 5a–8b
A near complete copy, of which only the conclusion is lacking owing to a loss of leaves.
f. 286b (line 42 ff)
A fragment giving only the beginning of the text.
ff. 47–53
The relationship of this version to the present text has yet to be verified. It was not consulted by Gearóid Mac Eoin. A note at the foot of the last page says that the text is incomplete.
  • Middle Irish
prose (primary)


Irish hagiographyIrish hagiography


Cummíne Fota
Cummíne Fota
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish saint, patron of Clonfert (Clúain Fertae)

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Mac Eoin, Gearóid, “A life of Cumaine Fota”, in: Bo Almqvist, Brendán MacAodha, and Gearóid Mac Eoin (eds), Hereditas: essays and studies presented to professor Seamus Ó Duilearga, former honorary director of the Irish Folklore Commission, 39, 40, 41:1971–1973, Dublin: Folklore of Ireland Society, 1975. 192–205.
Based on RIA C i 2
[dipl. ed.] Best, Richard Irvine, and M. A. OʼBrien, The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 5, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1967. xv + pp. 1119-1325.
CELT – pp. 1119-1192 and 1202-1325: <link>
1248 Diplomatic edition of the LL fragment direct link

Secondary sources (select)

Clancy, Thomas Owen, “Saint and fool: the image and function of Cummíne Fota and Comgán Mac Da Cherda in early Irish literature”, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1991.
Edinburgh Research Archive: <link>
92–118 (chapter III)
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
April 2014, last updated: January 2024