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Betha Caoimhgin (II) ‘The Life of St Cóemgen’
verse beg. Do sir Caoimhgin móran d' Eirinn

  • Late Middle Irish
  • verse
  • Irish hagiography

Verse Life of St Cóemgen (Cáemgen, Kevin).

First words (verse)
  • Do sir Caoimhgin móran d' Eirinn
Ascribed to: SolamSolam
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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The heading of the text suggests that a certain Solam or Solomon, disciple of St Coémgen, is the author of the Life. Chapter 11 has Solam name himself.
ff. 278a–286b
Transcript by Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, who drew on two manuscripts that he discovered in Castlekevin, near Glendalough - see his colophon at the end of the text (§ 24) and Plummer's introduction (p. xxx). The text here is preceded by a copy of Betha Caoimhgin I.
  • Late Middle Irish
  • Late Middle Irish.

“it seems to me possible that ...[Betha Caoimhgin II] may well have been written during the abbacy of Tomás Úa Tuathail, nephew of Archbishop Lorcán ...[as it refers to a time] when the abbey was experiencing a great deal of ecclesiastical and administrative interference from a Dublin administration following the breakup of the Uí Muiredaig kingdom and the downfall of the Uí Thuathail rulers of the area in 1178” (Dooley).(1)n. 1 Ann Dooley, ‘The deployment of some hagiographical sources in Acallam na senórach’ in The Gaelic Finn tradition... (2012): 108.

verse (primary)


Irish hagiographyIrish hagiography


Cóemgen of Glendalough
Cóemgen (var. Cáemgen, Caoimhghin, Caoimhin, Kevin) of Glendalough;Cóemgen of Glendalough
(d. c. 618)
patron saint of Glenn Dá Locha (Glendalough)

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Ann Dooley, ‘The deployment of some hagiographical sources in Acallam na senórach’ in The Gaelic Finn tradition... (2012): 108.

Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Plummer, Charles, Bethada náem nÉrenn: Lives of Irish saints, 2 vols, vol. 1: Introduction, texts, glossary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922.
CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
131–154 direct link
[tr.] Plummer, Charles, Bethada náem nÉrenn: Lives of Irish saints, 2 vols, vol. 2: Translations, notes, indexes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922.
CELT – translations: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
127–150 direct link

Secondary sources (select)

Plummer, Charles, Bethada náem nÉrenn: Lives of Irish saints, 2 vols, vol. 1: Introduction, texts, glossary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922.
CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
xxvii ff direct link
C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2012, last updated: January 2024