Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS D ii 1

This is only a proof of concept. The aim is to be able to show our descriptions of items in a manuscript in parallel with manuscript images in the Mirador viewer for IIIF resources. The example uses data from Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS D ii 1 with manuscript images from Irish Script on Screen (ISOS). Those items that are linked to canvases in the IIIF manifest from ISOS will be shown with a link to load the relevant canvas (i.e. page) in the viewer. The vertical line in the middle is elastic, meaning that it allows you to drag it left and right to maximise either the window containing the TOC or that containing the Mirador viewer. Below the TOC, there are some links to demonstrate the basic ability to zoom in on specific canvas regions. Finally, right at the bottom, there’s a button to let you fetch the ID of the visible canvas, which is a function aimed at CODECS editors.

For another proof of concept, showing descriptions as annotations within the Mirador viewer, see From SMW to IIIF. The obvious downside of that approach is that you can only show descriptions if they are linked to a canvas in the manifest.

The functionality will be part of our Mirador extension for MediaWiki.

Per the catalogue description, folio numbers are those indicated in pencil (ff. 1-143), while numbers in brackets follow an older foliation.

ff. 1-38

Genealogical section.

23 leaves lost.
f. 1(24)r
Incipit: ‘...m. Cobhtaig m. Aeda m. Fintain’
Fragment of a genealogical tract, of which the beginning is missing. Page partly illegible. The tract begins in the middle of Déisi pedigrees corr. to LL p. 327g. Incl., in the third column, pedigrees of the Uí Fer nGair.
f. 1(24)v
Heading/rubric: ‘Sequitur de recenti genelogia filiorum Neill .ix. giallaig’
Genealogical section concerning the Uí Néill. Incl. (a) an introductory passage; (b) pedigree for Níall mac Áeda, descendant of Níall Ruadh Ó Néill; (c) pedigrees of Cenél Éogain (from Eogan mac Néill); ... (d) pedigrees of the descendants of Maine mac Néill (f. 1(24)vb.i ff); (e) pedigrees of the descendants of Fiacha mac Néill (f. 1(24)vc ff); (f) poem of 13 qq beg. Cedrigh da gab Erinn, uill (f. 2(25)r), headed on the previous leaf (f. 1vc.i) Fursannadh ar ní da righaibh Clainni Eoghain mic Neill andseo amal adeir an duan aga ndaiream cona ndoigheadhaibh.

Nine leaves are lost between ff. 6 (29) and 7 (39).

f. 7(39)ra.1–f. 7(39)vb.inf
[Genealogies of Clann Cheallaigh from the Book of Uí Mhaine] fragm.Incipit: ‘[...] [Dom]nall ⁊ as e in Domnall sin is ceap do Cloind Ceallaig uili aniú’

Genealogical tract on the Ó Ceallaigh sept of Uí Mhaine. Acephalous.

f. 8(40)r–f. 8(40)r

Another Ó Ceallaigh genealogical tract, labelled by Ó Muraíle (2010) an ‘additional’ text to distinguish it from the ‘main’ genealogical tract that precedes it.

f. 8(40)v

Originally left blank, but written by at least three later hands.
f. 8(40)va.1
[List of Ó Ceallaigh kings of Uí Mhaine from the Book of Uí Mhaine] Incipit: ‘Deich mbliadna Ceallaigh mc Finnachta co fuair bas a Tailltin le Cloinn Colmain Moir’

List of the Ó Ceallaigh kings of Uí Mhaine, from their ancestor Ceallach mac Finachta down to the early 15th century. Added in later hands.

f. 8v(40)b.m
colophonIncipit: ‘A Concobhair mic Emhainn I Ceallaigh, cuimnigh oram-sa uair ecin aile .i. air Aodhagan mac Conchubhair’
f. 8(40)vb.m
Pedigree added in later hands.
Four leaves wanting between ff. 8(40) – 9(45). It is suggested that these may be equal to ff. 18–19 in BL Eg. 90.
f. 9(45)ra.1–f. 9(45)ra.10
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘[...] Laigin lind[?]’

Acephalous poem, of which 3½ qq are preserved. The opening words of the poem are suggested by what appears to be a dúnad, ‘Tabair adgl-’.

f. 9(45)ra.11–f. 9(45)ra.21
[Gabh uaim seanchas Síl Maine ] Incipit: ‘Gab uaim seancus Sil maine’
Poem (4 qq).
f. 9(45)ra.21–f. 9(45)rb.9
Incipit: ‘Gabh ⁊ sgail ⁊ sgiamthaisigh, sgrib ⁊ coraigh ⁊ coimedaigh, uaisligh ⁊ innisi sochair ⁊ saeirsi ⁊ craeib coibnesa gacha cineadhaigh dona cland-maicnibh sin’
A history of Uí Mhaine. No title.
f. 9(45)rb.9–f. 10(46)rb
[Nósa Ua Maine ] Incipit: ‘Coisgeam dar craíb coíbnusa ⁊ suidigemh sochar na saerchlann sin’
No title heading and distinguished from the previous text only through a moderately enlarged capital C.

ff. 39-69

Mainly verse.

f. 39(95)ra–f. 41(97)vb
Prose version
f. 41(97)vb.6–f. 44(100)va
[Metrical Banshenchas] Incipit: ‘Adham aenathir na ndhaine’

Metrical version of the Banshenchas (212 qq, according to the caatalogue).

f. 44(100)vb–f. 47(103)rb
[Réidig dam, a Dé, do nim (Flann Mainistrech)] Heading/rubric: ‘Fland Mainisdreach cecinit’Incipit: ‘Reidig dam a Dhe do nimh’

Lengthy poem (298 qq) in seven parts, attributed to Flann Mainistrech.

f. 47(103)rb–f. 47(103)vb
f. 47(103)v–f. 47(103)v
f. 47(103)vb–f. 47(103)vb
[Ceithre coimperta caema] Incipit: ‘Ceithri coimperta caemha’
f. 47(103)vb
[Irish tract on the meaning of birthdays] Incipit: ‘Neach genes i nDomnach’
f. 48(104)ra–f. 49(105)rb
[Adam primus pater (Irish tract)] Incipit: ‘Adam primus pater fuit ⁊ Eua céadmathair na n-uile’
f. 49(105)va
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Abrathamh et Nachor tugsad da mnai’
f. 49(105)vb–f. 50(106)ra.m
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Scota ingean Fhoraind bean Niuil máthair Gaeidil Glais’

First line in capitals.

f. 50(106)ra.m–f. 50(106)rb
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
Biblical pedigrees (Christ, Mary, Samuel, et al.).
f. 50(106)rbb.m–f. 52(108)r
[Genealogies of Irish saints] Incipit: ‘Patraic mac Alprainn meic Fotaig’
Genealogies of Irish saints.
f. 52(108)va
f. 52(108)vb
f. 53(109)ra
f. 53(109)rb
f. 53(109)va
f. 53(109)va
f. 53(109)va
f. 53(109)vb
f. 53(109)vb
f. 53(109)vb
f. 54(110)rb
f. 54(110)va
f. 56(113)va
The heading Sequitur do Dhuanaibh Diadhachta. Gofraid Ó Cl- cc occurs here, referring to the following sequence of religious poems attributed to Gofraid Ó Cléirigh.
f. 56(113)va
Poem (33 qq) ascr. to Gofraidh Ó Cléirigh.
f. 56(113)vb
Poem (36 qq)
f. 57(114)rb
Poem (31 qq)
f. 57(114)vb
[Dligid íasacht] Incipit: ‘Dligidh iasacht aidlacudh’
Poem (32 qq)
f. 58(115)rb.13–f. 58(115)vb.m
[Sa ráith-se rugadh Muire] Incipit: ‘Sa raithsea rucadh Muiri’
Poem (32 qq).
f. 58(115)vb.m–f. 59(116)rb.m
[Fuigeall beandacht brú Muiri] Heading/rubric: ‘Gilla Bridi cecinitIncipit: ‘Fuigeall beandacht bru Muiri’
Poem (37 qq) ascr. to Gilla Bridi
f. 59(116)rb
Poem (25 qq) ascr. to Donnchad Mór Ó Dálaigh
f. 59(116)vb
Poem (75 qq) ascr. to Donnchad Mór Ó Dálaigh
f. 119(177)r–f. 126ra.15
[Sanas Cormaic] Incipit: ‘Incipit duillican suadg’
f. 126ra.m
[Apair rim a Sétna] Incipit: ‘Abair rim, a Shedna’
Poem (3 qq) added in a later hand to space originally left blank.
f. 126(184)rb
[Lecan glossary] Heading/rubric: ‘Incipit do dubfhoclaibh annseo sis’Incipit: ‘Ur .i. tosach’

Abridged version of the so-called Lecan glossary.

f. 126(184)vb.inf
[Cóir anmann] Incipit: ‘Art Aeinfear, cid dia n-abur ?’
f. 130(188)ra
[Tecosca Cormaic] Heading/rubric: ‘Ar Cormac rothothlaigh Cairpre Lifeochair [etc.]’Incipit: ‘A ua Cuind a Chormaic’
f. 131(189)rb.9–f. 132(190)ra.inf
[Senbríathra Fíthail] Incipit: ‘Tosach agrai achmosan’

Incl. on f. 132ra, the series of gnomic statements beg. Maith dan eacna. Cf. RIA MS 23 N 27.

f. 132(190)ra.inf–f. 133rb.1
[Trecheng breth Féne, or Triads of Ireland] Incipit: ‘Ceand Érenn Ardmacha’Explicit: ‘tri hurgairt bidh a caitheam díescaidheadh a chaitheam iarna coir a caitheam gan altughudh’
f. 133(191)rb.1–f. 133rb.19
[Bríathra Flainn Fhína (maic Ossu)] extractIncipit: ‘Dede ara ndlígh gach maith domelar ithe ⁊ a altugud’Explicit: ‘... Ní da agallaim Cormaic ⁊ Cairpre co ruici sin’

A series of proverbial sayings using the Descaid/Deasgaidh formula (’A symptom of X is Y’), which is otherwise known from the Bríathra Flainn Fhína. The sayings run on from the Triads without a visual break and lack an attribution to Flann Fína. Instead, the conclusion attributes them to the ‘conversation between Cormac and Cairpre’ (cf. Tecosca Cormaic).

Ff. 134-143 are out of order, leaving particularly Auraicept na n-éces in disarray. The RIA catalogue established that the order to be followed is: ff. 134, 136-139, 141, 135, 142, 140 and 143.

f. 133(191)rb.20–f. 134vb
[Mittelirische Verslehren III] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Incipit dona hUragechtaib’Incipit: ‘Cia lín dano aisti i n-aircedaill?’
The remainder of the text continues on ff. 136-138rb.inf.
f. 135r–f. 135v
One leaf that is out of order, containing the end of the first book of the text. The text is continued from what is now f. 141 and continued by f. 142.
f. 136(194)r–f. 137(195)rb.62
Continued from f. 134.
f. 137(195)rb.inf–f. 137va.9
Incipit: ‘Septem sunt gradus ecclesie’
f. 137(195)va.10–f. 138(196)rb.54
f. 138rb.inf–f. 138vb
f. 138va.57–f. 139rb.54
f. 139r–f. 139v
[Auraicept na n-éces] (section)Incipit: ‘Asberat tra augtair na nGoedel’
f. 140r–f. 140v
Leaf continues from f. 142 and is continued on f. 143.
f. 141r–f. 141v
Text continues from f. 139 and is continued on f. 135.
f. 142r–f. 142v
Text continues from f. 135 and is continued on f. 143.
f. 143r–f. 143v

Text continues from f. 140. Incl. poem beg. Mad fiarfaigeach budh feassach.

f. 152(211)ra
Acephalous poem (15 qq) attributed internally to Caílte. The first quatrain is wanting except for a few final letters.
f. 152(211)ra.m
Incipit: ‘Dligidh righ a riaragugh’
Poem (24 qq).
f. 152(211)rb.m
Incipit: ‘Airdrig ara cruinne atclos’
Poem (29 qq).
f. 152(211)va.m
[Abstalón, adba na ríg] Incipit: ‘Absdolon adba na righ’
Poem (23 qq).
f. 152(211)vb.m
[Mochean do teacht a leabhair ] Incipit: ‘Mochean do teacht, a leabair’

Poem (105 qq) attr. internally to Cormac mac Cuilennáin.

f. 153(212)va.inf
[A éigsi Banba na mbend] Incipit: ‘A eigsi Banba na mbeand’

Poem (60 qq).

f. 154(213)ra.m
[Imarcaigh sund ar gach saí] Incipit: ‘Imarcaigh sund ar gach saidh’
f. 155(214)ra.m
Incipit: ‘A Midhe, is maith da bamhair’

Poem (28 qq), not to be confused with the poem of the same opening line, which occurs on f. 6ra.

f. 155(214)rb.inf
[A fhir iadas in tech] Incipit: ‘A fir ain iadas in teach’Explicit: ‘A fir’

Poem (35 qq).

f. 155(214)va.inf
[A fhir ná híad dreich Temrach] Incipit: ‘A fir na hiad dreich Teamrach’

Poem (41 qq).

f. 156(215)ra.m–f. 156(215)va.11
[A fhir ná suid ar in síd ] Incipit: ‘A fir, na suidh arin sith’

Poem (49 qq).

f. 156(215)va.m–f. 157(216)ra
[Tarrnig in seal-sa ag Síl Néill ] Incipit: ‘Tarnig in seal sa ag Sil Neill’

Poem (53 qq).

f. 157(216)ra.m
Incipit: ‘Gresach mac Neallaigh anall’

Poem (13 qq), partly illegible because of stain.

f. 157(216)ra.inf
Incipit: ‘Meadgraidhi mac Dolcain maill’

Poem (16 qq).

f. 157(216)rb.m
Incipit: ‘Cia in fear mael ulchach gan ail’

Poem (30 qq).

f. 157(216)va.m
Incipit: ‘A eolcu, fiarfaicthear dib’

Poem (28 qq).

f. 157(216)vb.m–f. 157(216)vb.inf
Incipit: ‘A fir, leassaigh in meirgi’

Poem of at least 16 qq, breaking off at the bottom of the column. At least one leaf is wanting.

ff. 84-114

Dinnshenchas Érenn and other texts.

[Introduction to the Dinnshenchas Érenn] Heading/rubric: ‘Seanchas Dind Erenn annso dorigne Amhargein mhac Amhalga in fili do na Deisibh .i. fili Diarmada meic Cearbhaill’
[Dinnshenchas of Temair V] Incipit: ‘Teamhair Taillte tir naenaigh’
Poem (20 qq). Much use is made of the ceann faoi eite.
84(143) inf.
Two qq. belonging to the poem beg. Teamair Breagh cidh ni diata
[Dinnshenchas of Temair (prose)] Heading/rubric: ‘Teamair .i. muir Tea’
[Dinnshenchas of Temair I] Incipit: ‘Teamair Breagh cidh ni diata’
Poem (9qq). See 2qq added to the lower margin).
[Dinnshenchas of Mag mBreg] Incipit: ‘Magh mBreagh canas ro ainmniged’
[Dinnshenchas of Mag mBreg] Incipit: ‘Mag mBreoghain buaidh ar mb[u]naidh’
Poem (1 q).
[Dindgnai Temrach] Incipit: ‘Da dingnaib na Teamhrach and seo’
Prose text. Marginalia: single line (top left) and a paragraph in the right margin.
[Temair II] Incipit: ‘Dabeir maisi dona mnaib Teamair’
Poem (18 qq). Attr. to Cinaeth (i.e. Cináed úa hArtacáin).
[Dinnshenchas of Temair III] Heading/rubric: ‘Cuan ceicinit’Incipit: ‘Teamair togha na tilach’
Poem only (33qq). Attr. to Cuan.
[Turim tigi Temrach] Heading/rubric: ‘Cinaeth Ua Hartacan hui Cormaic cecinit. Do suidigud Tighi Cormaic’Incipit: ‘Domhan duthain a laindi’Explicit: ‘... Doman duthain a laindi’
Poem only (18 qq). Ends with cenn fo eitte and Doman duthain a laindi.
[Dinnshenchas of Achall and other places] Heading/rubric: ‘Dumha nEirc canas rohainmigheadh. Ni ansae’Incipit: ‘Eearc mac Cairbri meic Eirc meic Cairbre Niafer’
Prose only (no poem).

ff. 115-143

More verse, glossaries (e.g. Sanas Cormaic), Cóir anmann, wisdom literature, the Triads, Auraicept na n-éces.

f. 115ra.1
[Annálad anall uile] Incipit: ‘Andalad anall uili’

Poem (157 qq).

f. 115va.m
[?] [Mairt a Mag Tuired trelma] Incipit: ‘Mairt a Mag Tuiread trelma’

Poem (19 qq).

f. 115va.inf
[Cá lín trícha i nÉrinn áin] Incipit: ‘Ca lin triuca i nEirind’

Poem (14 qq).

f. 115vb.m
[Inganta Éirend uile] Incipit: ‘Inganta Eirind uili’
f. 116(174)ra
Incipit: ‘Forus focul luaigtear libh’
Poem (58 qq).
f. 116(174)va.m
[Mac atcuala is domain tair] Incipit: ‘Mac atcuala is domain tair’
f. 116(174)vb.i
[An n-aidchi geni Críst chain] Incipit: ‘In aidchi geim Crist cuin’

Poem (15 qq).

f. 117(175)ra.m
Incipit: ‘Teamair na righ raith Cormaic’

Poem (83 qq).

f. 118(176)ra
[A uad Fiachrach dar dhiall goil ] Incipit: ‘A uadh Fhíacrach dar dhiall goil’
f. 118(176)rb.m
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘A fhiru Fodla na fleadh’
f. 118(176)vb
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Sloindfead athachtuatha Eireand’

Poem (19 qq).

ff. 144-157

f. 144(202)ra–f. 145(203)ra.4
[Carn Fraoich soitheach na saorchlann ] Incipit: ‘Carnd Fraeich sotheach na saercland’

Poem (105 qq).

f. 145(203)ra.5
[The shield of Fionn] Incipit: ‘Uchán a scíath mo righ reigh’
Poem (56 qq).
f. 145(203)va.inf
[The sword of Oscar] Incipit: ‘A cloidheam cleithrín acluig’

Poem (103 qq).

f. 146(204)vb.m
[A aencheard Bhérre] Incipit: ‘A aenceard Berre’

Poem (60 qq).

f. 147(205)va
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.Incipit: ‘Fuadd i ceand reis i meidhi’

Poem (179 qq).

f. 149(207)va.inf–f. 150(208)r
f. 150rb.inf–f. 151rb.12
[Ádam athair sruith ar sluag ] Incipit: ‘Adham athair sruith ar sluagh’

Poem (110 qq, according to the catalogue). The text on the left column of f. 151r is somewhat impaired by a sewn up tear in the manuscript.

f. 151rb.13–f. 151vb
Incipit: ‘Moidi gach maith a moradh’

Poem, attributed internally (in st. 2) to Seaan O Dubhagan. Breaks off.

There is a chasm in the manuscript, but see Egerton 90, ff. 17-20.

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