Aided Bresail meic Diarmata
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A brief, early Irish saga and hagiographical legend, which relates how Díarmait mac Cerbaill had his son Bresal slain for appropriating a nun’s cow and how St Béccán rescued the soul of the king’s son from hell, resuscitating him.

Aided Chrimthaind maic Fhidaig ocus Trí mac Echach Muigmedóin

A Middle Irish prosimetric saga about the infighting between the sons of Eochaid Mugmedón in their struggle for dominance, the roles of Mongfhind (mother of four of them) and her brother Crimthann in this conflict, and the fates of Brían, Fíachra, Ailill and their sons.

Aided Meic Con
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Airec menman Uraird maic Coisse
Urard mac Coise
Urard mac Coise
(d. 983 x 1023)
Irish poet

See more
Urard mac Coise
Urard mac Coise
(d. 983 x 1023)
Irish poet

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A Middle Irish saga which relates how the poet Urard/Aurard mac Cosse (fl. 10th/11th century) obtained compensation from Domnall mac Muirchertaig, king of Tara, following a raid on his home. It includes version B of the medieval Irish tale lists.

Airne Fíngein
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Baile in Scáil
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The title Banshenchas refers to two versions composed in the late Middle Irish period:
  1. [[Metrical Banshenchas

|a metrical version composed by Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside in 1147]] and

  1. [[Prose Banshenchas

|a longer version in prose]].

Follow the links for further references.
Bruiden Meic Da Réo
A Middle Irish saga which recounts how in Ireland, the vassal peoples (aithech-thúatha) rebelled and decimated the leading noble families and how the survivors regained power through the mediation of the judge Morann.
Buile Shuibne
Caithréim Cellaig
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Cath Aichli
Prose narrative about the battle fought by Tuathal Techtmar at Aichill.
Independent, Fragmentary annals of Ireland
Cath Almaine
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Cath Crinna

Late Middle Irish account of the battle of Crinna, in which Cormac mac Airt is said to have defeated the Ulstermen with the aid of Tadg son of Cían. The saga offers an origin legend of the Cíannacht Breg, explaining how it came to settle near Tara but did not attain the kingship of Tara.

Cath Maige Rath
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First and shorter recension of the tale of the battle of Mag Rath.
Cath Maige Rath II
Second and longer recension of the tale of the battle of Mag Rath.
Scél na Fír Flatha, Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tairngiri, ocus Ceart Claidib Cormaic
Ceart claidib Cormaic
This is the third and last tale in the composite text known as Scél na Fír Flatha, Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tairngiri, ocus Ceart Claidib Cormaic, corresponding to §§ 59-80 of Stokes' edition.