A chloch thall for elaid úair
beg. A chloch thall for elaid úair
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Poem on a stone at Monasterboice, Co. Louth.
Middle IrishCet mac MágachMainistir Buite/Buithe ... MonasterboiceConchobar mac NessaMess GegraBuíte of Monasterboice
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Achall
beg. Achall ar aicce Temair
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Dinnshenchas poem mostly on Achall, i.e. the Hill of Skreen, Co. Meath, with prose on Duma nEirc and Duma nAichle. Both the poem and the prose text offer the story according to which Achall died of grief for her brother Erc, who was killed in vengeance for Cú Chulainn’s death, and was buried in the mound that would bear her name.
Middle IrishDinnshenchasrevenge
Independent, Aided Chon Roí
Amrae Chon Roí
beg. Ní hada dom anmuin / apairt ro-m-nét
Old IrishCú Roí (mac Dáiri)
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Ard Macha
27 st.
beg. In mag imríadat ar n-eich
Tract on the dinnshenchas of Ard Macha.
Middle IrishDinnshenchasArd Macha ... ArmaghMacha
Atbér mór do mathib
15 st.
beg. Atbér mór do mathib

Middle Irish poem on Cú Roí mac Dáire and his exploits, which are brought far afield, even extending into Greece, Asia, Africa and in general terms, ‘the south of the world’ (descert domain). He is depicted as a warrior fighting against dog-heads (Conchinn) and commanding a fleet and army, with Fomoiri and Amazons (Cígloiscthi) in his service, as well as a lord of opulent wealth. The poem concludes with the assertion that Gregory the Great is of Cú Roí’s lineage.

Late Middle IrishCú Roí (mac Dáiri)Gregory the Great
Introduction to the Táin bó Cúailnge
Atchíu fer find firfes cles
10 st.
beg. Atchíu fer find firfes cles
Fedelm [Connacht prophetess]
Fedelm ... Connacht prophetess
female poet (banfhili) and seeress (banfáith) associated with Connacht at the beginning of recensions I and II of the Táin; trained in Alba, according to the first recension; may ultimately be identical with the Fedelm Foltcháin who features in the fore-tale (remscél) known as Ces Ulad.

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Poem attributed to Fedelm, a poetess (banfhili) and seeress from Connacht, in the first two recensions of the Táin bó Cúailnge. In this poem, she prophesies the coming of Cú Chulainn and his heroic deeds.
Middle Irish
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Áth Clíath Medraige
beg. Diambad mé nochinged ind
Flann mac Lonáin
Flann mac Lonáin
(d. 891 x 918)
early Irish poet; called ‘the Virgil of the Irish’ (Firgil Gáedel) and ‘King of the Poets of Ireland’ respectively.

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Dinnshenchas on Áth Clíath Medraige, in prose and verse.
Middle IrishdinnshenchasThe seven MainesÁth Clíath MedraigeEochu Becc mac Coirpri
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, In scél iar n-urd
Dinnshenchas of Áth nGabla
6 st.;10 st.
beg. Áth nGrencha, coímchlóifid ainm

Dinnshenchas of Áth nGabla (Áth nGrencha) and some other places. It is first attested as a poem (6qq) in the LL Táin and elaborated, using additional quatrains and prose, in one of the recensions of Dinnshenchas Érenn. 

Middle IrishDinnshenchasAurard mac Ainchinne
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Áth Lúain
beg. A fhir théit im-mag Medba
Dinnshenchas on Áth Lúain
Middle IrishdinnshenchasÁth Lúain
De causis torchi Corc' Óche
Ba mol Midend midlaige
8 st.
beg. Ba mol Midend midlaige
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Old Irish
Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Benn Étair I
beg. Étar étan ri dílind
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Poem on the Hill of Howth, Co. Dublin.
Middle IrishdinnshenchasBenn Étair ... Hill of Howth
Brinna Ferchertne
36 st.
beg. Atchīu dā choin ac congail
A rhymed poem about the death of Cú Roí, preserved as part of a version of Aided Chon Roí. In a dream-vision, the poet Ferchertne utters a prophecy of Cú Roí’s death.
Old IrishEarly Middle IrishCú ChulainnCú Roí (mac Dáiri)Bláthnait
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Carn Furbaide
beg. Atá sund Carn uí Chathbath
Cúán úa Lothcháin
Cúán úa Lothcháin
(d. 1024)
Early Irish poet.

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Poem on the dinnshenchas of Carn Furbaide (near Granard), also known as Carn Uí Chathbath.
Middle IrishdinnshenchasUlster CycleEithne, daughter of Eochaid FeidlechFurbaide Fer BendEithne ... riverCarn Furbaide
Cóica traighedh tólaibh tlacht
2 st.
beg. Cóica traighedh tólaibh tlacht
Flann Mainistrech
Flann Mainistrech
(d. 1056)
Middle Irish poet ass. with Monasterboice (Mainistir Buite)

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Two sts of a medieval Irish poem concerning the gigantic physical heights of Tadg mac Céin and Conchobar mac Nessa. 

Early Irishgiantsphysical appearanceConchobar mac NessaTadg mac CéinCiannachta
Coimétor liph cend an rígh
30 st.
beg. Coimétor liph cend an rígh

Medieval Irish poem attributed in the final stanza to Aífe ingen Shogain, a síd-woman from Carn Treóin, and addressed by her to the Érainn, asking them to preserve the head of Cú Roí and recite his deeds.

Early Modern IrishCú Roí (mac Dáiri)Érainn
Comrainter in airigid
beg. Comrainter in airigid
Middle Irish poem on the honorific food portions that are due to different classes of society.
Middle IrishConchobar mac Nessa
Conailla Medb míchuru
beg. Conailla Medb míchuru
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Obscure 'accentual poem' by or at least attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara. The first section deals with the Ulster hero Fergus mac Róich, his situation as an exile in the service of Medb and Ailill, and his participation in their wars over the cattle () of the Ulstermen. The account is thought to refer to an early version of the Táin bó Cúailnge.
Old IrishMedb of CrúachanFergus mac Róich
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich
54 st.
beg. Druim Criaich, céte cét cuan
Cúán úa Lothcháin
Cúán úa Lothcháin
(d. 1024)
Early Irish poet.

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Poem and prose text on the dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich (Drumcree, Co. Westmeath), which is here said to have been known as Druim Cró and Druim n-úar nAirthir. In the Book of Leinster, the poem is attributed to Cuán ua Lothcháin (d. 1024). The poem falls into two sections. The story of the first is that of the quarrel between Eochu Feidlech, high-king of Ireland, and his three sons known as the three Findemna. On the night before the battle of Druim Criaich, in which the brothers are killed, their sister Clothru sleeps with each one of them in order to produce royal offspring. She later gives birth to Lugaid Riab nDerg, high-king of Ireland.

Middle IrishdinnshenchasDruim Criaich ... DrumcreeEochaid FeidlechLugaid Ríab nDerg (Reóderg)Clothru ... daughter of Eochaid FeidlechMáel Sechnaill mac DomnaillThe three Findemna
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne
2 st.
beg. Necht Inbir Scéne ro scaíl

Text on the dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne.

Middle IrishdinnshenchasDún mac Nechtain Scéne
Eol dam aided, erctha gním
8 st.
beg. Eol dam aided, erctha gním
Poem on the deaths of the seven Maines, sons of Medb and Ailill.
Middle IrishThe seven Maines
Laídshenchas Laigen
Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
43 st.
beg. Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
(fl. 10th century)
early Irish poet, son of Máel Máedoc mac Díarmata

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Poem on the battles of the Leinstermen and the heroes who fell at their hands
Middle IrishIrish historical verseLeinster/Cúige LaigheanLaigin
Fianna bátar i nEmain
beg. Fianna bátar i nEmain
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Middle IrishFinn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Fích mBúana
6 st.
beg. Dorat Búan, in ben nár bán
Text on the dinnshenchas of Fích mBuana
Middle IrishDinnshenchasCú ChulainnEss Rúaid ... AssaroeFích mBúanaSnám RathinBúan ingen Samaír
Fíl and grian Glinne Aí
beg. Fil and grian Glinne (h)Aí
Da Coca
Da Coca
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
blacksmith in the Ulster Cycle, whose celebrated hostel (bruiden) becomes the scene of action when Cormac Cond Longas is besieged there by the Connachta.

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Anonymous [apprentice of Banbán]Anonymous ... apprentice of Banbán
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Old Irish poem (beg. ‘Fíl and grian Glinne Aí’) which uses kennings to describe a variety of foods at a banquet. It is accompanied by (a) a gloss which offers interpretations of a number of these kennings and (b) a prose account, according to which it was uttered either by Da Coca for Cormac Cond Longas, or by an apprentice of the poet Banbán as part of an educational test. In either case, the poem is said to describe a banquet (fuirec) of which they are about to partake.
Old IrishGlenn Aí
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Gáirech
3 st.
beg. Baile h-ir-ralsat gáir cen góe
Text on the dinnshenchas of Gáirech
Middle IrishdinnshenchasCú ChulainnEmain Macha ... Navan FortGáirech