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verse beg. Cóica traighedh tólaibh tlacht

  • Early Irish
  • verse

Two sts of a medieval Irish poem concerning the gigantic physical heights of Tadg mac Céin and Conchobar mac Nessa. 

First words (verse)
  • Cóica traighedh tólaibh tlacht
Ascribed to: Flann Mainistrech
Flann Mainistrech
(d. 1056)
Middle Irish poet ass. with Monasterboice (Mainistir Buite)

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Attributed to Flann or Flann Mainistrech. See the notes to the manuscript evidence.

The manuscript evidence is helpfully summarised by Thanisch (2015):

f. 52rb.11–16
Two qq (qq 1–2), with attribution: ut dixit poeta .i. Flann.
f. 74ra.1–3
First quatrain only, without attribution. While the first paragraph of version D of Aided Chonchobuir is contained in this manuscript (see f. 42v), this quatrain is found independently from that text.
f. 8ra.8–12
Second quatrain only, with attribution: agus is de itbert Fland Mainistrech.
  • Early Irish
verse (primary)
Number of stanzas: 2



Tadg mac Céin
Tadg mac Céin
son of Cían son of Ailill Ólomm; father of Cormac Gaileng, ancestor of the Gailenga.

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No short description available

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Conchobar mac Nessa
Conchobar mac Nessa
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
king of the Ulaid in tales of the Ulster Cycle; son either of Cathbad or Fachtna Fáthach (father) and Ness (mother); husband of Mugain; father of Cormac Cond Longas, Cúscraid Mend Macha, Furbaide Fer Bend and Fedelm Noíchrothach; fosterfather of Cú Chulainn.

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Physical appearancePhysical appearance


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Meyer, Kuno [ed. and tr.], The death-tales of the Ulster heroes, Todd Lecture Series, 14, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1906.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
18–19 (version from RIA MS D iv 2)

Secondary sources (select)

Thanisch, Eystein P., “The reception and use of Flann Mainistrech and his work in medieval Gaelic manuscript culture”, 2 vols, vol. 1, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2015.
Edinburgh Research Archive – PDF: <link>
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2021, last updated: September 2023