
Robin (Robin Ernest William)
b. 1881–d. 1946

19 publications between 1911 and 1954 indexed
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Works authored

OʼGrady, Standish Hayes, Robin Flower, and Myles Dillon, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum, 3 vols, London: British Museum, 1926–1953.
Dillon, Myles [rev.], and Robin Flower, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum, vol. 3, London: British Museum, 1953.  
Index to the volumes by Standish Hayes O'Grady and Robin Flower.
Internet Archive: <link>  : View in Mirador
Index to the volumes by Standish Hayes O'Grady and Robin Flower.

Contributions to journals

Flower, Robin, “Irish high crosses”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 17 (1954): 87–97.
Flower, Robin, “Richard Davies, William Cecil, and Giraldus Cambrensis”, National Library of Wales Journal 3:1–2 (Summer 1943, 1943–1944): 11–14 + plates.
Flower, Robin, “William Salesbury, Richard Davies, and Archbishop Parker”, The National Library of Wales Journal 2:1 (Summer, 1941–1942/1941): 7–14. <link>
Flower, Robin, “Manuscripts of Irish interest in the British Museum”, Analecta Hibernica 2 (1931): 292–340.
Freeman, A. Martin, and Robin Flower, “The annals in Cotton MS Titus A xxv [part 4]”, Revue Celtique 44 (1927): 336–361.
CELT – edition: <link>
Flower, Robin, “Ireland and medieval Europe [Sir John Rhŷs Memorial Lecture]”, Proceedings of the British Academy 13 (1927): 271–303.
Flower, Robin, “Sator arepo tenet opera rotas”, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 2:2 (1924, 1923–1925): 131.
Flower, Robin, “The nine answers”, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 1:2 (1922, 1921–1923): 133–139.
Flower, Robin, and Torna Ó Maoilchonaire, “Popular science in mediaeval Ireland”, Ériu 9 (1921–1923): 61–67.
Internet Archive – 9 part 1: <link> Internet Archive – 9 part 2: <link>
Flower, Robin, “Quidam Scotigena .i. discipulus Boëthii, or Boëthius and the four conditions of a tale”, Ériu 8 (1916): 150–154.
Internet Archive: <link>
Flower, Robin, “The Irish manuscripts in the British Museum”, Transactions of the Philological Society 27 (1911–6, 1916): 118–122.
Flower, Robin, “A ḟir na hegna d’iarroigh”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 10 (1915): 266–268.
Internet Archive: <link>
Flower, Robin, “Irish commentaries on Martianus Capella”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912): 566–567.
Internet Archive: <link>
Flower, Robin, “Ad Ériu II, p. 92”, Ériu 5 (1911): 112.
Internet Archive: <link>

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Flower, Robin, “Epistola Lentuli”, in: John Ryan (ed.), Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill: Essays and studies presented to professor Eoin MacNeill on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, May 15th 1938, Dublin: Three Candles, 1940. 25–27.

About the author

Lysaght, Patricia, “From the British Museum to the Great Blasket: Robin Flower and the Western Island”, Folklore: The Journal of the Folklore Society 128:3 (September, 2017): 219–243..
Gerritsen, W. P., “Maartje Draak en Robin Flowers gedicht over Brandaan”, Madoc: Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 28:3 (2014): 174–180..
Bell, H. Idris, “Robin Ernest William Flower: 1881–1946”, in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Interpreters of early medieval Britain, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 306–328..
Ó Lúing, Seán, Celtic studies in Europe and other essays, Dublin: Geography Publications, 2000..