
Results gathered for Dinnshenchas of Laigin I

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1339 
context: Dinnshenchas Érenn A   Poem.
p. 192a  
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1339 
incipit: Ro hort in rígrad moa ríg   Poem on Dinn Ríg.
p. 192
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context: Tract on the Laigin   incipit: Labraid Loingsech Moen m. Ailella Aine   incl. Dind Ríg, rúad Túaim Tenbath, Énna Labraid luad cáich, Nuadu Necht ní dámair anflaith, Ní celt ceis, Lug scéith, Mál ad-rualaid, Eochu Ferngen, Baeth buide, Trí meic Ruaid, Find Taulcha, Dinnshenchas of Laigin I, Cethri meic la Sétna Sithbacc, Cethri meic Airt Mis Telmann, Can tri macco Ruaid din rind   No heading. Prose story of Labraid Loingsech and other pre-Christian kings of Leinster, interspersed with many alliterative verse items extracted from the so-called ‘Leinster poems’, especially those that contain no rhyme: (a) two lines beg. Labraid Longsech Móen and cited from Énna Labraid luad cáich (st.20) above (ut supra, again attributed to Laidcenn mc Bairceda); (b) a single line beg. Coic cet bliadnae buadach rim, attributed to Orthanach (Orthanach loquitur), perhaps from a version of the poem beg. Rohort in rigrad 'moa ríg (Laigin I in MD vol. 2 - cf. ‘cóic cét bliadna bith-glaine’); (c) poem beg. Dind Rig ruad tuaim tenbad (4qq), attributed to Ferchertne (Ferchertne dixit); (d) opening lines from Ní celt céis céol, attributed to Find m. Rossa; (e) two lines from Nuada Necht, beg. Domnais giallu Gaill; (f) poem beg. Lug sceith scal finn (2st.); (g) Cethri meic la Setna Sithbacc, attributed to Senchán (ut Senchán dixit); (h) opening line from Mál ad-rualaid iathu marb; (i) line beg. Cethri meic Airt Mis Telmann; (k) Eochu Ferngen ascr. to Find File (ut Find Fili fatur); (l) Baeth buide banan dron, attributed to the same poet (Find Fili de filiis Ailb m. Augein Aurgnaid cecinit); (m) Find Taulcha, attributed to Senchán Torpéist and said to be taken from Cocangab Mór (‘The great compilation’) (ro deimnig Senchán Torpéist isin Chocangaib Máir dicens). On f. 65vb.4 the prose begins to devote a section to the three sons of Rus Ruad (Ailill, Cairpre Nia Fer and Find Fili) and their lineages, beg. Tri mc iarum la Rus Ruad. It includes further verse extracts: (n) Tri meic Ruaid, ascr. to Senchán (ut Senchán dixit); (o) line beg. Can tri macco Ruaid din rind, from a poem ascr. to Orthanach (ut Orthanach dixit).
in section: f. 65v(118)a.1–f. 65v(118)b.m