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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Damgal na tarb
The episode of the fight between the two bulls, Donn Cúailnge and Finnbennach, towards the end of the Táin (I, II). It includes the brief tale of Bricriu’s death (Aided Bricrinn/Bricni).
De causis torchi Corc' Óche
form undefined
Early Irish tale on the migration of the Corco Óche. It offers a mythological account of the origin of Lough Neagh (Loch nEchach), which is said to be named after Echu mac Maireda.
De gabáil in t-shída
form undefined
A story about the Dagda, sometimes regarded as one of the remscéla to the Táin.
De locis sanctis (Bede in Irish paraphrase)
Middle Irish, abridged version of Bede’s De locis sanctis
De virtute sancti Martain (Irish homily)
Irish homily on St Martin, bishop of Tours. The work bears testimony to knowledge of the writings of Sulpicius Severus (the Vita sancti Martini and the Dialogi) in 12th-century Ireland.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Descert
beg. Athair Cailte, comul ngle
Dinnshenchas of Descert, possibly Descert Laigen
Independent, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dindgnai Temrach
Duanaire Finn
Dírgidh bhar sleagha sealga
3 st.
beg. Dírgidh bhar sleagha sealga
Duanaire Finn
Do bádus-sa úair
3 st.
beg. Do bádus-sa úair
Do bunad imthechta Éoganachta
Origin legend of the Éoganachta and the Dál Cuinn.
Do feartaib Cairnich
Short narrative text concerning the miracles of St Cairnech, patron saint of Tuilén (Dulane, Co. Meath, near Kells). It is attested as an interpolation in the Book of Ballymote version of Lebor Bretnach.
Duanaire Finn
Domhnach lodmair tar Lúachair
28 st.
beg. Domhnach lodmair tar Lúachair
Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Druim nAssail
14 st.
beg. Druim n-Assail, iarfaigther dam
Dinnshenchas of Druim nAssail.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Druim Clíab
beg. Sunda roboí Caurnán cass

Dinnshenchas of Druim Clíab.

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich
54 st.
beg. Druim Criaich, céte cét cuan
Cuán ua LothcháinCuán ua Lothcháin
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Poem and prose text on the dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich (Drumcree, Co. Westmeath), which is here said to have been known as Druim Cró and Druim n-úar nAirthir. In the Book of Leinster, the poem is attributed to Cuán ua Lothcháin (d. 1024). The poem falls into two sections. The story of the first is that of the quarrel between Eochu Feidlech, high-king of Ireland, and his three sons known as the three Findemna. On the night before the battle of Druim Criaich, in which the brothers are killed, their sister Clothru sleeps with each one of them in order to produce royal offspring. She later gives birth to Lugaid Riab nDerg, high-king of Ireland.

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim nDairbrech
beg. Cid diatá in druim, Druim nDairbrech?
An early Irish poet whose name is invoked in ascriptions of certain poems of Dinnshenchas Érenn in the Book of Leinster (Carmun, Liamuin, Slíab Bladma, perhaps Faffand and Druim nDairbrech if the abbreviation F. refers to him).

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Dinnshenchas of Druim nDairbrech
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Lebor gabála Érenn
Dinnshenchas of Druim Fíngin I
3 st.
beg. A éicse Banba co m-blaid

Short  poem (3 qq) on the dinnshenchas of Druim Fíngin.

Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Druim Fíngin II
beg. Rop h-é-seo Druim n-Elgga n-oll
Poem on the dinnshenchas of Druim Fíngin.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig (prose)
Prose text on the dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig I
12 st.
beg. Druim Súamaig, dara saigid
Poem on the dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig II
4 st.
beg. Feart Suamaigh sund ara leirg
Poem on the dinnshenchas of Druim Súamaig
Dinnshenchas Érenn C supplement
Dinnshenchas of Druim Tairléime
Text on the dinnshenchas of Druim Tairléime
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