Betha Choluim Chille
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Betha Ciaráin Saigre I
First Irish Life of St Ciarán of Saigir (Seirkieran, Co. Offaly)
Betha Ciaráin Saigre II
Second Irish Life of St Ciarán of Saigir (Seirkieran, Co. Offaly). According to Plummer (1925), it is based on a Latin Life now lost, which also served as an exemplar for a shorter text, Capgrave’s Life of Pieran.
Betha Cuimín Fota
Middle Irish tale about the life of Cummíne Fota.
Betha Decclain
Vernacular Irish translation of the Latin Life of St Declán of Ardmore (Vita sancti Declani).
Betha Farannáin

Vernacular Irish Life of St Farannán (or Forannán), a local saint associated with Alt Fharannáin (townland of Alternan Park, Co. Sligo). In the opening passage, he is claimed to be fifth in descent from Éogan son of Níall Noígíallach.

Betha Féchín Fabair
Nicól ÓgNicól Óg
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Irish Life of St Féchín of Fore. According to a note in the manuscript (NLI MS G 5), it is based on a Latin work and was translated into Irish by Nicól Óg, abbot of Cong.

Betha Finnchua Brí Gobunn

Vernacular Irish Life of Finnchua, al. Finnchú, of Brí Gobann (Brigown, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork). The text presents its subject, not as a mere local saint, but as one whose activities extended further afield in Ireland, concluding with a visit to Rome.

Betha Fursa
Irish life of St Fursa
Betha Grighora
Middle Irish homily on Gregory the Great, containing a series of miracle-stories connected with Gregory, framed between a prologue and epilogue.
Beatha Lasrach
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Life of St Lasair of Kilronan (Cell Rónáin).
Betha Máedóc Ferna I
Short Irish Life of St Máedóc, founder and patron saint of Ferna (Ferns, Co. Wexford)
Betha Máedóc Ferna II
Lengthy Irish Life of St Máedóc, founder and patron saint of Ferna (Ferns, Co. Wexford).
Betha Mo Chuda
Irish Life of Mo Chutu of Rahan and Lismore
Betha Molaga

Life of St Mo Laga (Molaga) of Tulach Mín Mo Laga, Co. Cork

Betha na trí Domnall

Medieval Irish story about Máel Suthain Úa Cerbaill, confessor (anm-chara) of Brian Borúma, and his three students from Coinnire (Connor, Co. Antrim), each of whom is named Domnall. Initially reluctant, Máel Suthain lets them go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, on the condition that they die in that place together and before ascending to heaven, reveal to him the length of the remainder of his life and his destination after death. After their deaths, Michael the Archangel lets them visit Máel Suthain to tell him his prospects and that hell is in store for him, for three reasons. However, Máel Suthain mends his ways and on the day of his death, he is admitted to heaven. Mention is made of his manuscripts at Inisfallen.

Betha Ruadáin
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Irish Life of Ruadán of Lothra (Lorrha, Co. North Tipperary)
Betha Shenáin
Vernacular Irish Life of St Senán of Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island).
Bethadh Bibuis o Hamtuir
Mac an Leagha (Uilliam)
Mac an Leagha (Uilliam)
(fl. 15th century)
Irish author, translator and scribe

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Medieval Irish adaptation of the story of Bevis of Hampton, based on a Middle English version of the legend.

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