Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Aislinge nAimirgin
form undefined
Aislinge Óenguso
form undefined
Duanaire Finn
Aithreos caithréim infir móir
67 st.
beg. Aithreos caithréim infir móir
Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
Aithrí agus bás Oisín
62 st.
beg. Ná bí feasta ag luadh na bhFiann
Final piece of Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig, in which Patrick tricks Oisín into asking him for forgiveness and grants him absolution. Oisín dies not long afterwards.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Alend
14 st.
beg. Alend óenach diar n-ócaib
Prose and verse dinnshenchas of Alend
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Almu (prose)
Dinnshenchas prose text on Almu (the Hill of Allen, Co. Kildare)
Dinnshenchas of Almu I
beg. Almu Lagen, les na Fían
Dinnshenchas poem on Almu (the Hill of Allen, Co. Kildare), which recounts the tale of the conception of Finn mac Cumaill.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Almu II
4 st.
beg. Almu robo cháem dia cois

Dinnshenchas poem on Almu (the Hill of Allen, Co. Kildare).

Amra Senáin
beg. Senán soer síd-athair
Dallán Forgaill
Dallán Forgaill
(fl. 597)
early Irish poet, known as the author of Amra Choluim Chille

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Eulogy on Senán mac Geirrcinn, saint of Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island, Co. Clare), with gloss.
Independent, Aided Chon Roí
Amrae Chon Roí
beg. Ní hada dom anmuin / apairt ro-m-nét
Duanaire Finn
An Seisior. tríar attigim ar deisiol
7 st.
beg. An Seisior. tríar attigim ar deisiol
Cath Maige Mucrama, Dinnshenchas Érenn C supplement
Dinnshenchas of Áne Chlíach

An episode in Cath Maige Mucrama which tells of Ailill Ólomm's hostility towards two inhabitants of the síd-mound Áne Chlíach and of the blemish and curse he incurred on account of this. It gives an explanation of Ailill's nickname as well as the name of the hill.

Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
Anmanna na laochra do thit ar Chnoc an Áir
16 st.
Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
Anmanna na ngadhar is na gcon
39 st.
Annals of Tigernach
Annals of Tigernach s.a. 1084.4
form undefined
beg. Teidm mor isin bliadain sin
Duanaire Finn
Anocht fíor dheiredh na ffían
23 st.
beg. Anocht fíor dheiredh na ffían
Araile felmac féig don Mumain
beg. Araile felmac féig don Mumain
Short Middle Irish tale concerning poets.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B, Dinnshenchas Érenn C supplement
Dinnshenchas of Ard Fothaid
5 st.
beg. Ard Fothaid, in fetabair
Dinnshenchas of Ard Fothaid
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Ard Macha
27 st.
beg. In mag imríadat ar n-eich
Tract on the dinnshenchas of Ard Macha.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Ard na Riag
10 st.
beg. Ard na Riag, raid a fhoros
Dinnshenchas of Ard na Riag, which has been identified as the former village of Castle Hill near Ardnaree (Co. Mayo) by the river Moy. It offers a brief version of a tale found in Caithréim Cellaig.
Acallam na senórach, Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Ard Ruide
10 st.
beg. Trí tuili / bít i n-dún Ardda Ruidi
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Dinnshenchas of Ard Ruide, a royal seat in Munster.

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