Día mór dom imdegail
82 st.
beg. Día mór dom imdegail
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Late Middle Irish poem (82 stt. in ochtfhoclach metre) attributed to Colum Cille, which is known for its length and stylistic complexity. 

Druimm Cetta céte na noem
30 st.;31 st.
beg. Druimm Cetta, céte na noem
Early Irish poem (31 qq, unattributed) on the convention of Druim Cett and those who attended the meeting.
Eistea frim a Baithín buain
66 st.
beg. Éistea frim, a Baíthín búain
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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An Irish prophecy in verse (66 stt in two of the earliest versions), attributed to Colum Cille and addressed to his successor, Baíthín.
Félire Óengusso
Óengus of Tallaght
Óengus (mac Óengobann) of Tallaght
(fl. early part of the 9th century)
author of Félire Óengusso

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Félire Uí Gormáin (Martyrology of Gorman)
Úa Gormáin (Máel Muire)Úa Gormáin (Máel Muire)
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Irish metrical calendar of saints compiled by Máel Muire Ua Gormáin in the 12th century.
Gabriel lim i nDomhnaighibh
9 st.
beg. Gabriel lim i nDomhnaighibh

An early Irish metrical prayer (8 st.) seeking the protection and support of the archangels, one for each day of the week.

Gébaid a ainm dim anmaim-se
beg. Gébaid a ainm dim anmaim-se
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Early Irish prophetic poem attributed to Colum Cille
Gnímhradha in sheseadh lái láin
63 st.
beg. Gnímhradha in sheseadh lái láin
Is imdha eccla ar mh'anmain
9 st.
beg. Is imdha eccla ar mh'anmain
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
(d. 908)
bishop and king of Munster

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Poem (9 qq) attributed to Cormac mac Cuilennáin.
Is ór glan is nem im gréin
beg. Is ór glan is nem im gréin
Old Irish praise poem in honour of a religious man, whom manuscript tradition identifies as the saint Mo Ling. This praise is delivered in the form of analogies with both natural and man-made things. In several manuscript versions, the poem is introduced by a prose anecdote which explains that the Devil had appeared to Mo Ling disguised as Christ but was unsuccessful in his attempts to deceive the saint. Mo Ling challenged the Devil and forced him into uttering this poem in his honour.
Isam aithrech febda fecht
9 st.
beg. Isam aithrech, febda fecht
Óengus céile DéÓengus céile Dé
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First of two devotional Middle Irish poems (9 stanzas) that were added to the Saltair na rann in the Rawl. B 502 manuscript.
M'oenurán dam isin sliabh
11 st.;17 st.
beg. M’óenurán dam isin slíabh
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Maire máthair in maic bic
7 st.;8 st.
beg. Maire máthair in maic bic
Short Old Irish poem (7 qq + 1 possibly interpolated) on the Virgin Mary, preserved only in a 17th-century manuscript (NLI MS G 50).
Mairg thochrus fri cléirchib cell
beg. Mairg thochrus fri cléirchib cell
Díarmait mac Cerbaill
Díarmait mac Cerbaill
(supp. d. 565)
In Irish historical tradition, high-king of Ireland, son of Fergus Cerrbél.

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Early Irish poem attributed to Díarmait mac Cerbaill. In recensions of his death-tale, he is made to utter this poem after two saints, Ciarán and Rúadán, had cursed him for having acted against the rights and authority of the church.

Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailinn
12 st.
beg. Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailinn
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Late Middle Irish poem (12 qq) ascribed in one MS to Colum Cille.
Mithig dam-sa tairerad
10 st.
beg. Mithig dam-sa tairerad / do thriall o thoraib teglaig
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Céle Dabhail mac ScannailCéle Dabhail mac Scannail
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Religious Irish poem (10 qq) on pilgrimage. In MSS of the Annals of the Four Masters, under the year 926, it is attributed to Céle Dabhail, abbot of Bangor, who is said have composed it before going on pilgrimage to Rome. The copy in Laud Misc. 615, a collection of poetry associated with Colum Cille, comes with an attribution to that saint.

Ní car Brigit
beg. Ní car Brigit búadach bith
Broccán clóen
Broccán clóen
(d. 650)
No short description available

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Ní disceoil duib Néill andes
7 st.
beg. Ní disceoil d’Uib Néill andes

Early Irish poem (7 qq) in praise of Colum Chille, with ample quotations from the Amra Choluim Chille.

Ní-m thá saegid for Día ndron
58 st.
beg. Ní-m thá saegid for Día ndron

The second of two Middle Irish devotional poems that are found after the core of Saltair na rann in Rawl. B 502.

Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
13 st.
beg. Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
Middle Irish poem (13 st.) in praise of St Patrick.
Ránag i Rachrainn na rígh
16 st.
beg. Ránag i Rachrainn na rígh

Medieval Irish poem (16 qq) concerning Colum Cille and the monastery of Rachra, presumably Lambay Island (off the coast of north Co. Dublin).

Ro thinnscanad in tAmra
1 st.
beg. Ro thinnscanad in tAmra
Máel Suthain [poet]Máel Suthain ... poet
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An Irish quatrain attributed to Máel Suthain, which is cited in the prose preface to the Amra Choluim Chille as supporting evidence for the composition of the Amra having been begun in Áth Féine Ollarba and completed in Tech Lomráin.

Ropadh maith lem corm-lind mór
5 st.
beg. Ropadh maith lem / corm-lind mór do Rígh na rígh
Brigit of Kildare
Brigit of Kildare
(c. 439/452–c. 524/526)
patron saint of Kildare, whose cult spread both within and outside of Ireland.

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Middle Irish poem (5 qq) attributed to St Brigit of Kildare.
Saltair na rann
1,947 st.
Middle Irish verse composition giving accounts of biblical history, from the time of Creation to the resurrection of Christ. It is divided into 150 cantos of varying lengths, ranging from just 3 quatrains to as many as 138.
Saltair na rann
Saltair na rann/1 Mo rí-se rí nime náir
84 st.
beg. Mo rí-se rí nime náir

The opening poem or canto (84qq) in the Middle Irish series of poems known as Saltair na rann. It deals with the universe and its creation, drawing on biblical narrative as well as other sources.