Táin bó Cúailnge II
Comrád chindcherchailli
De genelogia Con Culaind
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Two pedigrees of Cú Chulainn, which follow the text of Síaburcharpat Con Culaind in Lebor na hUidre.
De maccaib Conaire
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Prose narrative in which the sons of Conaire mac Moghaláma take revenge on Nemed mac Srobcind for slaying their father. Gwynn suggests that the scribe of the Book of Leinster amended his text so as to make this story a continuation of Togail bruidne Da Derga.
Táin bó Cúailnge I
Dinda na Tána
A short section, or table of contents, in the first recension of Táin bó Cúailnge (YBL). It enumerates the fifteen subsequent episodes, or main episodes (dinda), that make up the final section of the Táin.
Echtrae Con Culainn
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II, Táin bó Cúailnge III
Fagbáil in tairb
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Fiacalgleó Findtain
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Foglaim Con Culainn
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Forfess Fer Fálgae
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Formolta Con Culainn
Short episode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recension I and II) in which Fergus praises the young hero Cú Chulainn. It forms a prelude to Fergus' reminiscences of Cú Chulainn's deeds, which are found in the next two episodes.
Gleoud in chatha
The episode in the Táin (I, II) in which the Ulaid, encamped near the Connachta and their mercenaries, are roused to battle. It begins with the Morrígan sowing fear and strife between the enemy camps (incl. a retoiric).
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Imacallaim na Mórígna fri Coin Culaind
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Episode in Táin bó Cúailnge.
Immacallam in dá thúarad
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Early Irish wisdom text
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Imroll Belaig Eóin
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Introduction to the Táin bó Cúailnge
Lebor gabála Érenn/2. De gabálaib Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn/2F(2). Immirgi Mac nÚmóir
An account of the flight of the Fir Bolg to a number of islands following their defeat in the battle of Mag Tuired; their expulsion by the Picts; and their return to Ireland with the aid of Ailill and Medb of Connacht.
Táin bó Cúailnge I
Lingid Fergus darsin n-omnai ina charput
Episode found in the first recension of Táin bó Cúailnge
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Macgnímrada Con Culainn
Not an independent(ly preserved) tale, but a story included in Táin bó Cúailnge, recension I and II.
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Meillgleó nIliach
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Episode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II).
Neidhi mac Onchon
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Táin bó Cúailnge I
Orgain Chúalngi
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Rúadrucca Mind
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Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
In scél iar n-urd