Dinda na Tána ‘The chief episodes of the Táin’

  • prose, list
  • Táin bó Cúailnge
A short section, or table of contents, in the first recension of Táin bó Cúailnge (YBL). It enumerates the fifteen subsequent episodes, or main episodes (dinda), that make up the final section of the Táin.

The list of titles announces the following episodes:

  • [[Caladgleó Cethirn |Caladgleó Cethirn meic Findtain]] (The hard fight of Cethern mac Fintain)
  • [[Fiacalgleó Findtain |Fiacalgleó Fintain]] (The tooth-fight of Fintan)
  • [[Rúadrucca Mind |Rúadruca Mind]] (The red shame of Mend)
  • [[Bángleó Rochada |Bángleó Rochada]] (The bloodless fight of Rochad)
  • [[Meillgleó nIliach |Mellgleó Iliach]] (The humorous fight of Iliach)
  • [[Airecor nArad |Airicar n-arad]] (The missile-throwing of the charioteers)
  • [[Aislinge nAimirgin |Aisling n-Aimirgin]] (The trance of Aimirgin)
  • [[Sirrabad Súaldaim |Sírrabad Súaltaim]] (The repeated warning of Súaltaim)
  • [[Tochestol Ulad |Tochestal Ulaid]] (The mustering of the Ulstermen)
  • Aislingi Dubthaich (The trance of Dubthach)
  • Aislingthi Cormaic Con Longes (The trance of Cormac Con Longes)
  • [[Toichim na mbuiden |Toichim na m-buiden]] (The array of the companies)
  • Gleóud in chatha (The final decision in battle)
  • Damgal na tarb (The fight of the bulls)
  • Ús in Duib Chúalngni for táin (The adventures of Dub Cúailnge on the foray)

The title Tochostul fear nÉrend does not occur here but is used as a subheading later in the text.

Context(s)The (textual) context(s) to which the present text belongs or in which it is cited in part or in whole.
prose, list (primary)
Textual relationships
(Possible) sources: Caladgleó CethirnCaladgleó Cethirn

Episode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II), in which the warrior Cethern mac Fintain single-handedly fights the men of Ireland in their encampment (while Cú Chulainn is recovering), returns to receive treatment for his wounds, and launches a final attack on the encampment. It is the first of a final series of episodes in the Táin (the so-called dinda na Tána as Recension I describes them).

Fiacalgleó FindtainFiacalgleó FindtainRúadrucca MindRúadrucca MindBángleó RochadaBángleó RochadaMeillgleó nIliachMeillgleó nIliachEpisode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II).Airecor nAradAirecor nAradAislinge nAimirginAislinge nAimirginSirrabad SúaldaimSirrabad SúaldaimTochestol UladTochestol UladAislingi DubthaichAislingi DubthaichView incoming dataBúadris AilillaBúadris AilillaView incoming dataToichim na mbuidenToichim na mbuidenEpisode in Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II), in which Ailill and Medb watch the approaching Ulaid through intermediaries. It employs the so-called ‘watchman device’, in which a watchman with keen sight, here Mac Roth, offers a visually rich if puzzling description of what he sees and in which an interpreter of the description, here Fergus mac Róich, is able to identify the approaching characters.Tochostul fear nÉrendTochostul fear nÉrend


Táin bó Cúailnge
Táin bó Cúailnge
id. 624


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

See Táin bó Cúailnge for the complete list
[ed.] [tr.] OʼRahilly, Cecile [ed. and tr.], Táin bó Cúailnge: Recension I, Dublin: DIAS, 1976.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link>
Lines 3154–3160 Recension I.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
July 2012, last updated: January 2024