De gabáil in t-shída
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A story about the Dagda, sometimes regarded as one of the remscéla to the Táin.
Early Irish
De genelogia Con Culaind
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Two pedigrees of Cú Chulainn, which follow the text of Síaburcharpat Con Culaind in Lebor na hUidre.
Cú Chulainn
De maccaib Conaire
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Prose narrative in which the sons of Conaire mac Moghaláma take revenge on Nemed mac Srobcind for slaying their father. Gwynn suggests that the scribe of the Book of Leinster amended his text so as to make this story a continuation of Togail bruidne Da Derga.
minor Irish prose talesNemed mac SrobcindConaire mac Moghaláma
De shíl Chonairi Móir
Conaire MórGnáthal mac Conruith
Táin bó Cúailnge I
Dinda na Tána
A short section, or table of contents, in the first recension of Táin bó Cúailnge (YBL). It enumerates the fifteen subsequent episodes, or main episodes (dinda), that make up the final section of the Táin.
Do faillsigud Tána bó Cúailnge
Late Old IrishEarly Middle IrishFergus mac RóichSenchán TorpéistMuirgein (Muirgen) mac SencháinEmine úa Ninéne
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich
54 st.
beg. Druim Criaich, céte cét cuan
Cúán úa Lothcháin
Cúán úa Lothcháin
(d. 1024)
Early Irish poet.

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Poem and prose text on the dinnshenchas of Druim Criaich (Drumcree, Co. Westmeath), which is here said to have been known as Druim Cró and Druim n-úar nAirthir. In the Book of Leinster, the poem is attributed to Cuán ua Lothcháin (d. 1024). The poem falls into two sections. The story of the first is that of the quarrel between Eochu Feidlech, high-king of Ireland, and his three sons known as the three Findemna. On the night before the battle of Druim Criaich, in which the brothers are killed, their sister Clothru sleeps with each one of them in order to produce royal offspring. She later gives birth to Lugaid Riab nDerg, high-king of Ireland.

Middle IrishdinnshenchasDruim Criaich ... DrumcreeEochaid FeidlechLugaid Ríab nDerg (Reóderg)Clothru ... daughter of Eochaid FeidlechMáel Sechnaill mac DomnaillThe three Findemna
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Duma Selga
28 st.
beg. Duma Selga sund 'sin maig
Dinnshenchas of Duma(e) Selga.
Middle IrishDinnshenchasMedb of CrúachanÓengus mac ind ÓcDuma SelgaDrebriu ... daughter of Eochaid FeidlechBrogarbán ... warrior
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne
2 st.
beg. Necht Inbir Scéne ro scaíl

Text on the dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne.

Middle IrishdinnshenchasDún mac Nechtain Scéne
Echtra Fergusa maic Léti
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Old Irish
Echtra Nerai
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Early IrishNera
Echtrae Con Culainn
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Cú Chulainn
Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Eithne
Dinnshenchas of the River Eithne, said to be named for Eithne daughter of Eochaid Feidlech. The narrative is closely related to that of the Dinnshenchas of Carn Furbaide but focuses on Eithne rather than her son Furbaide.
Middle IrishdinnshenchasUlster CycleEithne, daughter of Eochaid FeidlechFurbaide Fer BendEithne ... riverCarn Furbaide
Eol dam aided, erctha gním
8 st.
beg. Eol dam aided, erctha gním
Poem on the deaths of the seven Maines, sons of Medb and Ailill.
Middle IrishThe seven Maines
Laídshenchas Laigen
Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
43 st.
beg. Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
(fl. 10th century)
early Irish poet, son of Máel Máedoc mac Díarmata

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Poem on the battles of the Leinstermen and the heroes who fell at their hands
Middle IrishIrish historical verseLeinster/Cúige LaigheanLaigin
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II, Táin bó Cúailnge III
Fagbáil in tairb
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Ferchuitred Medba
Late Middle IrishMedb of CrúachanAilill mac MátaThe seven MainesConchobar mac NessaEochaid FeidlechEochaid DálaThe three FindemnaTinde mac Connrach
Táin bó Cúailnge I, Táin bó Cúailnge II
Fiacalgleó Findtain
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Fianna bátar i nEmain
beg. Fianna bátar i nEmain
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Middle IrishFinn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Fích mBúana
6 st.
beg. Dorat Búan, in ben nár bán
Text on the dinnshenchas of Fích mBuana
Middle IrishDinnshenchasCú ChulainnEss Rúaid ... AssaroeFích mBúanaSnám RathinBúan ingen Samaír
Fíl and grian Glinne Aí
beg. Fil and grian Glinne (h)Aí
Da Coca
Da Coca
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
blacksmith in the Ulster Cycle, whose celebrated hostel (bruiden) becomes the scene of action when Cormac Cond Longas is besieged there by the Connachta.

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Anonymous [apprentice of Banbán]Anonymous ... apprentice of Banbán
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Old Irish poem (beg. ‘Fíl and grian Glinne Aí’) which uses kennings to describe a variety of foods at a banquet. It is accompanied by (a) a gloss which offers interpretations of a number of these kennings and (b) a prose account, according to which it was uttered either by Da Coca for Cormac Cond Longas, or by an apprentice of the poet Banbán as part of an educational test. In either case, the poem is said to describe a banquet (fuirec) of which they are about to partake.
Old IrishGlenn Aí
Fled Bricrenn
BricriuConall CernachCú ChulainnCú Roí (mac Dáiri)Lóegaire Búadach
Fochonn loingse Fergusa meic Roich
A fragment relating part of a tale about Fergus mac Roích.
Late Old IrishEarly Middle Irishremscéla to Táin bó CúailngeFergus mac RóichDubthach Dóel UladEmain Macha ... Navan Fort
Foglaim Con Culainn
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Cú Chulainn