

  • The following overview is based mainly on T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921) and Liam Breatnach, Companion to CIH (2005).
  • The numbering followed here is in the main that of Abbott and Gwynn, who in turn appear to rely on modern pencil marks. This arrangement is not always straightforward:
    • The numbering usually indicates columns, but there are instances where a number covers more than one column, such as a page or folio. To preserve a clean table layout, the columns are numbered throughout, with a superscript mark attached where the numbering needs to be subdivided, e.g. col. 650(a) for p. 650a and col. 658(vb) for f. 658vb.
    • In addition, some parts of the manuscript, such as slips or empty leaves, were left unnumbered. In some cases, Abbott and Gwynn have remedied this by inventing a new identifying mark, usually by combining the number of the previous column with a letter in italics (e.g. 672b).
col. 645–col. 649
Incipit: ‘Cia roich eneclann’
Legal miscellany, a commentary with citations from Old Irish texts on a wide variety of topcs. Ed. CIH 2093.29ff.
col. 649–col. 649
col. 650(a)col. 650(b)
[Irish version of the Somniale Danielis] Incipit: ‘Innech atchife digbail fola’
i.e. p. 650a–p. 650b. Tract on omens and visions of the night, identified by R. I. Best as a version of the Somniale Danielis.(1)n. 1 R. I. Best, ‘An Irish version of the Somniale Danielis’ in Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill... (1940). It occupies two columns that are numbered together as 650 (one page) and concludes in the preceding column (col. 649).
col. 651
Incipit: ‘In erdiass ⁊ in ailgine ⁊ in gorad’
Legal text
col. 652
Incipit: ‘In nomine patris’
Lower margin: a charm to put on the head of a horse.
scribal addition m
col. 653
Incipit: ‘Masa durthach .u. troigedh ndéc’
On a law regulating the payment for building churches and round towers. Ed. CIH 2099.23ff.
col. 653
Incipit: ‘Notlégind so sís’
Marginal note on the previous text
scribal addition m
col. 654
[Bretha nemed toísech] Heading/rubric: ‘Corus Bretha Nemhidh’
Fragment, with a gloss. Ed. CIH 2100.11ff.
col. 654
Heading/rubric: ‘Secht ngráid ecna’
On the seven grades of ecclesiastical scholars. Ed. CIH 2101.1ff.
655 and 656 are numbered as pages in the catalogue description.
col. 655(a)
Heading/rubric: ‘Di gradaib eclasa and so sis (...)’Incipit: ‘Secht ngráid eclasa’
i.e. p. 655a. On church grades (...). Ed. CIH 2101.14ff.
col. 656(a)
[Bretha nemed toísech] Heading/rubric: ‘De brethaibh filedIncipit: ‘Raid uile Amirgein, abair fir filed. Amergein respondet.’
i.e. p. 656. Glossed fragments.
Incipit: ‘Aithirni fri Amirgin
Marginal note to the previous item
scribal addition m
col. 656?.12–col. 657?
[Urchuillti bretheman] Incipit: ‘Cesc, cadiat urcuilte bretheman?’
written in a “later” (Breatnach) and “peculiar cursive hand” (Abbott and Gwynn). Ed. CIH 2102.31-2103.32.
Incipit: ‘Gné .ii.’
Marginal note (as given in Roland M. Smith, ‘Urchuillti bretheman’ in Irish texts, fasciculus IV... (1934)), expanded by Abbott and Gwynn as ‘Gne eile’.
scribal addition m