
Extracts from the final third of Senchas Már

Cols 658(ra)–661.
No. 658 is not a column but a folio with four columns (two on either side).
col. 658(ra)
In the margin: short extract on aitire, probably from Bésgnae Ráithe (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2103.33ff.
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col. 658(ra)
[Tract on marriage and divorce] Incipit: ‘Nach tualaing in ben...’
i.e. folio 658ra. Short extract, probably from the Tract on marriage and divorce (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2103.35ff.
Extract concerning trees, probably from Fidbretha (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2106.3ff.
In the margins: extract concerning cattle and sheep. Ed. CIH 2106.15ff.
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col. 658(va)
[Di brethaib gaire] Heading/rubric: ‘De brethaib gaire’
i.e. folio 658va. Ed. CIH 2106.34ff.
col. 658(va).37
i.e. folio 658va (line 37).
col. 658(va)
i.e. folio 658va. Marginal writing
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col. 658(vb)
Incipit: ‘Cuad dá ord .x.’
i.e. folio 658vb.
col. 658b
[Caput Christi charm ] Incipit: ‘Caput Cristi oculus isaie frons helie nassur...’
Charm against headache. This part, unnumbered, has been designated 658b in the TCD catalogue (Abbott and Gwynn).
No. 659 is not a column but a page with two columns.
col. 659?
In the (top?) margin: extract on bird-nets, from Bretha Sén Formae (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2108.24ff.
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col. 659(a)
i.e. p. 659a. Extract on deposits, from Córus aithni (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2108.30ff.
col. 660
Extract on turbaid, from the Turbaid-tract (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2112.4ff.
col. 660
Incipit: ‘O lux nostra in tenibris...’
Lower margin: charm for protection in battle
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col. 661
col. 661
[Tres boni fratres charm (TCD 1336)] Incipit: ‘Pater noster...’
Lower margin: charm for healing a wound. See Ilona Tuomi, ‘‘As I went up the hill of Mount Olive’ : the Irish tradition of the Three Good Brothers charm revisited’, Studia Celtica Fennica 13 (2016) and R. I. Best, ‘Some Irish charms’, Ériu 16 (1952); for the broader historical background of the Three Good Brothers charm, see Lea Olsan, ‘The three good brothers charms: some historical points’, Incantatio: An International Journal on Charms, Charmers and Charming 1 (2011).
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