
On praise and satire; charms

Cols 671-674
col. 671
Marginal note saying that “the time and place were the same for this book and the preceding” (Abbott and Gwynn).
scribal addition m
col. 671–col. 673
Heading/rubric: ‘Cotoich eices acra a leasa’Incipit: ‘Teora ernaile airegda...’
Legal passage on praise and satire. Part of the text is on inserted slips, which also contains a number of unrelated charms (see below). Ed. CIH 2118.3-2119.33.
col. 672
Here the text continues with technical matters relating to poetry, “written large and glossed”, beg. with an entry on trefhocul.
There are two slips inserted between cols 672-673. One of these contains charms on both sides of the vellum (672b and 672c below). The other slip, which is described as being “narrow, L-shaped” (Abbott and Gwynn), has a charm on one side (672d) and legal material on the other (given below as 672e, though an identifying mark is omitted in the catalogue description).
col. 672b
Incipit: ‘Ben beres ingena...’
Irish charm for producing male children.
scribal addition s
col. 672b
Incipit: ‘Buidi Phetair im Isu Crist...’
Charm against disease.
scribal addition s
col. 672c
Incipit: ‘Angelus domini dictauit hacc Gregorio pape...’
scribal addition s
col. 672c
Two examples of cuairt coimgi
scribal addition s
col. 672d
Incipit: ‘Eolas do leamad fhir...’
Charm again male impotence.
scribal addition s
col. 672e
Legal passage on the honour-price (eneclann) and duas of a poet. Ed. CIH 2118.21-2119.4.
scribal addition s
col. 673
Marginal note on theft (Breatnach). Ed. CIH 2119.5-8.
scribal addition m
col. 673
The text on praise, satire and trefhocul continues here. Ed. CIH 2119.9-33.

Legal miscellany

Citations from Old Irish texts, with commentary and glosses. Ed. CIH 2119.34-2125.20.