Currently selected criteria
Duanaire Finn
Iss é súd colg in laoich láin
59 st.
beg. Iss é súd colg in laoich láin
Duanaire Finn
La da ndechaidh Fionn na bhfían
24 st.
beg. La da ndechaidh Fionn na bhfían
Duanaire Finn
La da rabhamur a nDún Bó
40 st.
beg. Lá dá rabhamur a nDún Bó
Independent, Duanaire Finn, Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
La da raibh Fionn ag ol
19 st.;127 st.
beg. La da raibh Fionn ag ol
Duanaire Finn
La da raibh Padraic a nDún
26 st.
beg. La da raibh Padraic a nDún
Duanaire Finn
Lá do bhí sealg Shléibhe Guillenn
170 st.
beg. Lá do bhí sealg Shléibhe Guillenn / do hinnioll ré mac Cumhaill
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Laigin (prose)
Dinnshenchas of the Laigin.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Laigin I
beg. Rohort in rígrad 'moa ríg
Dinnshenchas of the Laigin, referring to the tale of the destruction of Dind Ríg.
Independent, Cóir anmann, Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Commentary on the Amra Choluim Chille, Dinnshenchas Érenn B, Lebor gabála Érenn
Dinnshenchas of Laigin II
3 st.
beg. Labraid Loingsech, lór a lín
Dinnshenchas of the Laigin
Laoi an Amadáin Mhóir
beg. Do chualadh sgéal uaimhneach gan bhréig

Poetic composition which relates a version of the Irish comedic tale known in prose as Eachtra an Amadáin Mhóir, or more precisely, an expanded version of the concluding adventures of that tale. Texts of the lay are known in both Irish and Scottish Gaelic, and variants are known from the oral tradition.

Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
Laoi Mheargaigh na Lann
230 st.
Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
Laoi na seilge
37 st.
Leabhar Ser Marco Polo
form undefined
Duanaire Finn
Leacht Guill do chráidh mo chroidhe
39 st.
beg. Leacht Guill do chráidh mo chroidhe
Lebor Bretnach
Middle Irish adaptation of the Historia Brittonum ascribed to Nennius
Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn (Ó Cléirigh)
form undefined
A modern version of Lebor gabála Érenn, revised by Micheál Ó Cléirigh and his associates in 1631.
Lebor gabála Érenn (Míniugud)

An abbreviated recension of Lebor gabála Érenn, known as the Miniugud recension. In the manuscripts, it is usually found as an appendix to Recension II.

Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn (Recension B)
form undefined
The so-called second recension of Lebor gabála Érenn.
Lebor gabála Érenn/3. De fhlaithiusaib Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn/3A. Érimón and the Cruithni
An account of the reign of Érimón mac Míled, notably the contention with his brother Éber, a series of battles, the bursting forth of lakes and streams, and Érimón’s own death. A number of versions also insert a tract on the Picts into the narrative.
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