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Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailinn
12 st.
beg. Mellach lem bith i n-ucht ailinn
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Late Middle Irish poem (12 qq) ascribed in one MS to Colum Cille.
Mesce Chúanach
8 st.
beg. Is pind limp / In tan gabther mo dúan dam
Cúanu mac Ailchíne
Cúanu mac Ailchíne
King of the Fir Maige Féne.

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Medieval Irish poem (8 st.) attributed to Cúanu mac Cailchíni, king of the Fir Maige Féne.

Messe ocus Pangur bán
8 st.
beg. Messe ocus Pangur Bán
Metrical Banshenchas
beg. Adam oen-athair na ndoene
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
(fl. c. 1147)
Irish poet, credited as the author of Éri óg inis na náem and Ádam óenathair na ndóene (the metrical Banshenchas).

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Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
Úa Caiside (Gilla Mo Dutu)
(fl. c. 1147)
Irish poet, credited as the author of Éri óg inis na náem and Ádam óenathair na ndóene (the metrical Banshenchas).

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Metrical version of the Banshenchas, composed by Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside (1147).
Mian mná Tethrach a tenid
1 st.
beg. Mian mná Tethrach .i. Badb a tenid
Flann mac Lonáin
Flann mac Lonáin
(d. 891 x 918)
early Irish poet; called ‘the Virgil of the Irish’ (Firgil Gáedel) and ‘King of the Poets of Ireland’ respectively.

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1 stanza.
Mide maigen Clainne Cuind
beg. Mide maigen Clainne Cuind
Middle Irish poem on the kings of Mide.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Mide
13 st.
beg. Mide magen na marc mer
Áed úa CarthaigÁed úa Carthaig
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Dinnshenchas of Mide.
Mithig dam-sa tairerad
10 st.
beg. Mithig dam-sa tairerad / do thriall o thoraib teglaig
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Céle Dabhail mac ScannailCéle Dabhail mac Scannail
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Religious Irish poem (10 qq) on pilgrimage. In MSS of the Annals of the Four Masters, under the year 926, it is attributed to Céle Dabhail, abbot of Bangor, who is said have composed it before going on pilgrimage to Rome. The copy in Laud Misc. 615, a collection of poetry associated with Colum Cille, comes with an attribution to that saint.

Mithig techt tar mo thimna
beg. Mithig techt tar mo thimna
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
(d. 908)
bishop and king of Munster

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Mittelirische Verslehren IV
14 st.
beg. Sluindfet dúib dagaisti in dána
Cellach úa RúanadaCellach úa Rúanada
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Middle Irish poem ascribed to Cellach úa Rúanada in which for educational purposes, every stanza is composed in a different metrical form.
Mo chara-sa Cnámíne
beg. Mo chara-sa Cnámíne
Flann mac Lonáin
Flann mac Lonáin
(d. 891 x 918)
early Irish poet; called ‘the Virgil of the Irish’ (Firgil Gáedel) and ‘King of the Poets of Ireland’ respectively.

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Poem cited as an example by Mittelirische Verslehren II.
Mo chreach is mo léun thú
beg. Mo chreach is mo léun thú, a Bhéul Átha na Cairrge
Irish poem lamenting the exile of Pilib mac Aodha Uí Raghallaigh in Spain after the Irish Confederate Wars.
Mo labrad
beg. Mo labrad
Ua Brolcháin (Máel Ísu)
Ua Brolcháin (Máel Ísu)
(d. (c.) 1086)
No short description available

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Moch ddwyreawg huan haf dyffestin
beg. Moch-ddwyreawg huan haf dyffestin
Gwalchmai ap Meilyr
Gwalchmai ap Meilyr
(fl. c.1130–1180)
Welsh poet from Anglesey, one of the early Gogynfeirdd.

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Gwalchmai ap Meilyr
Gwalchmai ap Meilyr
(fl. c.1130–1180)
Welsh poet from Anglesey, one of the early Gogynfeirdd.

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A gorhoffedd (vaunting poem) by Gwalchmai ap Meilyr.

Mochean do teacht a leabhair
104 st.
beg. Mochean do teacht, a leabhair
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
(d. 908)
bishop and king of Munster

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Medieval Irish poem (104 qq) attributed to Cormac mac Cuilennáin, relating how Constantine, king of Greece, eloped with Solomon’s wife.

Mochean duit a chluicc bláith bind
8 st.
beg. Mochean duit a chluicc bláith bind
Irish poem attributed to Colum Cille, on St. Patrick’s bell.
Mochen a chlaidib Cherbaill
21 st.
beg. Mochen, a chlaidib Cherbaill
Dallán mac Móre
Dallán mac Móre
(fl. c. 909)
early Irish poet; reputedly a bardic poet to Cerball mac Muirecáin, king of Leinster (d. c. 909)

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Praise-poem. 21 stanzas.
Mochen, mochen, a Brénaind
beg. Mochen, mochen, a Brénaind
Móen óen
beg. Móen óen
One of the rhymeless ‘Leinster poems’
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Móenmag
beg. Móenmag, cá Móen ótá in mag
Dinnshenchas of Móenmag
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Móin Gai Glais
beg. Culdub mac Déin dia Samna
Dinnshenchas of Móin Gai Glais, in prose and verse. When Cúldub mac Déin slays one Fidrad at Samain, Gae Glas, grandson of Lug, comes to avenge Fidrad's death and kills Cúldub with a spear. The prose version, which is generally fuller, adds that the spear entered the ground and was not found until Máel Odrán dug it up and used it to kill Aithechdae, king of Uí Máil. The prose also identifies the spear as the Carr of Belach Duirgen.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Móin Tíre Náir
3 st.
beg. Mebul lemm inní dia fail
Text on the dinnshenchas of Móin Tíre Náir
Mór báis mór baile
1 st.
beg. Mór báis mór baile
A single quatrain of Old Irish verse.
Mór do ingantu do-gní
2 st.
beg. Mór do ingantu do-gní
(fl. c.628–704)
Adomnán mac Rónáin was abbot of Iona (r. 679–704) and author of the Latin Life of St Columba and an account of the holy places of the Near East (De locis sanctis). He is credited with the proclamation of the Lex innocentium or Cáin Adomnáin at the Synod of Birr.

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Two elegiac stanzas attributed to Adomnán and preserved in his Irish Life.

Fragmentary annals of Ireland
Mór liach Life lonngalach
5 st.
beg. Mór liach Life lonngalach
Dallán mac Móre
Dallán mac Móre
(fl. c. 909)
early Irish poet; reputedly a bardic poet to Cerball mac Muirecáin, king of Leinster (d. c. 909)

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Poem (5 qq) on the death of Cerball mac Muirecán, king of Leinster (d. 909). It is attributed to his court poet Dallán (mac Móre).
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