Bonedd y saint

A collection of genealogies of Welsh and Brittonic saints, which with the exception of later accretions, has been dated to the 12th or 13th century.

Buchedd Anna
Welsh apocryphal legend of St Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary.
Buchedd Catrin
Work in progress
Buchedd Collen

Late vernacular Welsh Life of St Collen, which is attested in manuscripts from the 16th century onwards.

Buchedd Dewi

Middle Welsh Life of St David, which gives an abridged version of the Latin Life by Rhygyfarch ap Sulien.

Buchedd Fargred
Middle Welsh Life of St Margaret of Antioch.
Buchedd Gwenfrewy
Vernacular Welsh Life of Winifred or Gwenfrewi.
Credo Athanasius (Gruffudd Bola)
Gruffudd BolaGruffudd Bola
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A Middle Welsh translation of the Athanasian Creed, undertaken in the second half of the 13th century by Gruffudd Bola. As the prologue makes clear, the work was written for Efa, daughter of Maredudd ab Owain.
Dadl y corff a'r enaid
beg. Cyfaenad celwydd cynelw o dofydd
Esgyniad Mair i'r Nef

Welsh versions of the Transitus Mariae Beatae.

Gemma ecclesiastica (Gerald of Wales)
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales
(c. 1146–1220 x 1223)
No short description available

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Didactic treatise by Gerald of Wales on matters of ecclesiastical reform.

Gwyrthyeu e Wynvydedic Veir
A Middle Welsh collection of (up to) 28 miracles of the Virgin Mary.
Gwyrthyeu Seint Edmund archescop Keint
Middle Welsh version of the miracles of St Edmund of Canterbury.
Hystoria gweryddon yr Almaen
Pennant (Huw) [Syr]
Pennant (Huw) ... Syr
(fl. 15th century (second half)–1514)
Welsh poet; scribe of Peniarth MS 182.

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Middle Welsh adaptation of the legend of St Ursula and the 11,000 virgins. The text was written by Syr Huw Pennant, as the colophon at the end of the text states, and survives, in his own hand, in Peniarth MS 182.
Iesu a Mair a'r cynhaeaf gwyrthiol
beg. Brenin gwrthfin gwyrth uchaw y sydd
Kanu y byt bychan
beg. Keingeneis, kanaf / bet vndyd mwyhaf
(fl. 6th century)
renowned British poet, known both as a historical poet at the court of Urien and other rulers and as a more fictionalised persona of supreme status. Poems attributed to him survive in the 14th-century manuscript now known as the Book of Taliesin (NLW Peniarth 2).

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Middle Welsh poem put in the mouth of the legendary poet Taliesin.
Kyntaw geir a dywedaw
13 st.
beg. Kyntaw geir a dywedaw
Mawl i Dduw
beg. In enu domni meu y voli maur y uolaud
Miracula sancti Davidis (BL MS Royal 13 C i)
A collection of eleven accounts of miracles attributed to St David of Wales and set in a period between the 13th century and beginning of the 15th. It is uniquely found as an appendix to a copy of Gerald of Wales’s account of the life and miracles of the saint in BL MS Royal 13 C i.

Medieval Welsh religious-didactic text containing instructions for the priest on how to hear confession.

Purdan Padrig

A Middle Welsh version of the Tractatus de Purgatorio sancti Patricii, a popular Latin text which offers an account of the afterlife through the vision of an Irish knight who has travelled to ‘St Patrick’s Purgatory’ (Station Island, Lough Derg).

Rhybudd Gabriel

Middle Welsh prose version of the Annunciation to Mary from Luke 1:26-38.