Táin bó Cúailgne, recension II
- Old Irish, Middle Irish
- prose
- Ulster Cycle, Táin bó Cúailnge
- Old Irish Middle Irish
- Old Irish and Middle Irish
Short episode found in all three recensions of Táin bó Cúailnge, concerning Cú Chulainn’s encounter with the Connacht warrior Cúr (mac Da Lath).
Episode found in all three recensions of Táin bó Cúailnge.
Aided Óengussa meic ÓenlámaAided Óengussa meic ÓenlámaEpisode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II).Aided OrláimAided OrláimAided Tamuin drúithAided Tamuin drúithAided trí mac Nechta ScéniAided trí mac Nechta ScéniAided trí mac nGárachAided trí mac nGárachEpisode found in all three recensions of Táin bó CúailngeAided ÚalandAided ÚalandA series of episodes found in Táin bó Cúailnge (recensions I and II), in which the river Cronn and one or two other streams rise against the hosts of Connacht, hindering their progress and leading to the death of Úalu and the loss of many more warriors.Airecor nAradAirecor nAradAislinge nAimirginAislinge nAimirginDinnshenchas of Áth nGablaDinnshenchas of Áth nGablaDinnshenchas of Áth nGabla (Áth nGrencha) and some other places. It is first attested as a poem (6qq) in the LL Táin and elaborated, using additional quatrains and prose, in one of the recensions of Dinnshenchas Érenn.
Bángleó RochadaBángleó RochadaBook of Leinster colophon to the Táin bó CúailngeBook of Leinster colophon to the Táin bó CúailngeCaladgleó CethirnCaladgleó CethirnEpisode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II), in which the warrior Cethern mac Fintain single-handedly fights the men of Ireland in their encampment (while Cú Chulainn is recovering), returns to receive treatment for his wounds, and launches a final attack on the encampment. It is the first of a final series of episodes in the Táin (the so-called dinda na Tána as Recension I describes them).
In carpat serda ⁊ in Breslech Mór Maige MurthemneIn carpat serda ⁊ in Breslech Mór Maige MurthemneComrac Fergusa fri Coin CulaindComrac Fergusa fri Coin CulaindComrac Fir Diad ⁊ Con CulaindComrac Fir Diad ⁊ Con CulaindComrac Lárine meic NóisComrac Lárine meic NóisEpisode found in all three recensions of Táin bó CúailngeComrád chindcherchailliComrád chindcherchailliDamgal na tarbDamgal na tarbThe episode of the fight between the two bulls, Donn Cúailnge and Finnbennach, towards the end of the Táin (I, II). It includes the brief tale of Bricriu’s death (Aided Bricrinn/Bricni).Fagbáil in tairbFagbáil in tairbFiacalgleó FindtainFiacalgleó FindtainInna formolta (inso sís)Inna formolta (inso sís)Short episode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recension I and II) in which Fergus praises the young hero Cú Chulainn. It forms a prelude to Fergus' reminiscences of Cú Chulainn's deeds, which are found in the next two episodes.Imacallaim na Mórigna fri Coin CulaindImacallaim na Mórigna fri Coin CulaindEpisode in Táin bó Cúailnge.Imroll Belaig EóinImroll Belaig EóinIntroduction to the Táin bó CúailngeIntroduction to the Táin bó CúailngeMacgnímrada Con CulainnMacgnímrada Con CulainnNot an independent(ly preserved) tale, but a story included in Táin bó Cúailnge, recension I and II.Meillgleó nIliachMeillgleó nIliachEpisode in the Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II).Rúadrucca MindRúadrucca MindIn scél iar n-urdIn scél iar n-urdSirrabad SúaldaimSirrabad SúaldaimSlánugud na MórrignaSlánugud na MórrignaThe narrative covered here consists of two main threads: (1) Slánugud na Mórrigna proper: Cú Chulainn’s meeting with the Morrígan, who is disguised as an old woman with a cow, and his unwitting healing of her injuries as he utters a blessing at every drought of milk he accepts from her; and (2) Cú Chulainn’s victories in a series of fights with numerous opponents sent by Medb of Connacht as he defends Ulster in the area of Delgu Muirtheimne.
Tochestol UladTochestol UladTochostul fear nÉrendTochostul fear nÉrendToichim na mbuidenToichim na mbuidenEpisode in Táin bó Cúailnge (Recensions I and II), in which Ailill and Medb watch the approaching Ulaid through intermediaries. It employs the so-called ‘watchman device’, in which a watchman with keen sight, here Mac Roth, offers a visually rich if puzzling description of what he sees and in which an interpreter of the description, here Fergus mac Róich, is able to identify the approaching characters.Túarascbáil delba Con CulaindTúarascbáil delba Con CulaindÚs in Duib Chúalngni for táinÚs in Duib Chúalngni for táinThe final episode of the Táin (I, II) and an epilogue to the story of the fight of the two bulls. In the texts, Donn Cúailnge, severely wounded after its triumph over Finnbennach, returns home, scattering body parts of its opponent on the road and giving rise to new placenames. It dies at the end of its journey, either in Druim Tairb (TBC I) or near Taul Tairb (TBC II). Both recensions make use of dinnshenchas in describing the bull’s itinerary, but differ in the placenames they refer to.
The pillow-talk (comrád chindcherchailli) of Medb and Ailill in Crúachu » entry
Introduction to the Táin bó Cúailnge » entry
The beginning of the hosting » entry
Praise of Cú Chulainn » entry
Macgnímrada Con Culaind: beginning » entry
Macgnímrada Con Culaind: how Cú Chulainn acquired his name » entry
Macgnímrada Con Culaind: the death of the three sons of Nechta Scéne » entry
The death of Orlám » entry
The deaths of the three sons of Árach » entry
The death of Lethan » entry
The harpers of Caín Bile, and the deaths of the marten and the pet bird » entry
The Táin in Mag mBreg and Mag Muirtheimne » entry
The death of Lócha, Medb’s handmaiden » entry
The death of Úalu and the crossing of the rivers » entry
Negotiations with Cú Chulainn (first attempt)
Negotiations with Cú Chulainn (second attempt)
Negotiations with Cú Chulainn (third attempt)
The encounter of Etarcomal with Cú Chulainn » entry
The death of Nath Crantail » entry
The taking of the bull » entry
The death of Redg the satirist » entry
The death of Cáur » entry
The death of Fer Báeth » entry
The encounter with Láiríne mac Nóis » entry
The encounter with Lóch mac Mo Febis (part 1) » entry
The (hostile) encounter with the Morrígan » entry
The encounter with Lóch mac Mo Febis (part 2) » entry
Further encounters and the healing of the Morrígan » entry
Breslech Maige Murthemne » entry
Cú Chulainn’s appearance and Dubthach’s jealousy » entry
The death of Óengus mac Óenláime Gábe » entry
The mis-throw at Belach Eóin (Imroll Belaig Eóin) » entry
The death of Tamun the jester » entry
The encounter with Fergus (Comrac Fergusa) » entry
The encounter with Ferchú Loingsech
The encounter with Calatín Dána and his offspring (Comrac chlainne Calatín)
The encounter with Fer Diad (Comrac Fir Diad) » entry
The hard fight of Cethern (Caladgleó Cethirn) and Fuile Cethirn » entry
The tooth-fight of Fintan (Fiacalgleó Findtain) » entry
The red shame of Mend (Rúadrucce Mind) » entry
The missile-throwing of the charioteers (Airecur nArad) » entry
The bloodless fight of Rochad (Bángleó Rochada) » entry
The humorous fight of Iliach (Mellgleó Illiach) » entry
The trance of Amairgen (Aislinge nAimirgin) and the encounter with Cú Roí » entry
The repeated warning of Súaltaim » entry
The muster of the Ulstermen » entry
The march of the companies » entry
The muster of the men of Ireland » entry
Colophon to the Táin bó Cúailnge » entry
Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.
Secondary sources (select)
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