p. 565
A Welsh memorandum by Edward Lhuyd at the top of the page, in which he states that he purchased this manuscript from Eoin Ó Gnímh in 1700.
scribal addition x
p. 565a1–p. 596a10

Glossed extracts from early Irish literature

especially tales of the Ulster Cycle
p. 596
Etymological glosses on Samain, Beltaine and other words from Tochmarc Emire
p. 596b–p. 601
Extracts, with glosses, from In cath catharda
p. 601–p. 603
Extracts, with glosses, from Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemni (= Aided Chon Chulainn)
p. 603–p. 604?
p. 603b–p. 604
Glossed extracts
p. 604a
Glossed extracts
p. 604b
Glossed extracts
p. 605a
Glossed extracts
p. 605–p. 606
Glossed extracts, edited in Ludwig Christian Stern, ‘Das Märchen von Étáin’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 5 (1905).
p. 607a
Glosses from the text
p. 608*
A small slip containing a few glosses
p. 609
Glosses, with very few quotations (Meyer)

Further glosses and glossaries

p. 609.10
Glosses from the metrical Dinnshenchas Érenn, beg. with Carn Uí Néit
p. 609.10
p. 610a
[Coire Erma] Incipit: Casin Caire Earma in bec sin
Glossed extracts
p. 610b–p. 616b
Glossary to the Amra Choluim Chille
p. 616b–p. 622b
p. 623a–p. 626
[Irish glossary from TCD 1337, pp. 623-628] Incipit: ‘Adhart quasi adharth adhain bhais’
Alphabetic glossary.
p. 626c.5–p. 628
[Irish glossary from TCD 1337, pp. 623-628] Incipit: Cusra .i. bróga
Glosses not alphabetically arranged