
Change of hand: Aonghus Ó Callanáin (ff. 132-134), whose signature occurs on f. 134rb.

f. 132ra–f. 134rb.34
The text is followed on lines 34-35 by a colophon of the scribe.
f. 134rb.36–f. 134rb.45
Incipit: ‘Heriu cia gabhat’
Ten lines of prose (in darker ink) about Cenn Fáelad, beginning ‘Heriu cia gabhat’. It corresponds to the Interrogatio of Laud Misc 610. The text resumes at f. 134vb, after a part of the Acallam bec.
f. 134ra.1–f. 134vb.13
[Acallam bec] Incipit: ‘FEACHT. NOEN. DORALA. OISSIN ⁊ CAILTE’
f. 134vb.14–f. 134vb.41
Incipit: ‘A hAgar a hEactge a hAigliu a hIrrus.’
The story about Cenn Fáelad continued (see the note above)

Main hand resumes here:

f. 135ra–f. 136rb
'Aed Baclam ....'
f. 136va.1–f. 136va.33
f. 136va.34–f. 136vb.27
Extract from Aided Díarmata (first recension), giving an account of the battle of Cúl Dremne
f. 136vb.28–f. 137ra.z
Another extract from Aided Díarmata (first recension), containing an account of the king's death.
f. 137rb.1
[Dia mbad messe bad rí réil] Heading/rubric: Dubh da Thuath dixitIncipit: Damad mheisi budh ri reil
Poem (28 qq) on the duties of a king, ascr. to Dub Dá Thúath
f. 137va.8
[Cert cech ríg co réil ] Incipit: Ceart gach righ co reil
Poem (60 qq) on the duties of a king.
f. 137vb.y
[Toirrsi nocha maith in modh] Incipit: ‘Toirrsi nocha maith in modh’
A single quatrain
f. 138ra–f. 139vb.33
corresponds to 138ra–139vb
f. 140vb–f. 147rb
f. 148ra.1–f. 157rb.19
f. 157v
Short poem (3 qq)
corresponds to 115

Change of hand: an anonymous hand adds a poem, followed by a note and colophon. Ó Cuív writes that this leaf “seems out of place at this point in the manuscript. It is possible that the scribe left a full leaf blank after fo. 115 [here f. 157] and that the poem and the accompanying note were added later, but it is also possible that fo. 116 was put in its present position at a considerably later date. The poem and the note seem to have been written by different scribes” Brian Ó Cuív, ‘Observations on the Book of Lismore’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 83 C (1983): 282.

f. 158r.1–f. 158va.111
[Ní théd an égean a n-aisgidh] Incipit: ‘Ni téd an égean a naisgidh’
Poem attr. to Mathghamhain (mac Domhnaill mheic Eoghain) Ó Dálaigh and addressed to Fínghin Mac Carthaigh Riabhach, the patron of the manuscript. The text on f. 158r is not arranged into columns.
corresponds to 116r–116v
f. 158va.12–f. 158va.31
Scribal colophon together a note about a legal dispute concerning the succession of Fínghin Mac Carthaigh Riabhach. There is no second column of text, as the space here is left blank.

Main hand resumes here:

f. 163ra–f. 165rb
corresponds to 163ra–165rb
f. 193va–f. 193vb
corresponds to 193va–193vb

Change of hand: Aonghus Ó Callanáin (ff. 194-201).

f. 194ra–f. 200vb
f. 200vb
[Bruidne Érenn (prose)] Incipit: ‘Coicc bhruighne hEireann’
Note in prose (in darker ink) on the five or six hostels of Ireland and their owners.
f. 201ra–f. 201vb

Main hand resumes here:

f. 202ra–f. 233vb
f. 234r–f. 234v
Missing leaf.
f. 235ra–f. 239v
f. 240r–f. 241v
Missing leaves.
f. 242r–f. 242vb
Continued. The texts breaks off.
f. 243r
Fragment of a poem.