Results for C (1305)

Letter written by the antiquarian Tadhg Ó Rodaighe (Tadhg/Thaddaeus O'Roddy) of Crossfield (Co. Leitrim) in 1700.

  • 1700
  • Tadhg Ó Rodaighe

The part of the composite manuscript now known as the Yellow Book of Lecan that bears the title [Leabh]ar buidhe Leacain ‘The yellow book of Lecan’. It is known for containing a number of early Irish voyage tales (immrama).

  • Ciothruadh mac Taidhg Ruaidh Mac Fhir Bhisigh

Manuscript fragment of nine folios (cols 401-436 = pp. 438-455 of the facsimile) containing an incomplete copy of Dinnshenchas Érenn (recension C).

  • s. xv
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318

A section in the Yellow Book of Lecan containing a commentary on Book 7 of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates.

  • c. 1413
  • Giolla Pádraig Albanach

Learned and gnomic Irish texts.

  • 1408
  • David [scribe in TCD MS 1318/15], Aodh [scribe in TCD MS 1318/15]
  • s. xivex/xvin
  • Giolla Íosa Mac Fhir Bhisigh

Composite Irish manuscript consisting of many fragments.

  • various
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319/2/1
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

An Irish paper manuscript (82 pp) containing vernacular translations of Latin accounts of the Life of Christ. It now forms the first volume (bound separately) of a composite manuscript (Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319).

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319
Not yet published.
  • s. xv
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

Manuscript fragment

  • s. xv
  • Cormac Ó Cuirnín

Fragment of Recension III of Táin bó Cúailnge.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

Fragments of Togail Troí.

  • s. xiv/xv

Nine leaves which previously belonged to the Book of Lecan (RIA 23 P 2).

  • xvin

Manuscript (now part of TCD 1319) containing five Irish grammatical tracts.

  • ?
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

“Fragment consisting of twelve leaves, small folio, containing a Catalogue of plants, minerals, etc., used in medicine.” (Abbott).

Fragment (8 ff) of a medical manuscript.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

Incomplete copy of Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib.

Irish hagiography.

Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319
Not yet published.
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

A single gathering “enclosed in two blank covering leaves” (Gwynn)

  • ?
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319

Three fragments of Togail bruidne Da Derga, corresponding in Knott’s edition to lines 164-361, 546-894 and 1045-1197; in Stokes' edition, to paragraphs 15-39, 62-92 and 101-111.

  • s. xv?
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1319
Not yet published.