A bairgen ataí i ngábud
18 st.
beg. A bairgen ataí i ngábud

Middle Irish dialogue poem (18qq) with prose epilogue in the Book of Leinster. The poem is presented as a contentious dialogue between an old woman (callech) of Leinster and a servant (gilla) of the king of Munster (Cerball mac Muirecáin), in which the latter insists on his entitlement to meals and hospitality. The prose epilogue goes on to explain the reasons for the quarrel.

A Brighit a náemhingen
5 st.
beg. A Brighit a náemhingen
A metrical dialogue (5 qq in Brussels MS 5100-5104) between Patrick and Brigit.
A fhir thall triallus
30 st.
beg. A fhir thall tríallus in scél
Fíngen mac Flainn
Fíngen mac Flainn
(fl. 9th century (?))
early Irish poet to whom is ascribed a threat of satire (a tréfhocal fócrai, beg. A mo Choimdiu nél) to the Fir Arddae; said to be a pupil to one Dubdhartach.

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Middle Irish poem (30qq) attributed to Fíngen mac Flainn, in the form of a series of questions and interlined answers concerning Irish history and pseudo-history.
A Marbáin a díthrubaig
beg. A Marbáin, a díthrubaig
Poem presented as a verse dialogue between Gúaire (Aidne), king of Connacht (7th century), and his brother Marbán the hermit.
Acallam bec
A prosimetric narrative, related to Acallam na senórach, concerning the wanderings of Caílte and other survivors of the Fían at the time of Patrick’s advent in Ireland. While the dialogue between Patrick and a representative of Finn’s old fían is central to both Acallam na senórach and the later Agallamh na seanórach, the meeting between Patrick and Caílte occupies comparatively little space in this text.
Apair rim a Sétna
20 st.
beg. Apair rim a Sétna
Late Middle Irish poem (20qq) in the form of a dialogue between Finnchú, saint of Brí Gobann (Brigown), and a certain Sétna, whose speech occupies the greater part of the text with prophecies of political upheaval and moral decline at the end of the world. The identity of this prophet is uncertain. The prose heading in one manuscript identifies him as Sétna of Clúain Becc (presumably Clonbeg, Co. Tipperary), but it may also be significant that in Irish genealogies, a Sétna is listed as either Finnchú’s father or his grandfather.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Áth Fadat I
beg. Monúar ní-for-táthaig
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Prose introduction and poem on the dinnshenchas on Áth Fadat, cast as a dialogue between Etan and Fadat.
Beir mo bachaill lat im láim
beg. Beir mo bachaill lat im láim

Early Irish poem which occurs in the prose preface to the Amra Choluim Chille and related textual contexts. It is a dialogue poem between Colum Cille and Scandlán Mór, apparently in continuation of the previous dialogue poem (beg. Slécht sís, a Scandláin, dom réir), in which Scandlán has promised to deliver tribute at Durrow. In the present poem, Colum Cille offers him his crozier (bachall) as a means of protection against trouble on the road to Durrow, specifically any trouble he might encounter from Domnall mac Áeda.

The colloquy between Fintan and the hawk of Achill
116 st.
beg. Arsaidh sin, a eoúin Accla
Poem presenting a conversation between Fintan mac Bóchra, the sole survivor of the Flood, and an ancient hawk (seboc) of the island of Achill.
Comrac Líadaine ocus Cuirithir
Prosimetric story about the tragic love relationship between two professional poets, Líadain, a poetess of the Corcu Duibne, and Cuirithir, a Connachtman.
Cros an Choimdhedh cumachtaigh
12 st.
beg. Cros an Choimdhedh cumachtaigh

Irish poem representing a dialogue between St Moling and Suibne.

Dia do betha a Cormaic cain
beg. Dia do betha, a Chormaic cáin
Irish poem presented as a dialogue between Colum Cille and Cormac úa Liatháin.
Dialogue between Fachtnae and Sogen
Short Irish law-tract cast as a dialogue between the legendary judge Fachtna(e) and Sogen, son of Cernall Cernach, on a variety of legal topics.
The dialogue of Cummíne and Comgán
Early Irish poem in the form of a dialogue between Cummíne Fota and Comgán Mac Dá Cherda, with a prose prologue of later date about the two characters.
Dúan in cethrachat cest
beg. Apraid a éolchu Elga
Eochaid ua Céirín
Eochaid (Eolach) úa Céirín
(fl. 11th century?)
Middle Irish poet

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Eochaid ua Céirín
Eochaid (Eolach) úa Céirín
(fl. 11th century?)
Middle Irish poet

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Poem consisting of a series of questions concerning miscellaneous bits of lore, with the answer given in prose form in interlinear gloss.
Dúan in chóicat cest
23 st.
beg. Iarfaigid lib cóecait cest
Middle Irish poem (23 quatrains)
Foscél ar Brénainn (dialogue with Moínenn of Clonfert)
form undefined
A Middle Irish short story about a dialogue between Brénainn of Clonfert with one of his successors, Moínenn, bishop of Clonfert, on the subject of death and the afterlife.
Gúbretha Caratniad
Early Irish legal tract consisting of a brief prologue and an extended dialogue between Conn Cétchathach and his judge Caratnia concerning 51 judgments that are ostensibly flawed yet are supported by exceptions to the norm.
Laídshenchas Laigen
Is mo-chen, a Labraid láin
11 st.
beg. Is mo-chen, a Labraid láin
Poem in the form of a dialogue between Scoriath, Labraid Loingsech and Muiriath
In lebor ollaman

A Middle Irish commentary on the Auraicept na n-éces and some of its companion material. McLaughlin has suggested that “the author was working with an annotated copy of that text”. The text opens with a list of the judges and authors of Ireland and a prologue. Much of the commentary is structured using didactic formulae (e.g. ceist ... ní hansa, and similar).

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Mag Femin II
Poem on the dinnshenchas of Mag Femin. In the Book of Leinster version, the poem is presented as a dialogue between the poets Cuimíne and Mac Dá Cherda.