Ystorya de Carolo Magno
Cân Rolant
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Medieval Welsh version of La chanson de Roland, which survives as part of a compilation of texts about Charlemagne known as Ystorya de Carolo Magno or the Welsh Charlemagne cycle. It focuses on the battle of Roncevaux Pass (778) and events leading up to the battle.

Chwedlau Odo

Middle Welsh adaptation/translation, from the Latin, of part of Odo of Cheriton’s collection of fables and anecdotes.

Chwedleu seith doethon Rufein

Middle Welsh version of a popular narrative collection known as the ‘Seven sages of Rome’, versions of which circulated in Latin, Old French and other languages.

Credo Athanasius (Gruffudd Bola)
Gruffudd BolaGruffudd Bola
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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A Middle Welsh translation of the Athanasian Creed, undertaken in the second half of the 13th century by Gruffudd Bola. As the prologue makes clear, the work was written for Efa, daughter of Maredudd ab Owain.
Ystorya de Carolo Magno
Cronicl Turpin
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Medieval Welsh version of the Latin Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle, a 12th-century chronicle of legends about Charlemagne’s supposed reconquest of Spain, attributed to ‘Turpin’ (Tilpin), archbishop of Reims. The Welsh text survives as part of a compilation of texts about Charlemagne known as Ystorya de Carolo Magno or the Welsh Charlemagne cycle. Crusade ideology has been cited as one of the chief motivations for the production of this collection.

Cydymdeithas Amlyn ac Amig

Middle Welsh adaptation of a romance about the friendship between two young men, called Amicus and Amelius in the Latin versions.

Delw y byd

Delw y byd is a Middle Welsh translation of Book 1 of the medieval Latin encyclopedia Imago mundi, written by Honorius Augustodunensis.

Esgyniad Mair i'r Nef

Welsh versions of the Transitus Mariae Beatae.

Fford y brawd Odrig
Dafydd Fychan of Glamorgan
Dafydd Fychan of Glamorgan
(fl. 15th c.)
Welsh priest to whom a Welsh translation of the travels of Franciscan friar Odoric of Pordenone is attributed.

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Middle Welsh version of the Itinerarium fratris Odorici, a 14th-century account of the travels of Franciscan friar Odoric of Pordenone from Italy to Asia. The Welsh version is known from a unique copy in Llanstephan MS 2, where it is attributed to Syr Dafydd Fychan from Glamorgan.

Gwyrthyeu e Wynvydedic Veir
A Middle Welsh collection of (up to) 28 miracles of the Virgin Mary.
Hystoria gweryddon yr Almaen
Pennant (Huw) [Syr]
Pennant (Huw) ... Syr
(fl. 15th century (second half)–1514)
Welsh poet; scribe of Peniarth MS 182.

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Middle Welsh adaptation of the legend of St Ursula and the 11,000 virgins. The text was written by Syr Huw Pennant, as the colophon at the end of the text states, and survives, in his own hand, in Peniarth MS 182.
Ystorya de Carolo Magno
Pererindod Siarlymaen
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Medieval Welsh version of the Old French Pèlerinage de Charlemagne, a chanson de geste about Charlemagne’s fictitious expedition to Jerusalem and Constantinople, ostensibly to go on a pilgrimage but in reality, to assert his supremacy over Emperor Hugo. The Welsh text survives as part of a compilation of texts about Charlemagne known as Ystorya de Carolo Magno or the Welsh Charlemagne cycle.

Purdan Padrig

A Middle Welsh version of the Tractatus de Purgatorio sancti Patricii, a popular Latin text which offers an account of the afterlife through the vision of an Irish knight who has travelled to ‘St Patrick’s Purgatory’ (Station Island, Lough Derg).

Ystorya de Carolo Magno
Rhamant Otuel
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Medieval Welsh version of the Old French chanson de geste of Otinel. The Welsh text survives in three manuscripts of the compilation of legendary texts about Charlemagne known as Ystorya de Carolo Magno, or the Welsh Charlemagne cycle, and seems to have been added to this collection sometime before 1336, the date of the earliest MS.

Rhybudd Gabriel

Middle Welsh prose version of the Annunciation to Mary from Luke 1:26-38.

Welsh Bestiaire d'amour

A Welsh-language adaptation of (part of) Le bestiaire d’amour, a work of prose written in the middle of the 13th century by Richard de Fournival, in which each beast represents a different aspect of love.

Welsh prose Mandeville

A Welsh prose rendition of The Buke of John Mandeville. Its source has been identified as Thomas East’s printed edition published in 1568.

Welsh verse Mandeville
beg. Dydd da i ti y Gigfran
Richard ap John of Scorlegan
Richard ap John of Scorlegan
(fl. 1578–1611)
No short description available

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Versified Welsh version of the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, attributed to Richard ap John of Scorlegan (16th century).

Ymddiddan y corff a'r enaid

A Middle Welsh prose version of the second half of the Dialogus inter corpus et animam.

Ystorya Bown o Hamtwn

Welsh adaptation of the Anglo-Norman text Geste de Boeve de Haumtone.