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A aencheard Bhérre
60 st.
beg. A aencheard Bhérre

A medieval Irish poem (60 qq) found in the Book of Uí Mhaine. It remains to be published. but according to the catalogue description, the poem deals with Aencherd, artisan of Bérre/Beara peninsula (a character also mentioned in the Acallam), his three sons, Glas, Gér and Guda, and their hounds, Lúath, Seang and Sige.

Duanaire Finn
A bhean beir let mo léine
19 st.
beg. A bhean beir let mo léine
Duanaire Finn, Beatha Cholaim Chille (Maghnus Ó Domhnaill)
A bhean labhrus rinn an laoídh
13 st.
beg. A bhean labhrus rinn an laoídh
Duanaire Finn
A bhen dén folcadh mo chinn
41 st.
beg. A bhen dén folcadh mo chinn
Duanaire Finn
A cháorthuinn Clúana Ferta
47 st.
beg. A cháorthuinn Clúana Ferta
A chléirigh chanas na sailm
beg. A chléirigh chanas na sailm

Fenian lay concerning Mághnus Mór, a king of Lochlann who invades Ireland and fights the fíanna but is himself defeated in battle.

A chloch thall for elaid úair
beg. A chloch thall for elaid úair
Cináed úa hArtacáin
Cináed úa hArtacáin
(d. 975)
Middle Irish poet.

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Poem on a stone at Monasterboice, Co. Louth.
A chóemu cláir Chuinn choímfhinn
25 st.
beg. A chóemu cláir Chuinn choímfhinn
Eochaid úa Flainn
Eochaid úa Flainn
(fl. c.936–1004, if he is Eochaid úa Flannucáin)
A medieval Irish poet to whom a number of Middle Irish poems, most of them in the Lebor gabála Érenn, have been attributed. His identification with Eochaid úa Flannucáin, a poet and historian who was guestmaster at Armagh, has gained favour over the years. In order not to pre-judge the matter, the two are distinguished in the present catalogue.

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Middle Irish poem (25 qq) attributed to Eochaid úa Flainn concerning the first settlements of Ireland by Cessair and Partholón. The poem as we have it was incorporated in the Lebor gabála Érenn and is common to all major recensions.

A chros thall ar an dtulaigh
39 st.
beg. A chros thall ar an dtulaigh
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Medieval Irish elegiac poem attributed to Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh, in which the poet mourns the death of his young son Eoghan. References are made to Irish stories in which fathers, such as Cathbad or the Dagda, survive their son or restore their son to life.
Duanaire Finn
A cloidhimh chléircín an chluig
111 st.
beg. A cloidhimh chléircín an chluig
A fhir thall triallus
30 st.
beg. A fhir thall tríallus in scél
Fíngen mac Flainn
Fíngen mac Flainn
(fl. 9th century (?))
early Irish poet to whom is ascribed a threat of satire (a tréfhocal fócrai, beg. A mo Choimdiu nél) to the Fir Arddae; said to be a pupil to one Dubdhartach.

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Middle Irish poem (30qq) attributed to Fíngen mac Flainn, in the form of a series of questions and interlined answers concerning Irish history and pseudo-history.
A fir ce no turcba raith
beg. A fir ce no turcba raith
Irish poem (7qq) apparently concerning Emain Macha and Cimbáeth. It is found in NLI MS G 7, where it is prefaced with a short prose introduction (beg. Toforaint in Márrighan laithriuch nduine lie hAulta hi Machi) referring to the the dinnshenchas for Emain Macha. Editions, translations and discussions in secondary literature are unknown at this stage.
A leac atá feitheamh na ttoinn
8 st.
beg. A leac atá feitheamh na ttoinn
Duanaire Finn
A lía Thulcha Tuaithe shuas
114 st.
beg. A lía Thulcha Tuaithe shuas
Duanaire Finn
A Lorcáin mheic Luighdhech láin
40 st.
beg. A Lorcáin mheic Luighdhech láin
A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil
beg. A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil
Urard mac Coise
Urard mac Coise
(d. 983 x 1023)
Irish poet

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Duanaire Finn
A muicidh seolam sa sliabh
4 st.
beg. A muicidh seolam sa sliabh
Duanaire Finn, Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
A Oisín, is fada do shúan
39 st.;167 st.
beg. A Oisín, as fada do shúan

Early Modern Irish fíanaigecht poem, which occurs in the collection Duanaire Finn as well as the later Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig

Duanaire Finn
A Oisín cía in fert dona
88 st.
beg. A Oisín cía in fert dona
Duanaire Finn
A Oisin fuirigh ar Dhía
20 st.
beg. A Oisin fuirigh ar Dhía
A Oisín is binn liom do bhéal
83 st.
beg. A Oisín, is binn liom do bhéal
Duanaire Finn
A Oissín in ráidhe rinn
46 st.
beg. A Oissín in ráidhe rinn
Duanaire Finn
Abair a Oisín mheic Finn
62 st.
beg. Abair a Oisín mheic Finn
Abhac do fuair Fionn feardha
27 st.;26 st.
beg. Abhac do fuair Fionn feardha

Expanded, modernised version of a poem concerning Fionn‘s harper Cnú Dereóil, which is found originally in Acallam na sénorach, where it begins Abhuc do fuair Finn ferdha (Stokes ll. 630–683).

Acallam bec
A prosimetric narrative, related to Acallam na senórach, concerning the wanderings of Caílte and other survivors of the Fían at the time of Patrick’s advent in Ireland. While the dialogue between Patrick and a representative of Finn’s old fían is central to both Acallam na senórach and the later Agallamh na seanórach, the meeting between Patrick and Caílte occupies comparatively little space in this text.
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