Duanaire Finn, Beatha Cholaim Chille (Maghnus Ó Domhnaill)
A bhean labhrus rinn an laoídh
13 st.
beg. A bhean labhrus rinn an laoídh
Duanaire Finn
A bhen dén folcadh mo chinn
41 st.
beg. A bhen dén folcadh mo chinn
Duanaire Finn
A cháorthuinn Clúana Ferta
47 st.
beg. A cháorthuinn Clúana Ferta
Duanaire Finn
A lía Thulcha Tuaithe shuas
114 st.
beg. A lía Thulcha Tuaithe shuas
Duanaire Finn
A Lorcáin mheic Luighdhech láin
40 st.
beg. A Lorcáin mheic Luighdhech láin
A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil
beg. A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil
Urard mac Coise
Urard mac Coise
(d. 983 x 1023)
Irish poet

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Duanaire Finn
A Oissín in ráidhe rinn
46 st.
beg. A Oissín in ráidhe rinn
Duanaire Finn
Abair a Oisín mheic Finn
62 st.
beg. Abair a Oisín mheic Finn
Acallam bec
A prosimetric narrative, related to Acallam na senórach, concerning the wanderings of Caílte and other survivors of the Fían at the time of Patrick’s advent in Ireland. While the dialogue between Patrick and a representative of Finn’s old fían is central to both Acallam na senórach and the later Agallamh na seanórach, the meeting between Patrick and Caílte occupies comparatively little space in this text.
Duanaire Finn, Acallam bec
Ag so in fód in ar ghein Fionn
43 st.
beg. Ag so in fód in ar ghein Fionn
Agallamh na seanórach

A composite recension of the tale of the conversation (agallamh) between St Patrick and representatives of the old Fían, Oisín and Caílte.

Aided Finn (Egerton 92)
form undefined
Fragment of a text relating a version of the story of Finn's death. Finn is said to have died in old age while attempting to leap the River Boyne over a place called Léimm (Find). His body is discovered by Aiclech, son of Dub Drenn, and the three sons of Urgriu. Aiclech severs the head and for this act, he is slain by his three companions.
Aided Fothaid Canainne
Prose story concerning the death of Fothad Canainne, which is found in two redactions that introduce the poem known as Reicne Fothaid Canainne.
Dinnshenchas of Almu I
beg. Almu Lagen, les na Fían
Dinnshenchas poem on Almu (the Hill of Allen, Co. Kildare), which recounts the tale of the conception of Finn mac Cumaill.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Áth Líac Find (prose)
Dinnshenchas of Áth Líac Find.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Áth Líac Find I
beg. Áth Liac Find, cid dia tá?
Máel Muru Othna
Máel Muru Othna
(d. 887)
Early Irish poet and historian, who was apparently attached to the monastery of Othain (now Fahan, Inishowen barony, Co. Donegal), as his epithet suggests

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Máel Muru Othna
Máel Muru Othna
(d. 887)
Early Irish poet and historian, who was apparently attached to the monastery of Othain (now Fahan, Inishowen barony, Co. Donegal), as his epithet suggests

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Tract on the dinnshenchas of Áth Líac Find, a ford of the Shannon.

The title Banshenchas refers to two versions composed in the late Middle Irish period:
  1. [[Metrical Banshenchas

|a metrical version composed by Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside in 1147]] and

  1. [[Prose Banshenchas

|a longer version in prose]].

Follow the links for further references.
Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa
4 st.
beg. Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa
Caílte mac Rónáin
Caílte mac Rónáin
(time-frame ass. with Finn Cycle)
or Caílte mac Crundchon meic Rónáin, kinsman of Finn mac Cumaill and a prominent member of his fían; accomplished warrior and hunter; one of the protagonists of Acallam na senórach

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Poem of four stanzas, attributed to Caílte. It uses a special, learned vocabulary known as bérla na filed.

Cath Crinna

Late Middle Irish account of the battle of Crinna, in which Cormac mac Airt is said to have defeated the Ulstermen with the aid of Tadg son of Cían. The saga offers an origin legend of the Cíannacht Breg, explaining how it came to settle near Tara but did not attain the kingship of Tara.

Duanaire Finn
Ceisd agam ort a Cháoilte
19 st.
beg. Ceisd agam ort a Cháoilte
Bruiden Átha Í, Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Cenn Cuirrig
beg. Currech Life cona Lí
Dinnshenchas of Cenn Cuirrig.
Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Cenn Finichair
16 st.
beg. Inmain in fáid Finichair
Finn mac Cumaill
Finn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)
(time-frame ass. with Finn Cycle, Finn mac Cumaill, Cormac mac Airt)
Finn mac Cumaill (earlier mac Umaill?), Find úa Báiscni: central hero in medieval Irish and Scottish literature of the so-called Finn Cycle; warrior-hunter and leader of a fían

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Dinnshenchas of Cenn Finichair
Duanaire Finn
Cláidhtear leibh leabadh Osguir
35 st.
beg. Cláidhtear leibh leabadh Osguir