f. 108ra–f. 108ra
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Léin] Incipit: ‘Loch Lein canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 55: Loch Léin)
f. 108ra–f. 108rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Léin] Incipit: ‘Dlegar do lind Locha Lein
f. 108rb–f. 108rb
[Dinnshenchas of Carn Feradaig] Incipit: ‘Carnn Feradhaidh canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 56: Carn Feradaig)
f. 108rb–f. 108rb
[Dinnshenchas of Carn Feradaig] Incipit: ‘IN carnn atchi co ndechair’
f. 108rb–f. 108va
[Dinnshenchas of Luimnech] Incipit: ‘Luimnech canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 57: Luimnech)
f. 108va–f. 108vb
[Dinnshenchas of Luimnech] Incipit: ‘A fir fadlas soss na sen’
f. 108vb–f. 109ra
[Dinnshenchas of Slige Dála] Incipit: ‘Slide Dala cans ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 58: Slige Dala)
f. 109ra–f. 109va
[Dinnshenchas of Slige Dála] Incipit: ‘Senchus cia lin no niarfaig’
f. 109va–f. 109va
[Dinnshenchas of Sinann] Incipit: ‘Sinand canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 59: Sinann)
f. 109va–f. 109vb
[Dinnshenchas of Sinann I] Incipit: ‘Saer-ainm Sinda saigid dun’
f. 109vb–f. 110ra
[Dinnshenchas of Slíab Echtge I] Incipit: ‘Sliab nEchtgi, canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 60: Sliab n-Echtga).
f. 110ra–f. 110rb
[Dinnshenchas of Slíab Echtge I] Incipit: ‘Senchas Echtga áine’
f. 110rb–f. 110rb
[Dinnshenchas of Áth Clíath Medraige] Incipit: ‘Ath Cliath Medraigi canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 61: Áth Cliath Medraigi)
f. 110rb–f. 110va
[Dinnshenchas of Áth Clíath Medraige] Incipit: ‘Diambad mé nocinged ind’
f. 110va–f. 110va
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nAidne] Incipit: ‘Mag nAighne canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 62: Mag n-Aidni)
f. 110va–f. 110vb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nAidne] Incipit: ‘Mag nAidne co muirer mor’
f. 110vb–f. 110vb
[Dinnshenchas of Móenmag] Incipit: ‘Maenmag canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 63: Moenmag)
f. 111ra–f. 111ra
[Dinnshenchas of Móenmag] Incipit: ‘Moenmag in Maen onat magh
f. 111ra–f. 111rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Dergderc] Incipit: ‘Loch Dergderc canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 64: Loch Dergdeirc)
f. 111rb–f. 111va
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Dergderc] Incipit: ‘IN lind-se luadim cach lá’
f. 111va–f. 111vb
[Dinnshenchas of Ráith Crúachain] Incipit: ‘Raith Cruachan canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 65: Raith Cruachan)
f. 111vb–f. 111vb
[Dinnshenchas of Ráith Crúachain] Incipit: ‘Eistid a curu im Cruachain
f. 112ra–f. 112rb
[Dinnshenchas of Áth Lúain] Incipit: ‘Ath Luain canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 66: Áth Luain)
f. 112rb–f. 112va
[Dinnshenchas of Áth Lúain] Incipit: ‘A fir teit a Mag Medba’
f. 112va–f. 112va
[Dinnshenchas of Turloch Sílinne, al. Loch mBlonac] Incipit: ‘Turloch Silinne canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 67: Turloch Sílinne)
f. 112va–f. 112vb
[Dinnshenchas of Turloch Sílinne, al. Loch mBlonac] Incipit: ‘Turloch Silinne so inde’
f. 112vb–f. 112vb
[Dinnshenchas of Findloch Cera] Incipit: ‘Findloch Cera canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 68: Findloch Cera)
f. 112vb–f. 112vb
[Dinnshenchas of Findloch Cera] Incipit: ‘Atber frib co huain iar n-an’
f. 112vb–f. 112vb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nAí] Incipit: ‘Magh nÁi canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 69: Mag n-Ái)
f. 113ra–f. 113ra
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nAí] Incipit: ‘A fir dia teis i magh n-Ói’
f. 113ra–f. 113ra
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Mucrama] Incipit: ‘Mag Mucraime canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 70: Mag Mucraime)
f. 113ra–f. 113rb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Mucrama] Incipit: ‘Mag Mucraime molas cach
f. 113rb–f. 113rb
[Dinnshenchas of Duma Selga] Incipit: ‘Dumae Selga canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 71: Dumae Selga)
f. 113rb–f. 113vb
[Dinnshenchas of Duma Selga] Incipit: ‘Duma Selgcha sund sin maigh
f. 113vb–f. 113vb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Luirg] Incipit: ‘Magh Luirg canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 72: Mag Luirg)
f. 113vb–f. 113vb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Luirg] Incipit: ‘IS eol damh im trebthas to’
f. 114ra–f. 114ra
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Néill] Incipit: ‘Loch Neill canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 73: Loch Néill)
f. 114ra–f. 114ra
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Néill] Incipit: ‘Luadhim Loch Neill nasadh n-gle’
f. 114ra–f. 114rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Con] Incipit: ‘Loch Con canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 74: Loch Con)
f. 114rb–f. 114rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch Con] Incipit: ‘Loch Con cia ro fitir
f. 114rb–f. 114rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch nDechet] Incipit: ‘Loch nDechet canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 75: Loch nDechet)
f. 114rb–f. 114rb
[Dinnshenchas of Loch nDechet] Incipit: ‘Adfeichet laoch línib sluag’
f. 114rb–f. 114va
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Muirisce] Incipit: ‘Magh Muirisc canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 76: Mag Muirisc)
f. 114va–f. 114vb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Muirisce] Incipit: ‘A fir a Muirisc na mbarc’
f. 114vb–f. 114vb
[Dinnshenchas of Céis Chorainn] Incipit: ‘Corond canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 77: Corond)
f. 114vb–f. 114vb
[Dinnshenchas of Céis Chorainn] Incipit: ‘Sunda no bidh Coronn cain
f. 114vb–f. 114vb
[Dinnshenchas of Carn Conaill] Incipit: ‘Carnn Conoill canas ro-ainmniged
Prose which appears to break off in the middle of the story (Stokes no. 78: Carn Conoill, where the remainder of the tale is supplied from the version in the Book of Lecan). No verse.
At this point there is a gap in the manuscript, the extent of which appears to be two leaves. Comparison with the version of the compilation in the Book of Lecan suggests that the following items are missing: the ending of the prose and the poem of the dinnshenchas of Carn Conaill; the dinnshenchas of Loch Rí (prose and verse); Loch nÉrne (prose and verse); Ess Rúaid (prose and verse); Druim Chlíab (prose and most of the poem except the last three quatrains). Stokes bases his edition chiefly on the Book of Lecan for the missing portions.
f. 115ra–f. 115ra
[Dinnshenchas of Druim Clíab] Incipit: ‘Curnan roforbair a h-uaill’
The last three quatrains of the poem only (see note above).
f. 115ra–f. 115ra
[Dinnshenchas of Nemthenn] Incipit: ‘Neimthend cid diata’
Prose (Stokes no. 83: Nemthenn)
f. 115ra–f. 115ra
[Dinnshenchas of Nemthenn] Incipit: ‘Dreco ingen Calc-máil caid
f. 115ra–f. 115ra
[Dinnshenchas of Dubthír] Incipit: ‘Dubthir canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 84: Dubthír)
f. 115rb–f. 115rb
[Dinnshenchas of Dubthír] Incipit: ‘Dubthir nGuaire no gnim fath dia fail’
f. 115rb–f. 115rb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Slecht] Incipit: ‘Magh Slecht canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 85: Mag Slecht)
f. 115rb–f. 115va
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Slecht] Incipit: ‘Sund nobidh ídal ard’
f. 115va–f. 115va
[Dinnshenchas of Crechmáel] Incipit: ‘Crech máol canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 86: Crechmáel)
f. 115va–f. 115vb
[Dinnshenchas of Crechmáel] Incipit: ‘A drem-sa nach duairc oc dáil’
f. 115vb–f. 115vb
[Dinnshenchas of Lía Nothain] Incipit: ‘Lia Nothain canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 87: Lia Nothain)
f. 115vb–f. 116ra
[Dinnshenchas of Lía Nothain] Incipit: ‘Ata sund fa choirthi cruaidh
f. 116ra–f. 116ra
[Dinnshenchas of Carn Furbaide] Incipit: ‘Carnn Furbaidhe ⁊ Ethne canas ro-ainmnigthe
Prose (Stokes no. 88: Carn Furbaidi)
f. 116ra–f. 116rb
[Dinnshenchas of Carn Furbaide] Incipit: ‘Ata sund Carn Ui Cathbath
f. 116rb–f. 116rb
[Dinnshenchas of Ard Fothaid] Incipit: ‘Ard Fothaidh canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 89: Ard Fothaid)
f. 116rb–f. 116rb
[Dinnshenchas of Ard Fothaid] Incipit: ‘Ard Fothaid an fetabair
f. 116rb–f. 116rb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nÍtha] Incipit: ‘Magh nItha canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 90: Mag n-Itha)
f. 116va–f. 116va
[Dinnshenchas of Mag nÍtha] Incipit: ‘IN magh h-itam sund nar socht
f. 116va–f. 116vb
[Dinnshenchas of Ailech] Incipit: ‘Ailech canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 91: Ailech)
f. 116vb–f. 117rb
[Dinnshenchas of Ailech II] Incipit: ‘Cía trialluid nech aisneis sencais Ailich eltaich’
Long poem.
f. 117rb–f. 117rb
[Dinnshenchas of Carraic Lethdeirg] Incipit: ‘[C]arrac Leithdeirg canas ro-ainmnigedh
Prose (Stokes no. 92: Carraic Lethdeirg)
f. 117rb–f. 117rb
[Dinnshenchas of Carraic Lethdeirg] Incipit: ‘Lethderg taidbritis ar tuir’
f. 117rb–f. 117rb
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Coba] Incipit: ‘Mag Coba canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 93: Mag Coba)
f. 117rb–f. 117va
[Dinnshenchas of Mag Coba] Incipit: ‘Amra in mag imriadhat fir’
f. 117va–f. 117va
[Dinnshenchas of Ard Macha] Incipit: ‘Ard Machae canas ro-ainmniged
Prose (Stokes no. 94: Ard Macha)
f. 117va–f. 118ra
[Dinnshenchas of Ard Macha] Incipit: ‘IN mag imríadhat ar n-eich’