
Kenney, James F., “Chapter VI: The expansion of Irish Christianity”, in: James F. Kenney, The sources for the early history of Ireland: an introduction and guide. Volume 1: ecclesiastical, Revised ed., 11, New York: Octagon, 1966. 486–621.

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Citation details
“The expansion of Irish Christianity”
Chapter VI
Subjects and topics
the church in Ireland
“(The expansion of Irish Christianity from the seventh to the twelfth century)”
Bibliography and introduction
[I] “Irish influences in the Merovingian dominions in the seventh century”
[II] “Perrona Scottorum, and the Irish in Picardy and Flanders”
[III] “The Irish missionaries in south-western Germany”
[IV] “The abbey of Bobbio”
[V] “Irish influences in continental Europe in the eighth century”
[VI] “Irish scholars in the Carolingian Empire under Charles the Great and Louis the Pious”
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Louis the PiousLouis the Pious
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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[338] “Life of Charles the Great, by Einhard A.D. 817 x 836”
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[339] “The history of Charles the Great (De gestis Karoli Magni) by the monk of St Gall”
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[340] “Correspondence and poems of Alcuin”
(d. 804)
English clergyman, scholar and poet.
See more
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[341] “Josephus Scottus: Poems A.D. 782 x 796”
Josephus ScottusJosephus Scottus
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See more
[342] “Theodulf, bishop of Orleans: Poem to Charles the Great A.D. 796”
Theodulf of OrléansTheodulf of Orléans
(d. 821)
Bishop of Orléans (c.798?–818), biblical scholar, author and poet, Born in Visigothic Spain, he became one of the leading figures in the Carolingian church reforms during the reigns of Louis the Pious and Charlemagne.
See more
[343] “Letter from Benedict of Aniane to Gisarnarius”
Benedict of AnianeBenedict of Aniane
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[344] “Texts related to Clemens Scottus”
Clemens ScottusClemens Scottus
(fl.c. 814–826)
(Scottus/Scotus), Irish peregrinus, grammarian and teacher active at the court of Louis the Pious.
See more
[—] “Dungal of St.-Denis”
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[345] “Charles the Great: Letter to Dungal”
Manuscripts: Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 9587 
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Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[346] “Dungal: Letters”
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[347] “Dungal's reply to Claudius, bishop of Turin A.D. 827”
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[348] “Poems of Dungal of St.-Denis”
(i) Poems attributed to Dungal; (ii) Poems attributed to ‘Hibernicus exul’
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[349] “Verses from St.-Denis”
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[350] “Verses addressed to an abbot named Dungal”
[—] “Smaragdus of St.-Mihiel”
Smaragdus of Saint-MihielSmaragdus of Saint-Mihiel
(fl. 805–825/26)
Benedictine abbot of the monastery of Saint-Mihiel; scholar. Earlier scholarship suggested that he was of Irish or insular origin, or had spent time in an insular monastery, but more recent views favour a southern, perhaps Visigothic, background.
See more
[351] “Writings of Smaragdus”
[—] “Dicuil”
(fl. c. 795–825)
Irishman who joined the scholarly community of Charlemagne’s court
See more
[352] “Verses De arte grammatica
[353] “Treatise on astronomy”
[354] “Treatise on geography (Liber de mensura orbis terrae)”
[355] “Puzzle problems of the schools [i-vii]”
[356] “Texts relating to the Irish monk Macarius [i-ii]”
[357] “Lothair: Constitutiones Olonnenses
Dúngal of Saint-Denis and PaviaDúngal of Saint-Denis and Pavia
(d. after 827/828)
Irish scholar, teacher and poet known for his career on the continent, who was associated with Saint-Denis, Pavia and Bobbio.
See more
[358] “Irish associations of Walahfrid Strabo”
Walahfrid StraboWalahfrid Strabo
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[359] “Verses by Colmán to Colmán”
[360] Ars Malsachani
[361] “Cruindmel: On metre”
[362] “Anonymous commentary on Donatus”
[VII] “The circle of Sedulius”
Bibliography; Introduction; Items 363–376.
Sedulius ScottusSedulius Scottus
(fl. 9th century)
Irish scriptural scholar, teacher, grammarian and poet who made a career in Francia and became a leading intellectual figure at the court of Charles the Bald.
See more
[363] “The Bamberg cryptogram”
[364] “Manuscripts from the circle of Sedulius”
(i) The Leyden Priscian; (ii) The St. Gall Priscian; (iii) The Greek Psalter of Sedulius; (iv) The Basel Psalter; (v) Codex Sangallensis 48; (vi) Codex Boernerianus 365; (vii) Codex Bernensis; postscript.
[365] “The poems of Sedulius Scottus”
A collection of 83 poems.
Manuscripts: Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS 10615-10729 Metz, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 500 
Hartgar of LiègeHartgar of Liège
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Sedulius ScottusSedulius Scottus
(fl. 9th century)
Irish scriptural scholar, teacher, grammarian and poet who made a career in Francia and became a leading intellectual figure at the court of Charles the Bald.
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[366] “Verses from Leyden Priscian”
Charles the BaldCharles the Bald
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John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[367] “Poems from Codex Sangallensis 904”
[368] “Verses from Codex Sangallensis 48”
Manuscripts: St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 48 
[369] “Poems from Codex Bemensis 363”
[370] “Poem by Dungal”
[371] “The grammatical works of Sedulius: Commentary on Eutyches”
Manuscripts: Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, MS C 99 Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 6411 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS lat. 7830 
[372] “Sedulius: On Christian rulers (Liber de rectoribus christianis)”
[373] “The theological writings of Sedulius”
(i) Collectaneum in omnes beati Pauli epislolas; (ii) Collectaneum in Mattheum; (iii) Explanations of the arguments and other matter prefixed to the gospels;
Manuscripts: Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 9545 Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 6238 Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, MS Rhen. 72 
[376] “Sedulius: De graeca
Manuscripts: St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 292 
[376] “Letter on the translation of the Psalter into Latin”
Manuscripts: Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 343 
[—] “Martinus Hiberniensis”
Martin of LaonMartin of Laon
Martin of Laon;Martianus Hiberniensis;Martin Scottus
Irish scholar and teacher at the cathedral school at Laon.
See more
[IX] “The abbey of St Gall”
[X] “Other records of the Irish in continental Europe in the ninth century”
[VIII] “Johannes Eriugena and the Irish colony of Laon and Reims”
Bibliography; Introduction; 377. Dunchad; (i) Computistical notes ... 398. Psilotrum; postscript
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[377] “Dunchad”
Dúnchad of ReimsDúnchad of Reims
Dunchad of Reims
Irish teacher and scholar at Reims known from a stray leaf in London, BL, MS Royal 15 A xxxiii, where his name is written as Duncaht and a commentary on Martianus Capella is attributed to him.
See more
[378] “Johannes Eriugena: Extracts from Macrobius (Excerpta Macrobii de differentiis et societatibus graeci latinique verbi)”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
Taken from:
[379] “Johannes Eriugena: Commentary on Martianus Capella”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[380] “Translation of the Solutiones of Lydius Priscus”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[381] “Johannes Eriugena: On predestination”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[382] “Prudentius: On predestination, in reply to Johannes Scottus”
Prudentius [bishop of Troyes]Prudentius ... bishop of Troyes
(d. 861)
Bishop of Troyes, theologian and historian. He was born in Spain and became active at the Frankish court in the time of Louis the Pious. In response to Hincmar and Eriugena, he wrote treatises on the doctrine of predestination.
See more
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[383] “Florus: Book against Johannes Scottus”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[384] “Remigius of Lyons: Book on the three epistles”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[385] “Council of Valence AD 855; Council of Langres AD 859”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[386] “Johannes Eriugena: Translation of the works of Dionysius the Areopagite”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[387] “Pope Nicholas I: Letter to King Charles the Bald”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[388] “Anastastius: Letter to Charles the Bald”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[389] “Johannes Eriugena: Commentary on Dionysius the Areopagite”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[390] “Johannes Eriugena: Translation of the Ambigua of Maximus Confessor”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[391] “Johannes Eriugena: περί φύσεων μερισμοῦ, id est, De divisione naturae
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[392] “Johannes Eriugena: Commentary on the Opuscula sacra of Boethius”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[393] “Life of Boethius”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[394] “Homily on the prologue to the Gospel of St John, attributed to John Scottus Eriugena”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[395] “Johannnes Eriugena: Commentary on the Gospel of St John. Four fragments”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[396] “Commentary on the Old Testament attributed to Johannes Eriugena”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[397] “The poems of Johannes Eriugena”
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[398] Psilotrum
John Scottus EriugenaJohn Scottus Eriugena
(fl 9th century)
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
See more
[XI] “The Irish abroad in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries”
[424] “The Irish at Glastonbury”
(d. c.908/909)
monk of St David’s and later, bishop of Sherborne; author of a contemporary Life of King Alfred.
See more
William of MalmesburyWilliam of Malmesbury
(d. in or after 1142)
Anglo-Norman monk of the Benedictine foundation at Malmesbury, known as a historian, scholar and hagiographer.
See more
[425] “History of the monastery of Waulsort s. XII-XIII”
[426] “Charter to the monastery of Waulsort, Sept. 19 AD 946”
See more
[427] “Life of John Gorzien, by John of Metz, AD 980”
John of GorzeJohn of Gorze
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John of Saint-ArnoulJohn of Saint-Arnoul
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[428] “Life of St. Cadroe, by Reimann or Ousmann”
Cathróe of MetzCathróe of Metz
(fl. 10th c.)
Scottish monk and pilgrim saint who became abbot of Waulsort and later Saint Felix at Metz.
See more
See more
[429] “Life of St Forannan, by Robert of Waulsort”
[430] “Life of St Bruno, by Ruotger”
Israel the GrammarianIsrael the Grammarian
(fl. c.900–c.970)
Tenth-century teacher, scholar and poet. He had been a student of John Scottus Eriugena, spent time at the court of King Æthelstan, found a new patron in Rotbert, archbishop of Trier, and became tutor to Bruno, brother of Otto I and later archbishop of Cologne. Breton, Welsh and Irish origins have been variously ascribed to him, with the Breton hypothesis currently finding most favour in scholarship.
See more
[431] “Life of St Gérard of Toul, by Widric”
[432] “Life of Adalbero II, bishop of Metz, by Constantine”
[433] “Otto III: charter to the monastery of St Symphorian at Metz”
[434] “History of the bishops of Verdun (Gesta episcoporum Virdunensium)”
[435] “Life of Richard, abbot of St. Vannes in Verdun”
[436] “Hugh of Flavigny: Chronicon Virdunense seu Flaviniacense”
[437] Carmen Metiense
[438] “Moriuht, Irish poet of Rouen”
Texts: Moriuht
[439] “Catalogue of the abbots of St. Martin of Cologne”
[440] “Life of St Colmán”
Colmán of MelkColmán of Melk
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[441] “Life of St Anatolius”
[442] “Bishop John of Ireland”
[443] “Chronicle of Marianus Scottus”
Marianus Scottus [Máel Brigte]Marianus Scottus ... Máel Brigte
(fl. 1028–1082/3)
Marianus Scottus of Mainz
No short description available
See more
[444] “Life of Marianus, abbot of Ratibon”
Marianus Scottus of RegensburgMarianus Scottus of Regensburg
(d. 1080 x 1083)
Marianus of Ratisbon;Muiredach mac Robartaig
Irish scribe, who founded the Irish monastic community at Regensburg (Ratisbon) in Bavaria, the first of the Schottenklöster to be founded in southern Germany.
See more
[445] “Copy of the Epistles of St Paul, by Marianus Scotttus (Codex Vindobonensis 1247)”
Marianus Scottus of RegensburgMarianus Scottus of Regensburg
(d. 1080 x 1083)
Marianus of Ratisbon;Muiredach mac Robartaig
Irish scribe, who founded the Irish monastic community at Regensburg (Ratisbon) in Bavaria, the first of the Schottenklöster to be founded in southern Germany.
See more
[446] “Life of Bishop Silaus of Lucca”
[447] “Sermon by Dermatius”
[448] “David Scottus”
[449] “Irish books in mediaeval literature”
C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2013, last updated: January 2023