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Ars Malsachani

  • Latin
  • Hiberno-Latin texts
Latin grammatical treatise on the verb and the participle. In the Naples manuscript version of the text, there is also a section on nouns and pronoun but its relationship to the present text is unclear.
Ars Malsachani
The title Ars Malsachani occurs in a late hand at the start of the copy in the Paris MS. The same copy ends with the title Congregatio Salcani filii de verbo, which is the title preferred by some scholars.
(s. viii)
Hiberno-Latin grammarian

See more
f. 161r–181v
rubric: ‘Ars Malsachani’
beg. ‘Uerbum est pars orationis cum tempore et persona sine casu aut agere aliquid aut pati aut neutrum significans’
The heading Ars Malsachani is in another hand.
ff. 241v–256v
Here preceded by four chapters on nouns and pronouns.
  • Latin
Textual relationships
Related: Liber de verbo (BNF MS 7491)Liber de verbo (BNF MS 7491)

Anonymous grammatical treatise on the verb, probably composed in the 8th century and preserved in a single MS.


Hiberno-Latin textsHiberno-Latin texts


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Löfstedt, Bengt, Der hibernolateinische Grammatiker Malsachanus, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Celtica Upsaliensia, 3, Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 1965.
[ed.] Roger, Maurice, Ars Malsachani: traité du verbe, Paris: Alphonse Picard et fils, 1905.
Internet Archive: <link>
Edition based on the Paris MS, superseded by the above.

Secondary sources (select)

Law, Vivien, “Malsachanus reconsidered: a fresh look at a Hiberno-Latin grammarian”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (Summer, 1981): 83–93.
Zetzel, James E. G. (ed.), Critics, compilers, and commentators: an introduction to Roman philology, 200 BCE-800 CE, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.  
Table of contents
List of abbreviations
Part I: A short history of Roman scholarship
Chapter 1: The face of learning
Chapter 2: The origins of Roman grammar
Chapter 3: Word and world: Varro and his contemporaries
Chapter 4: Past and present: from Caecilius Epirota to Valerius Probus
Chapter 5: Finding the right word
Chapter 6: Dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias
Chapter 7: Commentary and exegesis
Chapter 8: Grammar and grammarians
Chapter 9: Author, audience, text
Chapter 10: Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Chapter 11: Commentaries
Chapter 12: Grammars and other forms of erudition
Chapter 13: Early medieval grammars
List of works cited
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
September 2018, last updated: December 2024