Pauca de barbarismo collecta de multis
- Latin
- prose
An early medieval Latin compilation of material on barbarisms, solecisms, metaplasms, figures of speech and other topics discussed in Book 3 of Donatus’ Ars maior. Headings: De barbarismo, De soloecismo, De ceteris uitiis, De metaplasmo, De scematibus, De tropis. The verse dedication which follows the text in the Bamberg manuscript is usually interpreted as an attribution to Clemens Scottus.
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- (1) The clearest evidence for attribution comes by way of a poem of dedication to Lothair beg. Pauca tibi, Caesar, de multis, magne Hlothari, which follows the present text and mimics its opening words.
- (2) An abbreviated inscription C G P A HL F D HV IM is found at f. 54r, directly following the finit of an ars grammatica and heading the tract on metrical feet that precedes the present text. Elias Steinmeyer suggested a tentative transliteration as Clemens grammaticus principi augustissimo Hlothario filio domni Hludovici imperatoris. It was previously assumed to belong to the ars grammatica. Vivien Law, however, argues that as inscriptions tend to head a new text, it was probably intended for Pauca de barbarismo..., even though a metrical tract intrudes at this point in the manuscript and disrupts the connection. She and others before her contend with this difficulty by suggesting that the metrical tract was an ill-placed editorial addition.
- Latin
Latin poem of dedication by Clemens (Scottus) for Lothair, beg. Pauca tibi, Caesar, de multis, magne Hlothari, / iure tuus Clemens saepe legenda dedi, / caetera quo valeas per te penetrare sophiae / calle velut veterum, scita profund virum. The dedication apparently refers to foregoing tract in the manuscript, Pauca de barbarismo collecta de multis.
Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.
Secondary sources (select)
List of abbreviations
Part I: A short history of Roman scholarship
Chapter 1: The face of learning
Chapter 2: The origins of Roman grammar
Chapter 3: Word and world: Varro and his contemporaries
Chapter 4: Past and present: from Caecilius Epirota to Valerius Probus
Chapter 5: Finding the right word
Chapter 6: Dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias
Chapter 7: Commentary and exegesis
Chapter 8: Grammar and grammarians
Chapter 9: Author, audience, text
Chapter 10: Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Chapter 11: Commentaries
Chapter 12: Grammars and other forms of erudition
Chapter 13: Early medieval grammars
List of works cited
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