

23 publications between 1847 and 1894 indexed
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Works authored

Reeves, William [ed.], and J. T. Fowler, Adamnani Vita S. Columbae, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894.  
Based on the original edition by William Reeves, with introduction, glossary and notes by Fowler.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Based on the original edition by William Reeves, with introduction, glossary and notes by Fowler.
OʼDonovan, John, James Henthorn Todd, and William Reeves [ed. and tr.], The martyrology of Donegal: a calendar of the saints of Ireland, Dublin, 1864.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, The Culdees of the British Islands, as they appear in history: with an appendix of evidences, Dublin: Gill, 1864.
HathiTrust: <link>
Reeves, William, Life of St. Columba, founder of Hy, written by Adamnan, 1st ed., Dublin: Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, 1857.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – original print: <link> Internet Archive – 1874 reprint: <link> <link> View in Mirador
Reeves, William [ed.], Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Metropolitan Visitation of the diocese of Derry, AD MCCCXCVII; with a rental of the see estates at that time, Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1850.  
Contents: Introduction (i-xx); Visitatio metropolitica diocesis Derensis (1-86); Appendix: Additional notes (89-134): A. Episcopal styles; B. Reconciliation of churches; C. The church of Banagher; D. Rule of St. Columbkille; E. Revenue of the See of Derry; F. St Patrick's labours in the diocese of Derry; G. Secular distribution Tyrone; H. Parishes omitted in the Rentale; Index (135-149).
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Contents: Introduction (i-xx); Visitatio metropolitica diocesis Derensis (1-86); Appendix: Additional notes (89-134): A. Episcopal styles; B. Reconciliation of churches; C. The church of Banagher; D. Rule of St. Columbkille; E. Revenue of the See of Derry; F. St Patrick's labours in the diocese of Derry; G. Secular distribution Tyrone; H. Parishes omitted in the Rentale; Index (135-149).
Reeves, William, Ecclesiastical antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dromore, Dublin, 1847.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>

Contributions to journals

Reeves, William, “Les monastères celtiques aux VIe et VIIe siècles, d'après les usages de l'ile d'Iona”, Annales de Bretagne 9 (1894): 182–209.
Rennes – offprint: <link> Gallica: <link>
Reeves, William, “On the bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta [read November 9, 1863]”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 27 (1877–1886): 1–30.
Jstor – Open access: <link>
Reeves, William, “On the Céli Dé, commonly called Culdees”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 24 — Antiquities (1873): 119–263.
JSTOR: <link>
Reeves, William, “[On certain Irish ecclesiastical bells]”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 8 (December 14, 1963, 1861–1864): 441–450.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “On the Island of Sanda”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 8 (April 14, 1862, 1864): 132–135.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “Memoir of Stephen White”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 8 (November 30, 1861, 1861–1864): 29–38.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “On SS. Marinus and Anianus”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 8 (February 23, 1863, 1861–1864): 295–301.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, and Charles P. Mac Donnell [quoted], “On Marianus Scotus, of Ratisbon”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 7 (1857–1861): 290–301.
Reeves, William, and Ferdinand Keller, “Early Irish caligraphy”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 8 (1860): 210–230, 291–308.
Reeves, William, “On the Irish abbey of Honau, on the Rhine”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6 (1853–1857): 452–461.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “Irish library no. 2: Fleming’s Collectanea sacra”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 253–261.
Reeves, William, “Irish itinerary of Father Edmund MacCana”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 44–59.
Reeves, William, “The island of Tiree”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 233–244.
Reeves, William, “The Antiphonary of Bangor”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 168–179.
Reeves, William, and Eugene OʼCurry [tr.], “On an Irish MS. of the Four Gospels in the British Museum”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 1st series, 5 (1853): 45–67.  
comments: Eugene O'Curry supplies the translation for the Irish poem beginning 'Aurilius humilis ard' (and others as well?).
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
comments: Eugene O'Curry supplies the translation for the Irish poem beginning 'Aurilius humilis ard' (and others as well?).
Reeves, William, “Saint Mura”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 271–273.
Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “Irish library no. 1: Colgan's works”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 295–302.
Internet Archive: <link>

About the author

McDonough, Ciaran, “Investigating Irish antiquarianism: a comparative study between Protestant and Catholic antiquarian cultures, 1830 - 1876”, unpublished PhD thesis, NUI Galway, 2017.. – available after 2021-09-12: <link>
Sharpe, Richard, “King William and the Brecc Bennach in 1211: reliquary or holy banner?”, The Innes Review 66:2 (2015): 163–190..
Moore, Norman, and Nollaig Ó Muraíle [rev.], “Reeves, William (1815–1892)”, Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2008–..
Thompson, John, “William Reeves and the medieval texts and manuscripts at Armagh”, Peritia 10 (1996): 363–380..