The adventures of Mac Dá Cherda
Early Irish tale about (Comgán) Mac Dá Cherda, son of Máel Ochtraig (king of the Déisi of Mag Femen)
Aided Chonchobuir (version D)

Short anecdote about the death of King Conchobar.

Araile felmac féig don Mumain
beg. Araile felmac féig don Mumain
Short Middle Irish tale concerning poets.
Compert Fiachach Muillethain
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Brief anecdote about Éogan Mór mac Ailello and the birth of Fíachu Muillethan.
De maccaib Conaire
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Prose narrative in which the sons of Conaire mac Moghaláma take revenge on Nemed mac Srobcind for slaying their father. Gwynn suggests that the scribe of the Book of Leinster amended his text so as to make this story a continuation of Togail bruidne Da Derga.
The devil Caincuile in Armagh

Short medieval Irish story about a demon called Cain Cuile, who used to visit Armagh to keep a record of the sins committed by its clergy as well as the lay folk. He had two books in his keeping: in the small one, he would erase the sins of the clerics who regularly confessed while in the bigger one, the sins of unrepenting laymen would pile up. 

Do bunad imthechta Éoganachta
Origin legend of the Éoganachta and the Dál Cuinn.
Echtra Ambacuc
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Etsecht Bic meic Dé

Short Irish story of Becc mac Dé, his prophetic gift and the three falsehoods he utters on the day of his death, when he meets Colum Cille. The text is essentially an excerpt from the first recension of Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill.

Introduction to the Senchas Már
Finn and the man in the tree
Two short prose stories about Finn, cited in the commentary to the Senchas Már as a gloss on the term imbas forosnai. The first, about Finn's encounter with the supernatural thief Cúldub, tells how Finn acquired the gift of imbas, while the second story, about Finn and the gilla Derg Corra, tells how Finn put this gift to use.
Foscél ar Brénainn (dialogue with Moínenn of Clonfert)
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A Middle Irish short story about a dialogue between Brénainn of Clonfert with one of his successors, Moínenn, bishop of Clonfert, on the subject of death and the afterlife.
Imthechta Rícinde ingine Crimthainn ocus Cairche Dergáin
Short narrative about two pious women, Rícenn, daughter of the king of Uí Maine, and her tutoress Caírech Dergáin, nun at Clúain Bairenn.
Inis Dornglais ro gab Crimthann

A brief prose passage found in the Book of Leinster, which summarises events in the power struggles between Brían, Fíachra and Ailill, sons of Eochaid Mugmédon, including the poisoning of Crimthann mac Fidaig, king of Ireland, by his sister Mongfhind. The text highlights some of the place-names in that story. Because the manuscript page is worn at the right edge, the text is now partly illegible.

Irish story of Albert of Germany

Brief Irish devotional story concerning a certain Albert (Ailibertus, Aliberd), bishop in Germany, who made Christ reveal to him the seven, or eight, things that are best for the soul and most pleasing to God as well as a rule consisting of 15 Our Fathers. Grosjean, with the help of suggestions made to him, has identified the story as a version on the theme of Christ’s nine answers, variants of which circulated widely throughout Europe, both in Latin and in the vernacular, in the 14th and 15th centuries and sometimes appear with an attribution to Albert(us)/Albrecht.

Irish story of Comgall and the foreign monk
Anecdote about Comgall of Bangor facing devotional competition from a foreign monk. 
Irish story of gigantic women cast ashore
Two anecdotal stories about giantesses being cast ashore. 
Irish story of Silvius

A short Irish account of Silvius, son of Ascanius and father of Brutus of Troy. The text is indebted to the Irish adaptation of the Historia Brittonum known as Lebor Bretnach, which it quotes in places, but also adds material to it, such its opening passage on Vulcan the smith.

Irish story of the nine answers of Christ

A short Irish devotional story about a poor man of God who through prayer, made Christ reveal to him the nine things that are most pleasing to God. It provides a version of the so-called ‘nine answers’ or ‘nine virtues of Christ’, which circulated more widely in Europe, in both Latin and the vernacular, during the 14th and 15th centuries. It differs from another Irish version in which it is Albert of Germany who receives the responses. The present text comes with the statement that the miraculous incident took place in 1315 (mile bliadhna ⁊ tri cet ⁊ .u. bliadhna deg).

Maol Póil and the dead nun

Short story in which Maol Póil úa Cináetha, abbot of Cell Becáin, meets the ghost (bann-scál) of a dead gospel-nun (mainches soiscéla). Having discussed astrology with a fellow monk, the abbot goes to sleep. He has a dream-vision in which a nun, who had died six days previously, approaches him and insists that the abbot intercedes for her by chanting the Biait (Psalm 118: Beati immaculati...) in her honour.

Mo Ling and Findat
Early Irish anecdote about Mo Ling and an old woman (caillech) named Findat who gave her son to him; also on the appearance of Christ as a leper (clam).