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Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Dún nGabail
beg. Tochmarc ingine Guill glais
Dinnshenchas of Dún nGabail in Cuthraige on the Liffey.
Dinnshenchas Érenn C, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne
2 st.
beg. Necht Inbir Scéne ro scaíl

Text on the dinnshenchas of Dún mac Nechtain Scéne.

Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn B
Dinnshenchas of Dún Másc
10 st.
beg. Iarfaigid dím, comul ngle
Dinnshenchas of Dún Másc
Dúngal Raithlind rui a chuirn
2.5 st.
beg. Dúngal Raithlind / rui a chuirn
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (5 couplets) of Dúngal Raithlind, chief of the Éoganacht Raithlind. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Dunta for nduan decid lib
beg. Dunta for nduan decid lib

An Early Irish didactic poem (9 qq) on the topic of closing a poem. It is found at the end of the Book of Ballymote copy of Auraicept na n-éces.

Dúnta in tech i-táit na ríg
12 st.
beg. Dúnta in tech i-táit na ríg
Ó Rónán (Flann)Ó Rónán (Flann)
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Medieval irish poem (12 qq) lamenting the death of Máelshechlainn II. It is attributed to one Flann Ó Rónán.

Easbach díoth Diarmada Duirghean
7 st.
beg. Easbach díoth Diarmada Duirghean

An Irish bardic elegiac poem on Díarmait Mac Murchada. Only seven quatrains are extant, having been copied into an erased space of the Book of Leinster, but left incomplete. The purpose of the poem seems to be stated in the third quatrain, in which the poet sets out to enumerate every territory (gort) and every hostage (giall) that belonged to Díarmait, suggesting that the full poem would have been a caithréim or catalogue of his victories.

Echta Lagen for Leth Cuind
beg. Echta Lagen for Leth Cuind
Eclais Dé bí
4 st.
beg. Eclais Dé bí
Fothud na Canóine
Fothud (or Fothad)
(d. 819)
early Irish poet who was attached to the church of Othain (now Fahan, Inishowen barony, Co. Donegal)

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Eineach úaisle ná gach dán
8 st.
beg. Eineach úaisle ná gach dán
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Einecland na trí secht ngrád
18 st.
Ó Duibh Dá Bhoireann (Muirghius)Ó Duibh Dá Bhoireann (Muirghius)
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Irish poem attributed to Muirgius Ó Duibh Dá Bhoireann, on the honour-price due to the seven lay and ecclesiastical grades. 

Éirigh cumm na h-iarméirge
6 st.
beg. Éirigh cumm na h-íarméirge
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Irish poem (6 qq) attributed to Colum Cille.
Eist rim a meic Cuanach
beg. Éist rim, a meic Cúanach
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Irish poem (13 stt.) attributed to Colum Cille and addressed to Baíthín mac Cúanach, a saint associated with Tech Baithín/Tagboyne, Co. Westmeath.
Eistea frim a Baithín buain
66 st.
beg. Éistea frim, a Baíthín búain
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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An Irish prophecy in verse (66 stt in two of the earliest versions), attributed to Colum Cille and addressed to his successor, Baíthín.
Emain álainn árus Ulad
beg. Emain álainn árus Ulad
Úa Sesnáin (Colmán)Úa Sesnáin (Colmán)
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Irish poem attributed to Colmán Úa Sesnáin on the prehistoric kings who ruled in Emain Macha, from Conchobar mac Nessa onwards.
Énna Labraid luad cáich
beg. Énna Labraid luad cáich
Laidcenn mac Bairceda
Laidcenn mac Bairc(h)eda
(supp. fl. 5th century ?)
early Irish poet, said to be of the Dál nAraidi. Two early poems (beg. Énna, Labraid and Nidu dír dermait) belonging to the so-called rhyming ‘Leinster poems’ are ascribed to him.

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One of the rhyming Leinster poems, attributed to Laidcenn mac Bairceda
Dinnshenchas Érenn A, Dinnshenchas Érenn C
Dinnshenchas of Eó Rossa and other trees
beg. Cia dorochair Cráeb Dá Thí
Tract on the dinnshenchas of five special trees of Ireland: the yew of Ross (Eó Rossa), the Yew of Mag Mugna (Eó Mugna), the Tree of Belach Dathí (Bile Dathí or Cráeb Belaig Dathi), the Tree of Tortu (Bile Tortain) and the Tree or Ash of Uisnech (Cráeb or Unnius Uisnig).
Eochair chéille coistecht
12 st.
beg. Eochair chéille coistecht
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
Cormac mac Cuilennáin
(d. 908)
bishop and king of Munster

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Poem ascribed to Cormac mac Cuilennáin, which consists primarily of a list of gnomic formulas beginning with the word eochair (‘key’ in a metaphorical sense).
Eochu art
beg. Eochu art
One of the rhymeless ‘Leinster poems’.
Eochu Ferngen
beg. Eochu Ferngen
One of the rhymeless ‘Leinster poems’
Éogan án éo cautmai cáem
form undefined
4 st.
beg. Éogan án / éo cautmai cáem
Luccreth moccu Chíara
Luccreth moccu Chíara
(fl. 7th century)
early Irish poet

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Versified genealogy (8 couplets) of Éogan mac Crundmaíl, chief of the Uí Choirpri branch of Uí Fhidgenti. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Eol dam aided, erctha gním
8 st.
beg. Eol dam aided, erctha gním
Poem on the deaths of the seven Maines, sons of Medb and Ailill.
Laídshenchas Laigen
Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
43 st.
beg. Eol dam i ndairib dréchta
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
Flann mac Máel Máedóc
(fl. 10th century)
early Irish poet, son of Máel Máedoc mac Díarmata

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Poem on the battles of the Leinstermen and the heroes who fell at their hands
Eól dam seiser cloinne Cuinn
50 st.
beg. Eól dam seiser cloinne Cuinn
Néide ua MaolchonaireNéide ua Maolchonaire
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Ó Dálaigh (Aonghus Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Aonghus Fionn)
also Aonghus Ó Dálaigh Fionn;

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Néide ua MaolchonaireNéide ua Maolchonaire
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Praise poem tracing the descent of Toirrdelbach Ua Conchobair to Conn Cétchathach.
Éri íarthar talman torthig
121 st.
beg. Éri íarthar talman torthig
Úa Duinn (Gilla na Náem)
Úa Duinn (Gilla na Náem)
(d. c. 1160)
Irish scholar and poet who was attached to the monastery of Inis Clothrann, now Inchcleraun (Island), in Lough Ree.

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A long poem (121 qq) giving a précis of the Dinnshenchas Érenn and included at the end of the version of that collection in the Book of Uí Maine. The last stanza attributes the poem to Gilla na Náem Úa Duinn and gives the year 1166.
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