Páis Eoin Bauptaist ‘The passion of John the Baptist’

  • Middle Irish
  • prose
  • Irish religious texts, Passion
Irish text concerning the passion of St John the Baptist
pp. 187b–189a
rubric: ‘Pais Eoin Bau(p)tist’
beg. ‘Bui aroile fer angid etróccar i n-Ierusalem ⁊ hi tír Iuda’
pp. 159b–160b col. 849b
Version entitled Aided Eóin Baisti ocus mírbuili a chind (‘The death of John the Baptist and the miracles of his head’). It adds a note not found in LB that John the Baptist was beheaded by Mog Ruith.
Different version
  • Middle Irish
prose (primary)


Irish religious textsIrish religious texts



John the Baptist
John the Baptist
No short description available

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Mog Ruith
Mog Ruith
Legendary Irish magician from Munster, who was linked in Ireland to biblical and apocryphal traditions, notably as a pupil under Simon Magus and as one responsible for the beheading of John the Baptist. He appears in Irish genealogies as a descendant of Medb and her lover Fergus mac Roích and as an ancestor for Fir Maige Féine, in the area about present-day Fermoy.

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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Atkinson, Robert, The passions and the homilies from Leabhar Breac: text, translation and glossary, Todd Lecture Series, 2, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1887.  

Note that there are various references throughout the book to material in the appendix, but in the introduction, Atkinson states he regrets “that I have not found it possible to include in the present volume the Appendix and Notes”.

CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
64–68 (edition); 304–309 (translation with introduction) Text and translation from Leabhar Breac
[ed.] [tr.] Müller-Lisowski, Käte, “Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage 1. Aiged Eoin Baisti ⁊ Mīrbuili a chind andso”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 14 (1923): 145–153, 422 (corr. to p. 150).
Internet Archive: <link>
Text and (German) translation from YBL
[tr.] Herbert, Máire [tr.], and Martin McNamara [notes], “[New Testament] 18. The death of John the Baptist”, in: Máire Herbert, and Martin McNamara (eds), Irish biblical apocrypha: selected texts in translation, Edinburgh: Clark, 1989. 56–58, 177–178.
Two extracts from the YBL version collated with LB.

Secondary sources (select)

McNamara, Martin, The apocrypha in the Irish Church, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1975.
64 [id. 55. ‘The passion of John the Baptist’]
Plummer, Charles, “A tentative catalogue of Irish hagiography”, in: Charles Plummer, Miscellanea hagiographica Hibernica: vitae adhuc ineditae sanctorum Mac Creiche, Naile, Cranat, 15, Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1925. 171–285.
Utrecht University Library: <link>
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
August 2012, last updated: January 2024