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Atkinson, Robert, The passions and the homilies from Leabhar Breac: text, translation and glossary, Todd Lecture Series, 2, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1887.

  • Book/Monograph
Citation details
The passions and the homilies from Leabhar Breac: text, translation and glossary
Hodges, Figgis

Note that there are various references throughout the book to material in the appendix, but in the introduction, Atkinson states he regrets “that I have not found it possible to include in the present volume the Appendix and Notes”.

Related publications
Stokes, Whitley, “On professor Atkinson’s edition of The passions and homilies in the Lebar Brecc”, Transactions of the Philological Society 21 (1888–90, 1891): 203–234.
Internet Archive: <link>
Subjects and topics

Roman numerals indicate the order in which the texts appear in the Leabhar Breac, while arabic numerals represent the order in which Atkinson has preferred to print them (the passions followed by the homilies).

Work in progress
“Irish lexicography: an introductory lecture”
Text (pp. 35-275) and translation (pp. 277-514)
35–275; 277–514
[1 = I] “Passion of the image of Christ”
LB p. 1a1 (headed Incipit Pais hImaigine Crist in-so), with prologue: Incipit libellus Anustaisi Arciepiscopi Alexandrie urbis de passione himaiginis Domini nostri Iesu Christi
41; 277
[2 = II] “Of Silvester and of Constantine”
LB p. 4a38, beg. ‘Siluestar tra, espuc’
49; 286
[3 = III] “Of Paphnutius”
LB p. 7a1, beg. (after a gap in the manuscript) ‘... fort ⁊ ro-sia clú ...’. A fragment of the Irish homily on Paphnutius and Onophrius.
55; 293
[4 = IV] “Passion of Marcellinus”
LB p. 7b1
56; 295
[5 = XXVI] “Passion of Longinus”
LB p. 181b46
60; 300
[6 = XXVIII] “Passion of John the Baptist”
LB p. 187b44, headed Pais Eoin Bauptaist in-so.
64; 304
[7 = XXIX] “Passion of the Seven Sleepers”
LB p. 189a32, headed Páis in morfesir ro-chotail i n-Effis cóica for cét bliadan dóib (The passion of the seven who slept in Ephesus 150 years)
68; 309
[8 = XXX] “Passion of George”
LB p. 190b1
71; 313
[9 = V, VI] “Passion of Stephen”
LB p. 34a19 (Césad Stephain) + p. 34b35 (on the finding of his body, beg. Cesad Stephain in-sin (annuas) ...)
81; 324
[10 = XXI] “Passion of Peter and Paul”
LB p. 172b41
86; 329
[11 = XXII] “Passion of Bartholomew”
LB p. 175b1
95–101; 339
[12 = XXIII] “Passion of James”
LB p. 177a49
102; 346
[13 = XXIV] “Passion of Andrew”
LB p. 178b35
106; 351
[14 = XXV] “Passion of Philip”
LB p. 179bz
110; 356
[15 = XIX] “Passion of our Lord”
LB p. 160a, headed Pasio Domini nostri Iesu Christi
113; 359
[16 = -] “Homily on the Resurrection”
135; 383
[17 = XX] “Gospel of Nicodemus”
LB p. 170a21
143; 392
[18 = VII] “Sermo ad reges”
LB p. 35b26
151–162; 401–418
[19 = VIII] “On Christ's entry into Jerusalem”
LB p. 40a26, headed Domhnach na hImrime
163–171; 419
[20 = IX] “On fasting”
LB p. 44a1, Cedáin in braith. Not translated into English.
[21 = X] “On the Temptation”
LB p. 45a7, De ieiunio Domini in deserto.
172; 425
[22 = XI] “On the Lord's supper”
LB p. 48b18, In cena Domini.
181; 430
[23 = XII] “On the day of Pentecost”
LB p. 52b11, De die Pentecostes.
190; 436
[24 = XIII] “On the circumcision”
LB p. 56a1, Imdibe Crist, without translation.
198–201; 442
[25 = XIV] “On charity”
LB p. 66b1
202; 442
[26 = XV] “On almsgiving”
LB p. 68b50, Do'n almsain. Latin passages are given in the translation (headed ‘[XVI’]).
207; 446
[27 = XVI] “On the archangel Michael”
LB p. 72a1
213; 451
[- = XVII]
‘XVII’ is missing from the table of contents, but referred to in the introduction. Atkinson appears to have intended to include the homily on the Transfiguration which occurs in LB p. 107a1 (headed [...]rmchrutta in so).
[28 = XVIII] “On penitence”
LB p. 107b57, Do'n aithrige
220; 457
[29 = XXVII] “On the Macchabees”
LB p. 183a24
222; 460
[30 = XXXI] “On the incredulity of Thomas”
227; 465
[31 = XXXII] “On the Epihany”
234; 470
[32 = XXXIII] “On St Michael”
240; 477
[33 = XXXIV] “On the Ten Commandments”
245; 478
[34 = XXXV] “On the Lord's Prayer”
259; 495
[35 = XXXVI] “On the soul's exit from the body”
266; 507
[36 = XXXVII] “On fasting”
Not translated into English.
“Index of proper names”
“Addenda et corrigenda”
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2011, last updated: January 2024