On the settlement of the Fotharta and the Laígsi

  • Early Irish
  • prose
f. 70ra
beg. ‘Is aire dano do-ratait na sáere-se do Laíchsib arin dochratti báe i n-amsir Con Corb do dingbáil do Laignib’
f. 95(104)vc
beg. ‘Dochraiti mor robui for Laignib i n-aimsir Conchorb’
This version incorporates a rosc ascribed to the magician Mac Da Churr (corresponding to Moccu Mugairn in the Rawl. B 502 version of the rosc) and is followed by the poem Fothairt for trebaib Concorb and a genealogical tract on the Fothaid.
  • Early Irish
  • It must be older than the date in which Rawl. B 502 was compiled (1125 x 1150). No published linguistic analysis is known at this stage. Dobbs states that the Book of Lecan version is most probably younger than the Rawl. B 502 version, but does not attempt a linguistic dating of the text.
prose (primary)
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A Eochaid Airtt Fuath arafalnather iath aneoilA Eochaid Airtt Fuath arafalnather iath aneoil

An exchange of two roscada found in the context of an origin legend concerning the Fothairt. The first, shorter rosc (beg. Huait a meic hui Moguirni) is uttered by Eochaid Fúath Airt, ancestor of the Fothairt, and addressed to one Moccu Mugairne, who utters the second, longer rosc to him (beg. A Eochaid Airtt Fuath arafalnather iath aneoil), in the course of which he prophecies the coming of Brigit (Brig eoit).

Fothairt for clannaib ConcorbFothairt for clannaib Concorb

Poem on St Brigit's people, the Fothairt, and their expulsion from Tara. It is 19 stanzas long in both manuscripts.


Cú Chorb mac Moga Corb
Cú Chorb mac Moga Corb
prehistoric king of Leinster; son of Mug Corb; given as the father of four eponymous progenitors of Leinster ruling families: Nia Corb (a quo Dál Niad Corb), Mess Corb (a quo Dál Messe/Messin Corb), Cormac (a quo Dál Cor(b)maic) and Cairpre Cluithechair (a quo Dál Coirbbri)

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Eochaid Find Fúath nAirt
Eochaid Find Fúath nAirt
(supp. fl. c.2nd century)
In Irish historical tradition, eponymous ancestor of the Fothairt, a son of Feidlimid Rechtaid and brother of Conn Cétchathach.

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No short description available

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Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár
Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár
(supp. fl. c.reign of Cú Chorb)
(time-frame ass. with Cú Chorb mac Moga Corb)
In Irish historical tradition, Lugaid Laígsech Cendmár, or Laígsech Cendmár, al. Lugaid Loígse, is the eponymous ancestor of the Laígsi/Loígis/Loíges and a son of Conall Cernach. In a number of genealogies, his persona is artificially divided into a son and his father, Lugaid Laígse and Loigsech Cendmár. While he is not prominent in saga literatue, he is given a role in an origin legend concerning the Loígis, according to which he helped Cú Chorb, king of Leinster, repel the Munstermen.

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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] OʼBrien, M. A. [ed.], Corpus genealogiarum Hiberniae, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1962.  
comments: Reprinted in 1976 and 2005, with an introduction by J. V. Kelleher.
CELT – pp. 1–332 (Rawl. B 502): <link>
94–95 Rawl. B 502 version.
[ed.] [tr.] Dobbs, Margaret E., “On the settlement of the Fotharta and the Laigsi”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 16 (1927): 395–405.
Internet Archive: <link>
Contains separate editions for the Rawl. B 502 and BLec versions.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2021, last updated: June 2023