Do flaithiusaib ⁊ aimseraib hÉrend iar Creitim

  • Middle Irish
  • prose
  • Lebor gabála Érenn
  • extent: covers multiple recensions
A king-list in continuation of Réim rígraide. The greater part runs from Lóegaire mac Néill in the 5th century to Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill (d. 1022), while a final section deals with a number of ‘kings with opposition’ until Ruaidrí mac Toirrdelbaig Ua Conchobair (late 12th century).
Do flaithiusaib ⁊ aimseraib hÉrend iar Creitim
Recension A introduces this section as Incipit do fhlaithesaib ⁊ amseraib hÉrenn íar Creitim (§ 614).
Context(s)The (textual) context(s) to which the present text belongs or in which it is cited in part or in whole.


L =
p. 24a–26b
rubric: ‘Incipit do flaithesaib ⁊ amseraib Herend iar creitim’
Lc =
f. 305ra ff
rubric: ‘Do flaithis Ereand ocus dia n-aimsearaib na rig o flaithius Loegaire mec Neill co haimsir Ruaidri meic Thairrdealbaig hi Conchobuir’
Macalister's siglum M.
  • Middle Irish
prose (primary)
verse (secondary)
Associated items
Mórchath Ocha fersaitirMórchath Ocha fersaitir

An item of verse attributed to Becc mac Dé and quoted in a number of annalistic and similar historical contexts. It refers to the battle of Ocha (dated c.482) and the death of Ailill Molt.


Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn
id. 4019


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Macalister, R. A. Stewart [ed.], Lebor gabála Érenn: The book of the taking of Ireland, 5 vols, vol. 5, Irish Texts Society, 44, Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1942.
Internet Archive: <link>
352–415 (§§ 614–665) and 486–538 (verse texts CXV–CXXXVI) [‘The kings after Christianity’] direct link direct link
[dipl. ed.] Best, Richard Irvine, Osborn Bergin, and M. A. OʼBrien, The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 1, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1954. 260 pp. + 4 pl.
CELT – edition (pp. 1-260): <link>
94–99 LL version.
[ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, The tripartite Life of Patrick: with other documents relating to that saint, 2 vols, vol. 2, Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores, 89.2, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1887.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link> Internet Archive: <link>
512–529 [‘App. XVIII: Annals from the Book of Leinster’] LL version.

Secondary sources (select)

Scowcroft, R. Mark, “Leabhar Gabhála. Part I: the growth of the text”, Ériu 38 (1987): 79–140.  
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
January 2013, last updated: January 2024