Frithfolaid ríg Caisil fri túatha Muman ‘Counter-obligations of the king of Cashel towards the peoples of Munster’

  • Early Irish
  • prose
  • Irish texts

(1)n. 1 This overview is based on Bart Jaski, ‘King and household in early medieval Ireland’ in Familia and household in the medieval Atlantic province... (2011).

  • Early Irish
  • Early Irish.

prose (primary)


Irish textsIrish texts


kings of Cashelkings of Cashel
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Corcu Loígde
Corcu Loígde
No short description available

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Uí Liatháin
Uí Liatháin

Early Irish dynasty based in Munster whose kingdom was situated in what is now roughly south-east Cork. Eochu Liathán, son of Dáire Cerbba, is the eponymous ancestor from whom the Uí Liatháin claimed descent.

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This overview is based on Bart Jaski, ‘King and household in early medieval Ireland’ in Familia and household in the medieval Atlantic province... (2011).

Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] OʼKeeffe, J. G. [ed.], “Dál Caladbuig and reciprocal services between the kings of Cashel and various Munster states”, in: J. Fraser, Paul Grosjean, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Irish texts, fasciculus I, London, 1931. 19–21, i (corrigenda) + fasc. V: 100 (corrigenda).
Celtic Digital Initiative: <link>
20–21 (§§ 8–18) Recension I
[ed.] Hull, Vernam, “A passage in Dál Caladbuig”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 30 (1967): 12–13.
Recension I: offers a reading for part of § 9 in O’Keeffe’s edition.
Edition wanted
No edition of the second recension is known at this stage.

Secondary sources (select)

Charles-Edwards, T. M., Early Christian Ireland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Jaski, Bart, Early Irish kingship and succession, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000.  
Early medieval Ireland was politically fragmented, with a multitude of lordships and kingships ruled by dynasties of which many were genealogically inter-related. This book begins by discussing the political power of the Irish lords and kings over their subjects, their roles as mediators between natural and divine forces and their position as rulers over their subjects. It then moves on to a detailed analysis of the rule of succession in early Ireland. A lord or king had to be qualified for his office, and for this many considerations were taken into account, such as his pedigree, the status of his mother, his behaviour and his physical appearance. This is widely evidenced in legal material, saga literature, annals and other sources, and the author sets these notions in a wider context of various aspects of Irish political and social life, such as the division of the inheritance, loss of noble and royal status, clientship and suretyship. The meaning of the titles rígdamna and the office of tánaise ríg are also examined. The Irish custom of succession forms the background to the tendency of close and distant relatives to compete for power and of the ruling dynasties to expand and fragment. It also explains why it was so difficult for one dynasty to become permanently paramount in Ireland. The book concludes with a discussion of the nature of the kingship of Tara.
Jaski, Bart, “King and household in early medieval Ireland”, in: Benjamin T. Hudson [ed.], Familia and household in the medieval Atlantic province, 3, Tempe, Arizona: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Publications, 2011. 89–122.
Byrne, F. J., Irish kings and high-kings, 2nd ed., Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001.
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2012, last updated: April 2024