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Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1298 Unit: 1-238Genealogy and verse

  • Irish
  • s. xiv ?
  • Irish manuscripts
  • vellum
Part of
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1298 (H 2. 7, 1298) [s. xv]
manuscript miscellanies Irish genealogies Irish poetry and verse (vernacular)
Provenance and related aspects
s. xiv ?
14th century (?).
Origin, provenance
Origin: The folios originally formed a distinct manuscript. John O'Donovan suggested that they represent a fragment of the late 14th-century Book of Uí Maine (RIA MS D ii 1).(3)n. 3 John O'Donovan, The tribes and customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country (1843); T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 78–79. This hypothesis, however, has since been questioned and discredited.(4)n. 4 T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 337; John Bannerman, Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974).
Hands, scribes
Hands indexed:
Main hand (Lúcás Ó Dalláin)

Gwynn states that this part of the manuscript is largely the work of one scribe, probably Lúcás Ó Dalláin, whose name occurs on p. 196b (sup. marg.) and col. 222.

Lúcás Ó DalláinÓ Dalláin (Lúcás)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

See more
Hand of note (col. 33)

Additions include a note by Seán mac Torna in col. 33.

Seán mac TornaSeán mac Torna
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Two later hands (p. 189)

Material is supplied by two later hands (unidentified) on p. 189.

Late hand(s) (pp. 195, 227)

There are additions by a late hand on p. 195; and again, p. 227.

Codicological information
Table of contents

Links to texts use a standardised title for the catalogue and so may or may not reflect what is in the manuscript itself, hence the square brackets. Their appearance comes in three basic varieties, which are signalled through colour coding and the use of icons, , and :

  1. - If a catalogue entry is both available and accessible, a direct link will be made. Such links are blue-ish green and marked by a bookmark icon.
  2. - When a catalogue entry does not exist yet, a desert brown link with a different icon will take you to a page on which relevant information is aggregated, such as relevant publications and other manuscript witnesses if available.
  3. - When a text has been ‘captured’, that is, a catalogue entry exists but is still awaiting publication, the same behaviour applies and a crossed eye icon is added.

The above method of differentiating between links has not been applied yet to texts or citations from texts which are included in the context of other texts, commonly verses.


While it is not a reality yet, CODECS seeks consistency in formatting references to locations of texts and other items of interest in manuscripts. Our preferences may be best explained with some examples:

  • f. 23ra.34: meaning folio 23 recto, first column, line 34
  • f. 96vb.m: meaning folio 96, verso, second column, middle of the page (s = top, m = middle, i = bottom)
    • Note that marg. = marginalia, while m = middle.
  • p. 67b.23: meaning page 67, second column, line 23
The list below has been collated from the table of contents, if available on this page,Progress in this area is being made piecemeal. Full and partial tables of contents are available for a small number of manuscripts. and incoming annotations for individual texts (again, if available).Whenever catalogue entries about texts are annotated with information about particular manuscript witnesses, these manuscripts can be queried for the texts that are linked to them.



John O'Donovan, The tribes and customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country (1843); T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 78–79.
T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 337; John Bannerman, Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974).
John O'Donovan, The tribes and customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country (1843); T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 78–79.
T. K. Abbott • E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish MSS in TCD (1921): 337; John Bannerman, Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974).
See also the parent manuscript for further references.

Secondary sources (select)

Ó Muraíle, Nollaig, “The Irish genealogies as an onomastic source”, Nomina 16 (1992–1993): 23–47.
Ó Muraíle, Nollaig, “Aois na lámhscríbhinní móra”, The Maynooth Review 9 (1983): 49–72.
esp. 55–56
Bannerman, John, Studies in the history of Dalriada, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1974.
Abbott, T. K., and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, 1921.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
OʼDonovan, John, The tribes and customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country, Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1843.
CELT – edition: <link> Internet Archive: <link>, <link>, <link> <link> View in Mirador
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
September 2013, last updated: August 2023