

9 publications between 2012 and 2020 indexed
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Contributions to journals

McCoy, Patrick R., Kathryn OʼNeill, and Patrick Wadden, “The past and the present in twelfth-century Armagh”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 4:1 (2020): 1–47.  

This article draws attention to an under-appreciated historical text commonly known as Annála gearra as proibhinse Ard Macha. As well as reporting events not recorded elsewhere in any other medieval Irish sources, such as the battle of Hastings, the synchronistic chronological structure of the text distinguishes it from better-known annals. This article provides the first modern translation of the text, which was edited by Gearóid Mac Niocaill in the 1950s; examines its sources, content, and structure; discusses its relationship to other major annal collections; and reflects on its place within the historiographical tradition of medieval Ireland. It argues that the text was compiled in its current form in Armagh in the middle of the twelfth century, and that political and religious concerns of that church and period were influential in shaping both its structure and content.


This article draws attention to an under-appreciated historical text commonly known as Annála gearra as proibhinse Ard Macha. As well as reporting events not recorded elsewhere in any other medieval Irish sources, such as the battle of Hastings, the synchronistic chronological structure of the text distinguishes it from better-known annals. This article provides the first modern translation of the text, which was edited by Gearóid Mac Niocaill in the 1950s; examines its sources, content, and structure; discusses its relationship to other major annal collections; and reflects on its place within the historiographical tradition of medieval Ireland. It argues that the text was compiled in its current form in Armagh in the middle of the twelfth century, and that political and religious concerns of that church and period were influential in shaping both its structure and content.

Wadden, Patrick, “Review article [Review of: Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, Clavis litterarum Hibernensium: medieval Irish books & texts (c. 400–c. 1600), 3 vols, Corpus Christianorum, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017.]”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 3:1 (2019): 85–93.
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Wadden, Patrick, “‘The beauty and lust of the Gaels’: national characteristics and medieval Gaelic learned culture”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 2:2 (2018): 85–104.  

The Middle Gaelic poem Cumtach na nIudaide n-aird belongs to a medieval tradition of listing national characteristics. Its composition reflects interest among the Gaelic learned classes in the diversity of humankind. The poet drew heavily on the Latin tract De proprietatibus gentium, but adapted its form and, possibly, content to reflect local concerns. In this way, the poem represents Gaelic scholars' engagement with the learned culture of medieval Europe. The same impression of Gaelic scholarship—that it was a local manifestation of a broader, European tradition in which widely held ideas were given local currency through adaptation—is apparent in the ways in which Gaelic scholars down to the seventeenth century conceptualised national characteristics, which was influenced by both international trends and local learning.


The Middle Gaelic poem Cumtach na nIudaide n-aird belongs to a medieval tradition of listing national characteristics. Its composition reflects interest among the Gaelic learned classes in the diversity of humankind. The poet drew heavily on the Latin tract De proprietatibus gentium, but adapted its form and, possibly, content to reflect local concerns. In this way, the poem represents Gaelic scholars' engagement with the learned culture of medieval Europe. The same impression of Gaelic scholarship—that it was a local manifestation of a broader, European tradition in which widely held ideas were given local currency through adaptation—is apparent in the ways in which Gaelic scholars down to the seventeenth century conceptualised national characteristics, which was influenced by both international trends and local learning.

Wadden, Patrick, “Prímchenéla and fochenéla in the Irish Sex aetates mundi”, Ériu 66 (2016): 167–178.
Wadden, Patrick, “The Frankish Table of Nations in Insular historiography”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 72 (Winter, 2016): 1–31.
Wadden, Patrick, “Do feartaib Cairnich, Ireland and Scotland in the twelfth century”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 33 (2013, 2014): 189–213.
Wadden, Patrick, “Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn: history and literature in twelfth-century Ireland”, Aiste 4 (2014): 11–44.  

This paper discusses the tale Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn, a sequel to the early Irish epic Táin Bó Cúailgne, in light of the historical context of the period when it was written (the second half of the twelfth century). It argues that its author drew on contemporary historical events and developments as models for episodes in the plot of his story. Specifically, his depiction of Irish kings importing foreign mercenaries from the Hebrides and struggling for influence over the midland province of Mide resonates with distinctly twelfth-century historical phenomena. As a result, although it is set in the heroic past, the images of kingship and of inter-provincial politics depicted in Cath Ruis na Ríg were shaped by the twelfth-century struggle for dominance amongst the various contenders for the high-kingship of Ireland. The paper tentatively suggests that the text might have been written as a commentary on the period of conflict between Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn, king of Cenél Eógain, and Tairdelbach Úa Conchobair, king of Connacht, during the early 1150s.


This paper discusses the tale Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn, a sequel to the early Irish epic Táin Bó Cúailgne, in light of the historical context of the period when it was written (the second half of the twelfth century). It argues that its author drew on contemporary historical events and developments as models for episodes in the plot of his story. Specifically, his depiction of Irish kings importing foreign mercenaries from the Hebrides and struggling for influence over the midland province of Mide resonates with distinctly twelfth-century historical phenomena. As a result, although it is set in the heroic past, the images of kingship and of inter-provincial politics depicted in Cath Ruis na Ríg were shaped by the twelfth-century struggle for dominance amongst the various contenders for the high-kingship of Ireland. The paper tentatively suggests that the text might have been written as a commentary on the period of conflict between Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn, king of Cenél Eógain, and Tairdelbach Úa Conchobair, king of Connacht, during the early 1150s.

Wadden, Patrick, “Trácht Romra and the Northumbrian episode in Betha Adamnáin”, Ériu 62 (2012): 101–111.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Wadden, Patrick, “Brian Bóraime, the Insular Viking world, and the battle of Clontarf”, in: Seán Duffy (ed.), Medieval Dublin XVI: proceedings of Clontarf 1014–2014: national conference marking the millennium of the Battle of Clontarf, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. 144–169.